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Trump threatens to withdraw U.S. from World Trade Organization - Bloomberg


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Trump threatens to withdraw U.S. from World Trade Organization - Bloomberg



FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump answers questions from the news media during an event at which he announced a grant for a drug-free communities support program in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., August 29, 2018. REUTERS/Leah Millis


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump threatened in an interview with Bloomberg News on Thursday to withdraw from the World Trade Organization if "they don't shape up," in his latest criticism of the institution.


Such a move could undermine one of the foundations of the modern global trading system, which the United States was instrumental in creating.


"If they don't shape up, I would withdraw from the WTO," Trump said.


Trump has complained the United States is treated unfairly in global trade and has blamed the WTO for allowing that to happen. He has also warned he could take action against the global body, although he has not specified what form that could take.


(Reporting by Makini Brice; Editing by Mohammad Zargham and Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-08-31
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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

I think it's about time the rest of the world stood up to Trump. Kick the USA out of WTO and UN and NATO. Unwanted.

Ah Yes,You say kick the US ,the nation with the largest world economy out of The WTO. ? OK then The US will entertain each nation as individuals in separate contract negotiations and the WTO would not have any leverage at all.Trump pulled The US out of NAFTA( that Bill Clinton negotiated in 1994) a while back and just this week signed a new deal with Mexico with The US in a more profitable position,thus leaving Canada to present The US with their propitiation. His tactics are harsh but they are designed to put The US in a better position.And believe me The WTO needs The US more then The US needs The WTO>

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

That is a very typical move on the part of Tiny Don. Tells you who he truly is. A thin skinned man, with a severe lack of emotional development, lacking a sound and rational mind, and unable to maintain our long held alliances, treaties, agreement, and promises. He is a petty liar, and walking away from a promise means nothing to him, since he possesses no sense of morality, decency, or ethics. He is a terribly broken man. He cannot handle criticism.


And he is going down. Just wait. His problems are only just beginning. And it is his own doing. Had he stayed where he was, as a property developer, he would have probably been able to live out his life enjoying his ill gotten fortune, and would continue to be able to cripple family businesses, by engaging in his deceitful and criminal practices, without the scrutiny, and continue to grow his fortune on the backs of others. 



spidermilky 007 read the item entered at 12.38 today and learn something

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

has contributed precious little to the global culture.

I don't know how you measured this, perhaps more of personal perspective than of quantification. No source was cited.


If a measurement were to be used to measure a nation's impact on the global culture, one might look to a nation's global revenue for its intellectual property.

Using WTO data for 2013 as an example for intellectual property revenues (ie., royalties, license fees, audiovisual services) by country, American artists, inventors, and other IP holders brought in $128 billion, or about 39% of the WTO total. That places the US as No. 1, followed by EU, Japan and Switzerland as the top four in WTO.


As examples of impact of American culture on foreign nations:




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12 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

I don't know how you measured this, perhaps more of personal perspective than of quantification. No source was cited.


If a measurement were to be used to measure a nation's impact on the global culture, one might look to a nation's global revenue for its intellectual property.

Using WTO data for 2013 as an example for intellectual property revenues (ie., royalties, license fees, audiovisual services) by country, American artists, inventors, and other IP holders brought in $128 billion, or about 39% of the WTO total. That places the US as No. 1, followed by EU, Japan and Switzerland as the top four in WTO.


As examples of impact of American culture on foreign nations:




Surely you do not count appalling TV series as culture? Anyway, off topic.


The point I am making is that the USA should pipe down and be a good neighbour instead of being a pain the arse.


America first is totally wrong headed. It's not a zero sum game. You guys want to play that way? Great! Go play with yourselves.

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2 hours ago, Thaidream said:

It's Trump who needs to learn something. He's not back in New York City or New Jersey threatening elderly ladies with eminent domain laws if they don't sell to him or breaking union contracts at his failing casino by using the bankruptcy courts or the local mafia.  Donald is now playing with the big boys- Presidents and Prime Ministers of foreign countries.  He claims he is on a winning streak but he loses constantly.  


Trumps tariff policy is causing huge increases in the prices of goods in America and there are companies who are moving abroad because of this.  His way of handling negotiations is more than harsh- it's incompetent.  Luckily, many of the actual negotiations are not handled by Trump himself but by long time government employees who actually know how to negotiate.


Both the WTO and America need each other and his threat to pull out is pure bluster and shows how incompetent he really  is.  Does he really thing he will negotiate with every country on earth separately and come out ahead when the rest of the World follows WTO guidelines..


Trump constantly creates chaos to deflect what is happening around him.  He knows  the  White House counsel has spent 30 hours with the Special Prosecutor and that they are getting closer to him.  He knows that  the CEO of his business empire has been given immunity and will co-operate fully with Mueller.  He knows that  his 'friend' from The National Enquirer has also been granted immunity and has  information on Trump going back decades.  He knows or should know that the Republicans are going to lose the House and once the Dems are there they will come after him in an Impeachment probe that will make Watergate look  tame.


As the months go on we will see more odd behavior from Trump. The man suffers from a personality disorder- Narcissistic  Personality Syndrome.  As his self delusions of greatness become more and more  exposed he will become more and more desperate- he won't be able to deflect the narrative any longer. He will be left with 2 choices- resign or be impeached and convicted and leave in disgrace.  Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!!!




not sure  I agree with that, seems to me Trump is doing OK,

screws around like no potus before


still massive support on the hill and across the us


let us see how he does in November, if that is not a catastrophe I expect  he will be reelected


US and the lot within is double-weird and highly dangerous to the rest of the world. War mongers the lot. not needed.


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3 hours ago, AsiaHand said:

Ah Yes,You say kick the US ,the nation with the largest world economy out of The WTO. ? OK then The US will entertain each nation as individuals in separate contract negotiations and the WTO would not have any leverage at all.Trump pulled The US out of NAFTA( that Bill Clinton negotiated in 1994) a while back and just this week signed a new deal with Mexico with The US in a more profitable position,thus leaving Canada to present The US with their propitiation. His tactics are harsh but they are designed to put The US in a better position.And believe me The WTO needs The US more then The US needs The WTO>

Trump has not pulled the US out of NAFTA. Bill Clinton did not negotiate NAFTA. Trump has not signed an agreement with Mexico.

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51 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


Learn more about numnuts? About his insanity? About his inability to negotiate his way out of a paper bag? He should have done himself a favor and stayed in New York. He could have avoided impeachment or prison.


Lock him up. Lock up our corrupt president before he does more damage to the nation. He is a great liability. Not making America great again! Lock him up.


And now the nitwit is tweeting about the wall again. Not only is Mexico never going to pay for that wall, they will not even contribute a thousands packages of tortillas towards it. The American people will end up paying over $40,000,000,000 for it. Probably closer to $60 billion. If there is anything we have learned in the past 18 months, it is that you cannot believe anything the charlatan says. So, if he says $12 billion, just add 300% to that number, and you start approaching truth.


Truth? What is that? Truth is not truth, as ridiculous ranting rudy likes to say.  


Tiny Don. The art of moving America backwards, and lowering the quality of life for the average American. 

The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

The art of losing talent in droves, and replacing them with sycophantic fools, devoid of talent or experience. 

The art of attempting to lead a nation, while being infected with the thinnest skin of a world leader, in history. 

The art of not having a diplomatic bone in his body, and destroying long held alliances, with hate, hubris and a horrible lack of intelligence, vision and talent.

Uncletouchyfingers is confused!


Spidermike 007, can you make your view clearer?



Edited by Grouse
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19 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Trump was elected because many Americans are suffering financially and are worried about Immigration issues; high prices and medical care.


OK. But:


20 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I firmly believe that Americans will have had enough of Trump and elect a Democrat as President


Why in blue hell would anyone who voted Trump and is concerned about anything in the sentence above vote Democrat. A democrat vote is the polar opposite. 

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8 hours ago, MrLuckyThailand said:

S. President Donald Trump threatened in an interview with Bloomberg News on Thursday to withdraw from the World Trade Organization

.Don't you get fed up with all this hard nosed negotiating . ?

How about some soft  nosed negs - just for a change .............make American  soft again !

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6 hours ago, Thaidream said:

As an American I take umbrage of you characterizing me as a war monger . Most Americans are not for war and would welcome a complete pullout from the Middle East. In fact, many of Trump supporters want America to leave NATO and let Europe fend for itself.   Most of us, however, are reasonable and responsible and feel the Nato alliance is of benefit to both Europe and the US. In addition, most of us do not approve of what Trump did with the Iran situation or his tirades against Canada and Mexico.  Most of us do not support a border wall.


Trump was elected because many Americans are suffering financially and are worried about Immigration issues; high prices and medical care.  Trump appealed to people like that but even so- he lost the popular vote by 3 million votes.  His support came in the electoral college with popular support from Stats which have lost massive amounts of jobs and business due to Globalization. The interesting thing is that big business loves Trump; unemployment is low but the reality is that the top 1% of Americans are getting very wich while the 99% remain the same or go lower.


You will find that in November that there will be a shift in the American political scene with Democrats taking over the House of Representatives.  That will lead up to the 2020 American Presidential elections and I firmly believe that Americans will have had enough of Trump and elect a Democrat as President . I would postulate that you will be hearing the names of Joe Bidden; Bernie Sanders or Corey Booker bantered about as potential Presidential candidates.


Let's not lump all Americans into the same pot- we are a people of many stripes and colors but mostly we are for fairness; equity and peace.


I can appreciate you not being comfortable being referred to as a war monger.  Dont think I agree that most are not supporters of war.  Of course you are a varied bunch, both stars and stripes in the US.


Think I understand why DT was elected, however to your list you should add distrust in Clinton.


A change on the hill with more  Dems before xmas and a possible Dem potus after the next election, will not make any difference, dem potuses are as keen on running wars outside us as gop potuses, no difference really a very dangerous breed  you are


who was the last potus to bomb Europe?

unwelcomed by europe

unwelcomed by eu

unwelcomed by nato

unwelcomed by security council

unwelcomed by un

probably supported by UK, they are also pretty keen on war mongering

clinton wasn't it?




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1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:


I can appreciate you not being comfortable being referred to as a war monger.  Dont think I agree that most are not supporters of war.  Of course you are a varied bunch, both stars and stripes in the US.


Think I understand why DT was elected, however to your list you should add distrust in Clinton.


A change on the hill with more  Dems before xmas and a possible Dem potus after the next election, will not make any difference, dem potuses are as keen on running wars outside us as gop potuses, no difference really a very dangerous breed  you are


who was the last potus to bomb Europe?

unwelcomed by europe

unwelcomed by eu

unwelcomed by nato

unwelcomed by security council

unwelcomed by un

probably supported by UK, they are also pretty keen on war mongering

clinton wasn't it?





I'd like to add one thing re your (Thaidream) post above,


re the reasons you listed for why DT was elected, similar scenarios are panning out in several countries in Europe, a strong conservative (in some countries - even brown) wind is blowing, pretty much for the same reasons - and people vote accordingly


funny thing is that they vote for political forces that will not ease any financial burden for the working people will not improve or make medical care better or cheaper will not make jobs safer but the will respond to the immigration bit - and make it harder for prospective immigrants



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