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Trump says 'nothing to hide' from Special Counsel Mueller


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10 hours ago, blazes said:

Trump has been right all along.  There is nothing there.  

Now of course it's possible that Trump is indebted to certain Russians because of possible requests for loans not available to him in the US of A or in Europe.

I doubt too whether Trump has been erotically involved with any Russian woman at any time (though who knows, by today's standards of "sexual assault" he may well have stared inappropriately at some beauty contest lovely.)


In short, if there really was "something" there, the combined talents of the world's press would have published it long long ago.  But, amazingly, there is, so far, not even fake news available.

You poor, poor person. He lies, he is on record....undeniable record that he lies...almost all the time. And you want to shout that ‘he tells it like it is’? I may join the NRA, just to end it all, it is so sad......

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49 minutes ago, Sir Swagman said:

You poor, poor person. He lies, he is on record....undeniable record that he lies...almost all the time. And you want to shout that ‘he tells it like it is’? I may join the NRA, just to end it all, it is so sad......


irony, Squire, irony.  Try turning it all around before calling the NRA...

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13 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

Time Mueller stops wasting tax payers' money. He and his enormous team have been paid more than enough already. Corruption beyond belief.

They've spent FAR more on Trump's trips to his own properties (which he profits from). Where is the corruption from the Mueller team? Where was this concern over length of time when investigating Benghazi? You do realize there have been 32 indictments already and multiple guilty pleas. This is far from a witch hunt. Trump knows that and he's in meltdown mode.

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Based on his weekend's "tweet-storm" I'd say he has plenty to hide. The level of panic evident in his tweets has reached "11". He's going to lose it soon, in public during a rally, and it will be ugly.


The fact that his "team" doesn't know what McGahn told Mueller has got to be alarming.


Strange they haven't begun the assault on McGahn?



Why President Trump Couldn't Have Stopped the White House Counsel From Talking to the Mueller Investigation



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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

Based on his weekend's "tweet-storm" I'd say he has plenty to hide. The level of panic evident in his tweets has reached "11". He's going to lose it soon, in public during a rally, and it will be ugly.


The fact that his "team" doesn't know what McGahn told Mueller has got to be alarming.


Strange they haven't begun the assault on McGahn?



Why President Trump Couldn't Have Stopped the White House Counsel From Talking to the Mueller Investigation



They haven't tried to assassinate McGahn's credibility yet because they simply don't know what he told Mueller.  If they believe that McGahn hasn't incriminated Trump, then they'd want him to be viewed as a credible witness.  But once they know that McGahn has come clean and been painfully honest with Mueller, they will tear into him like he's public enemy number 1.  This is how the Trump Criminal Enterprise operates. 

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17 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

They haven't tried to assassinate McGahn's credibility yet because they simply don't know what he told Mueller.  If they believe that McGahn hasn't incriminated Trump, then they'd want him to be viewed as a credible witness.


Yes, this line of reasoning makes sense, assuming trump can't remember what McGahn witnessed?


Maybe I've given trump too much credit in the memory department? I've got to believe, based on his erratic behavior, on and off the links this past weekend, that he knows he's cornered?


Let's see how the tweet frenzy goes this week - he's inching lower with every tweet, and how he performs at his rally in WV tomorrow.



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30 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Breaking News. Cohan goes for a plea deal



Presume he is going to explain where all those millions of dollars came from.


That's going to be good! 

Knowing that Trumps choses people like him in his team, it's going to be a good stab in the back! ?

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