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Thailand - Not for me

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7 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

You cannot step in the same river twice.  I tried and it wasn't the same.  Best forget about the good times and marriage and family and concentrate on your new bleak cold existence with dour Canadians. 


Please go on. It's 1am and I'm trying to put myself to sleep.

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13 hours ago, JAZZDOG said:

Do the math, 3.2/100K is huge and not just for Americans but farang in general and it is only getting worse. Doesn't really matter how, dead is dead. 4X as dangerous as Mexico, Twice that of Honduras, 5x El Salvador. It means if you want to wake up dead there is only one better place to go. I have a home and live mostly in Brazil. Brazil has more than twice as many Americans visit as LOS and doesn't make the list, maybe one or two deaths per year. Now if you're black, 24 years old and visit to engage in drug activity your odds go way up.


Crime  involves a lot more than death doesn't it?


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24 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

Find a forum that has your new interests at its base.  Stop posting in Thai forums because they will only depress you more and drive you to try and insult happy expats and make them all feel as depressed as you.  


It's not good to try and make other people sad and to critique their lifestyle.  No one put you in charge of the definitions of happy and sad or good and bad. 


The guys living in Thailand know and if they wanted to be miserable they would move back to Canada too.  So why and try and spread your own brand of misery here. 


Get out and go to Marche Movenpick and have something to eat.  That always made me happy.  Or look at photo's of Margaret Trudeau bum, that's what we did for fun when I lived there. 


Nope. I'm not going anywhere. I enjoy Thailand foruming.


It's rather amusing to constantly read this reinforcement of happiness, yet when I open this very forum it's page after page of negative topics and even more negative and miserable replies. 95% of the replies here is whining and complaining from people that should be the happiest. 


So when I'm back in say 4 months I will read from the same people how Thailand is crap and how things are going downhill. Don't bother....Thailand ain't the same it was 4 months ago. "Pattaya is going downhill!!!". "The Russians are back!!!"..."don't steal our hook.....i mean women!!!", 


Hell I might even show my Thai wife this thread. Thais may not know sarcasm, but they understand hypocrisy. 



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1 hour ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Oh look. An angry reaction....as predicted.


Then you predicted wrong. I am not in the least bit angry. Highly amused at your lack of self awareness is more like it. 555. Only just got back to boresville, setting up a thread all about your departure from Thailand then a few hours later already planning a return in four months. 

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On 8/25/2018 at 4:39 AM, Dmaxdan said:

Its a UK expression basically meaning being on the verge of doing something and then backing out at the last moment due to being unsure of afraid. After reading your post I don't think it applies in your case.

It can mean doing a runner as an act of cowardice.  As in he lost his bottle- bottle and glass =Arse. He shit himself.

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On 8/26/2018 at 12:13 AM, neeray said:

That was quite the rant. You must be a geneous like Trump to have figured all this out (you do sound American even though you make reference to Australia).

"Most Thai woman are dumb as shit".  "Plus they are stupid as shit" .These are two of the most ignorant comments that I have ever seen on this forum. Who the fxxk are you to generalize about a human race like this? The brush that you paint with is a mighty broad one. While I've encountered "a few", can't say as I've met many that fit your description and they certainly weren't Hiso or highly educated ladies.

I hope you do not reside in Thailand or even visit. It's jerks like you that give us decent ones a bad reputation.

Are you for real? Do you honestly think Thai women on a world stage are smart and educated? Seriously?


Just ran into a Thai woman here in Florida that has a lawyer degree from Thailand. Her English is so pathetic she is 2 grade English for adults here in Florida.


She was told it might take her 8 years of English here full-time before her English would be proficient enough for her legal field


Get it now? and NO this is not just one case.


How many Thai women you know have English skills that can pass a US college entrance exam? None


I have seen tons of Thai women in Florida that cannot even pass the US drivers license test because the English is too hard


If you think Thai women or Thai's in general can compete educationally on the world stage? 


Well I can see why you are in Thailand.


Hang on to your ATM card. Don't want any those smart Thai women cleaning your out.



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