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New Work Permit rules confirmed by Phuket Employment Office Chief


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“Foreigners are now able to work anywhere in the country without registering the change in their work permit, but each foreigner’s employer must be listed in the work permit."

Isn't that a contradiction? I'm pretty sure that has been the rule since I received my work permit in 2008, I can only work for the employer and at the locations listed in the work permit.


What is actually new?


edit: Is it just that now, if I go on training in Bangkok, I am no longer breaking the rules by working at another address? Or should my employer have locations all over the country, I can now work at any of those locations without breaking the law? Looks to me like that is the change.

Edited by naboo
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3 hours ago, pogal said:

I was going to ask about teaching. Since everyone now has to study for a teacher's license then does this new law affect that? 

you say not but are you sure? 


I doubt if the new rules effect the need to have a teachers licence as these are issued by MOE. However it would be interesting to know if you can now move schools and not have to go through the hassle of cancelling your work permit/visa and then having to get a new work permit and visa which is time consuming and expense for schools and teachers alike. 

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19 minutes ago, gunnerterry said:

I doubt if the new rules effect the need to have a teachers licence as these are issued by MOE. However it would be interesting to know if you can now move schools and not have to go through the hassle of cancelling your work permit/visa and then having to get a new work permit and visa which is time consuming and expense for schools and teachers alike. 

The labour office does need to be notified or its a large fine for you and the employers. BUT your work permit is not 'cancelled' but a slip issued and the name of the new employer added. Immigration is a separate issue. I moved from one school to another in the early days of the law change, that was not fun, teaching immigration about the new laws. But it is possible to move from school to the next but admin doing the documents needs to have their ducks in a row

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6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

"allowing foreigners with work permits to legally work in any field, anywhere in the country, for any employer as long as the work being done in not on the list of occupations prohibited to foreigners."


wow. I can perform brain surgery now. I'm off the Bangkok Hospital to let them know. :cheesy:

Hard to find any to operate on, in this country.

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7 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

"allowing foreigners with work permits to legally work in any field, anywhere in the country, for any employer as long as the work being done in not on the list of occupations prohibited to foreigners."


wow. I can perform brain surgery now. I'm off the Bangkok Hospital to let them know. :cheesy:

For a little commission I have a few patients for you to test your new business  ? 

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16 hours ago, Preacher said:

Some jobs not only require a work permit but also a license, like a doctor and a teacher. Without a license you can still not do these jobs.

luckily for him licenses can be easily bought... if not bought then can pay someone to take the test for him.. or if not, no worries since they made the medical entrance exam tests alot easier to pass.. 

at least this has all been in the news in the past 2 years. so i can only assume it still happens.. But who knows... perhaps i am incorrect.. Hmm... 

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18 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

"allowing foreigners with work permits to legally work in any field, anywhere in the country, for any employer as long as the work being done in not on the list of occupations prohibited to foreigners."


wow. I can perform brain surgery now. I'm off the Bangkok Hospital to let them know. :cheesy:

I'm ahead of you on that one, I sent my CV to Bumrungrad hospital last week, gynecology department

just waiting for the interview date.


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20 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

"allowing foreigners with work permits to legally work in any field, anywhere in the country, for any employer as long as the work being done in not on the list of occupations prohibited to foreigners."


wow. I can perform brain surgery now. I'm off the Bangkok Hospital to let them know. :cheesy:

but do you have a medical license which you need to work there?

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23 hours ago, philthebook said:

“Foreigners are now able to work anywhere in the country without registering the change in their work permit, but each foreigner’s employer must be listed in the work permit.


This seems contradictory.  My question:  suppose I want to reduce my hours at my present college to also work part time at another. On the one hand it seems I don’t have to register this change, but on the other, it seems the new employer must be listed on the work permit.

Any help much appreciated.

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26 minutes ago, Harveyg said:

This seems contradictory.  My question:  suppose I want to reduce my hours at my present college to also work part time at another. On the one hand it seems I don’t have to register this change, but on the other, it seems the new employer must be listed on the work permit.

Any help much appreciated.

Add in the fact that with a contract stating xx hours a week any change to the contract must be agreed between you and the employer. If he won't agree what will you do? resign and thereby lose your WP and extension?

Where it might work is if your employer opens a branch in another area and you decide to agree to a 50/50 split in working areas it means no need to apply for another WP.

Or if two different companies decide to split workers

( expats ) to cover both areas it makes it easier,  if you agree to the terms.

For me it really only benefits the employers.

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50 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

No, you still need a work permit for a job. If you have a work permit as a teacher, you can do online work for a business. 

Of course, and I have a WP already (not as a teacher though ?).

Obviously, I meant when someone has a WP already.

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1 minute ago, overherebc said:

As long as you declare earnings and pay the extra tax from the online work if the money is paid to your Thai bank ?????

But many foreigners run some online business and receive the money not in their Thai bank and the business is not even hosted on a Thai server (who would want a Thai hosting anyway?).

So for those cases you can now 'work' on your online business if you have a WP for another job, right?

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18 minutes ago, Cheops said:

But many foreigners run some online business and receive the money not in their Thai bank and the business is not even hosted on a Thai server (who would want a Thai hosting anyway?).

So for those cases you can now 'work' on your online business if you have a WP for another job, right?

I would say 'unclear' as the new rules say work for another employer!!!!

Re tax if income goes to your home country and you bring into Thailand in the next year it does not attract Thai tax.

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So many, when this news 'broke' were so convinced that they could 'nip down to the labour office' get/buy a work permit and swan around Thailand working for whoever they fancied. It was never going to be like that and never will be.

As far as I see it, it will work for companies using labourers/ workers from neighbouring countries that employers can move around Thailand and can sub-contract those workers to other companies in other areas as it will make the documentation process easier.

It won't do much else especially for the likes of EU & USA expats for example.

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Maybe for expat workers who have a WP for a 3 day a week job it's feasible to get another 2 or 3 day job 'for a different employer.'

eg 3 days working in Rayong and 2 or 3 days in Chonburi.

No-one is going to be going freelance and you can take that to the bank.

Edited by overherebc
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