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National Thai police chief orders investigation into how traffic cops are "rewarded"


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1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

However in Thailand the police are required to pay for almost everything out of their own pockets and the monthly salary certainly is far too low for that so they receive a % of fines paid at the police station (probably a larger % collected at the roadside)


So those complaining about corruption should first try to get the police pay to a reasonable level.



They should try spending a % on soap.

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4 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

There is the answer. ALL of the police activity is about revenue raising and ZERO on enforcing road rules for safety.

That is what needs to change if the death toll is to come down.

I really can't escape the idea traffic fines in many countries are presented to the public as road safety enhancing, but everybody knows, everybody, it's all about enhancing the state coffers.

Nothing new here, then.

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As if he doesn't already know !!!

But I'll give him some help, it goes something like this:

One for me, one for the books, one for me one for the books, one for me one for the books, etc etc etc etc


One for me goes into the pocket minus a ticket (tax free income)

One for the books gets a ticket then goes to the boss and gets divided out later!

No need for a committee!

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3 hours ago, petermik said:

That,s the problem....."civilized" country it aint........:whistling:

Only problem with so called civilised countries is, if you do happen to get caught speeding or whatever the fines are normally a lot more than the 200 baht that you pay here. Not saying it's right, just saying.

They can talk all they want about changing the system, doing away with corruption and becoming legit but the system will never change, especially when your average traffic cops salary is reportedly only 8,000 per month plus an allowance to pay for his own motor bike. 

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If only someone suggested to junta blokey pretending to be civilian leader blokey that they pause the police for a day when they looked at traffic issues.

just put lights on auto, would reduce so much traffic


I always hear the argument of what jobs wouild they have, but rarly see any bad driving penalised.

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1 hour ago, Dene16 said:

Although i agree with your statement he probably means 40% of tea money fines. 

It has been stated before( in an article) 86% of fines do not get paid ( i don't know whether this is true or not but possible)

Some poster on here before tried to claim each officer gets 95% (legally issued)due to a badly written article, absolutely ludicrous as they would all be driving round in BMW's

Your statement is far more creditable and wish you had been there to answer his claims 

If fines were actually handed out would the majority of thai's in rural areas be able to afford them (i doubt it). All police officers have family and friends with no insurance, licence, etc why would they want to give them a ticket they cannot afford.

The tea money has become a way of life and everyone excepts it because it is affordable (a 200/400 baht bribe is still nearly a days wages to many)

Paying the police a decent wage is a step in the right direction but would not stop the tea money.

The truth is, most police are not bad people, just doing there job in a manner which has prevailed since they were children. 

The reason a lot of the ticketed camera fines do not get paid is simply because people including falangs do not change their addresses on their licences or vehicle blue and green books plus the amount of unregistered vehicles that do not have an address attached to them. The reason I know about this is that I had a fight with the person who was delivering court documents to my house that we bought 12 months ago which were in connection with traffic offences from the previous tenant. We ended up going to the court offices and showed them our blue book and the date that we bought the house but they were not interested in doing anything about it because they said that they only use the address that is on the LTD register.

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The first thing that needs to.be done to reduce road deaths is to enforce the existing laws.

1 make every motorcycle rider passenger wear a helmet. Only 20 years since tjis was made law.

2 make all motorcycle riders have a licence.  How can under 15's ride motorcycles as they do everywhere  but even more so in Issan.

3 make all motorcycles comply with the lighting laws,that is front and rear lights on at all times, brake lights working correctly etc.  Every day everywhere.

4. Stop cars and motorcycles driving on the wrong side of the road. Everyday outside of major cities

5 make motorcycles follow one way signs.  I see this every night when we go from my In-laws to where we are staying on highway 21.

6 stop everybody ignoring traffic lights, if the light is at red you don't go even if you cannot see any other vehicles. 

7 stop underage chilfren riding motorcycles.  In my current area there are many 10 year olds riding motorcycles even inside towns.

8 enforce these laws after its dark as well as during the day.

9 the police check points are quickly known by everybody so only a few get stopped for something illegal, the others have avoided the checkpoint.

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2 minutes ago, Dorian232 said:

The first thing that needs to.be done to reduce road deaths is to enforce the existing laws.

1 make every motorcycle rider passenger wear a helmet. Only 20 years since tjis was made law.

2 make all motorcycle riders have a licence.  How can under 15's ride motorcycles as they do everywhere  but even more so in Issan.

3 make all motorcycles comply with the lighting laws,that is front and rear lights on at all times, brake lights working correctly etc.  Every day everywhere.

4. Stop cars and motorcycles driving on the wrong side of the road. Everyday outside of major cities

5 make motorcycles follow one way signs.  I see this every night when we go from my In-laws to where we are staying on highway 21.

6 stop everybody ignoring traffic lights, if the light is at red you don't go even if you cannot see any other vehicles. 

7 stop underage chilfren riding motorcycles.  In my current area there are many 10 year olds riding motorcycles even inside towns.

8 enforce these laws after its dark as well as during the day.

9 the police check points are quickly known by everybody so only a few get stopped for something illegal, the others have avoided the checkpoint.

No, the first thing that is needed is to SUPPLY the police officers with the correct equipement and wages for them to be able to perform their job properly without putting the hand out for tea money.

Then you can go down your list

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They seem to like to wear helmet cams! While wearing them, issue a Ticket to the person in the wrong, Any cash can be considered a bribe, the person is given 7-10 business days to pay their fine at the nearest office. Video cameras installed, like the hospital I visit regularly. If the person doesn't have a license you impound the car or a licensed driver must drive it away. That starts to solve the recent headlines of 3 million people without Driver's License! Eventually they can buy actual motorcycles for the officers to use rather than scooters. Have a three strikes and you are in jail and a bigger fine, NOT a ridiculous 50,000 baht which no one can pay. This is all just a start of things they should do, I will leave it at that.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

National Thai police chief orders investigation into how traffic cops are "rewarded"

My bet is that everyone in Thailand knows with the obvious exception of the National Thai Police chief.  As with all the puiyais, he probably needs to back away from the desk, get out of the secluded office, and spend some quality time with his underlings <shudder>

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10 minutes ago, jmacken306 said:

They seem to like to wear helmet cams! While wearing them, issue a Ticket to the person in the wrong, Any cash can be considered a bribe, the person is given 7-10 business days to pay their fine at the nearest office. Video cameras installed, like the hospital I visit regularly. If the person doesn't have a license you impound the car or a licensed driver must drive it away. That starts to solve the recent headlines of 3 million people without Driver's License! Eventually they can buy actual motorcycles for the officers to use rather than scooters. Have a three strikes and you are in jail and a bigger fine, NOT a ridiculous 50,000 baht which no one can pay. This is all just a start of things they should do, I will leave it at that.

you must be fun at parties....lol

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13 minutes ago, jmacken306 said:

They seem to like to wear helmet cams! While wearing them, issue a Ticket to the person in the wrong, Any cash can be considered a bribe, the person is given 7-10 business days to pay their fine at the nearest office. Video cameras installed, like the hospital I visit regularly. If the person doesn't have a license you impound the car or a licensed driver must drive it away. That starts to solve the recent headlines of 3 million people without Driver's License! Eventually they can buy actual motorcycles for the officers to use rather than scooters. Have a three strikes and you are in jail and a bigger fine, NOT a ridiculous 50,000 baht which no one can pay. This is all just a start of things they should do, I will leave it at that.

You have got a bit of catching up to do my friend because the actual everyday police officer is not supplied with anything including their guns and bikes, The officer must buy his own and if he uses his gun he must buy all the new bullets himself, that is why there is a big assortment of bikes and guns in the RTP.

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There snit any confusion.....cops take bribes from people and pocket the money....for example for 'speeding' at a regular traffic stop in town it costs 200 baht....for drink driving it costs 5000 baht for a faring (I don't know how much for a Thai) and they will take you to the ATM to withdraw the money if you don't have it on you. 

Driving without a licence costs 200 baht without receipt ie goes in cop's pocket....if the legal fine goes up to 50,000, then it will cost you 5 or 10,000 baht to avoid the prosecution.\

This idea of having cops investigate themselves is ridiculous. These proposals have been floated with the single purpose of increasing the size of the bribe. 

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6 minutes ago, sinbin said:

Anyone  who pays a bribe is the one causing the problem. Not the police themselves. If you refuse to pay, what they gonna do? Grow some.

So the police themselves are under some kind of remote control spell? Better just to pay and flock off...not worth the hassle and as I said before, it's a whole lot cheaper than any where else. 

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16 minutes ago, sinbin said:

Anyone  who pays a bribe is the one causing the problem. Not the police themselves. If you refuse to pay, what they gonna do? Grow some.

if you are caught breaking the law


the threat for foreigners is that any kind of court case could take years.  this is a well known fact that the thais perpetrate, and it works very well 

as a simple veiled threat.

to me it is a win win situation - the thais have not got extra work putting you thru the system, fines are pretty affordable for westerners, i mean £9 quid for not wearing helmet - its nothing.

you have to pay for everything in this life but you can reduce your payment if you dont BREAK THE LAW. 

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49 minutes ago, Catkiwi said:

it's a whole lot cheaper than any where else. 

Well that makes it okay to bribe a policeman then?


28 minutes ago, cookieqw said:

the threat for foreigners is that any kind of court case could take years.  this is a well known fact that the thais perpetrate, and it works very well 

Court case for a traffic fine? You're havin a laaaarrrf.

Your more likely to find yourself on the wrong side of the law as bribing a police officer is illegal. You need to ask yourself why more and more cops are wearing head cams these days. Take note. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-thailand-corruption/thai-traffic-cops-offered-cash-to-turn-down-bribes-idUSKCN0HY0VF20141009 

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16 minutes ago, digger70 said:

The Cops should not have to be Rewarded, They are getting Paid to do their Job. So just F,,, do it

Their basic pay is shit. The 'reward' system is there to get them off their lazy backsides. But it doesn't work and that is why it is under review.

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9 hours ago, sinbin said:

Their basic pay is shit. The 'reward' system is there to get them off their lazy backsides. But it doesn't work and that is why it is under review.

So what's the Review gonna do? more of the same ? <deleted> ?

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9 hours ago, digger70 said:

So what's the Review gonna do? more of the same ? <deleted> ?

You're asking the wrong person. 

This is now what the police are doing and have been doing for a few years now. So be careful when yous pay those cheap bribes.



Thai traffic cops offered cash to turn down bribes


Many more examples of police being rewarded for not taking a bribe. Google is yer friend.

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You can Fool SOME of the people ALL the time...... And ALL the people SOME of the time.... BUT you CAN"T fool ALL of the people ALL the time......... Things like this are just to try to cover up the truth and try to FOOL as many of the people as they can.......

And fool them into thinking that HOPE for a better Thailand 'is just around the corner'........


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