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24 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

The only time I have had food poisoning here was in a major hotel in the countryside... [more than 20 years]...


I have had countless guests and nobody has ever gotten food poisoning and we always ate street food. I believe it is possibly more likely to be fresher than a poorly run restaurant. Thai people eat street food all the time. A good rule of thumb is to eat in restaurants and street stalls with customers there.. 


Relax and enjoy....


More importantly.. though food poisoning sounds deadly, most all cases here are mild and can be knocked out with an easy course of antibiotics... 

Thank you. It’s a crapshoot (pardon the play on words!), I guess. 

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2 hours ago, Lizard2010 said:

I dont think that you would get IBS for just a few meals

My son has Croins which is worse

He had IBS for many years

Eating only western food from back home

He is fussy what he eats too

You must have a week gut to not be able to handle some food

It takes a while for all these problems to appear



Sorry to hear about your problems. Thank you for sharing. 

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I've never no been in Thailand 140 days and don't recall any issues in CM.   I eat like a local .  I've had the runs some and or I smelled like the oven sewar gases coming from under the sidewalks  a few times.   But I had a bad case of poisoning after swallowing a once of water when swimming in a lake 50 km from udon Thani.   I was sick 5 hours later and it was bad for 10 hours.   I've had that twice in USA in my life. Once from bad shell food and once from cabrito.  

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On 9/6/2018 at 7:39 AM, Crossy said:

Some people are more suseptible than others, bodies take time to acclimatise to the new bugs in the environment, some never seem to.


In close on 30 years living in the Far East I can count the number of time I've had actual food poisoning on the fingers of half a hand. I can count the number of times I've had a galloping gut rot / the trotts on more fingers (and toes) than I have.


Bring Immodium and take care where you eat, guzzi's advice is good, busy stalls are best.


Yes there is a big difference between actual food poisoning (which will cause violent vomiting and diarrhea) and simply having a dose of the runs. 

In 40 years of visiting and living in Thailand I've only had actual food poisoning once.  That was about 35 years ago in Phuket and the culprit was Banana Pancakes purchased from a street vendor.  My sister and I both ate them and then enjoyed being violently sick and our bodies evacuating everything from both ends!  Despite the none too pleasant experience we both still eat banana pancakes from street vendors.

As for getting the runs, you'll almost certainly experience that because your gut won't be used to the spices and the different bacteria present in Thailand.   Don't forget that your gut naturally has bacteria in and introducing other bacteria isn't usually a problem (it can even be thought of as beneficial) unless you introduce a nasty variant through eating contaminated food.   Basically certain types of bacteria are safe, certain types are not.   

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I ate hot food from a market for the first time just last Saturday and was sick for the next 4 days. My wife NEVER ate from the market that day and she never got sick. So not hard to work out where the sickness came from. It’s a risk all right, good luck OP. 


This is what I ate (I only took the photo because wifey messaged asking what I was having for lunch that day).




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Been sick many times in the USA and Europe, but not here. Markets have very fresh food that has'nt spoiled yet. Be careful of the chilies (painful tummy if overdone). Avoid uncooked larb (chopped pork) and freshwater fish due to the possibility of parasitic worms. Enjoy.

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On 9/6/2018 at 8:35 AM, FaFaHead said:

Thank you for the thoughtful reply. Makes sense to us!

Just eat where they are cooking your food to order none of the stuff setting in pots or pans. See them deliver that stuff from home on the motorbike side car

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Just as an aside, one thing I have noticed while living here is that I rarely get acid reflux which was a major problem for me in the UK. Im not sure if it's the chilli content (arent they alkaline?). I used to go through antiacid pills like crazy, now it's a very rare occurance.

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27 minutes ago, Elkski said:

I've never no been in Thailand 140 days and don't recall any issues in CM.   I eat like a local .  I've had the runs some and or I smelled like the oven sewar gases coming from under the sidewalks  a few times.   But I had a bad case of poisoning after swallowing a once of water when swimming in a lake 50 km from udon Thani.   I was sick 5 hours later and it was bad for 10 hours.   I've had that twice in USA in my life. Once from bad shell food and once from cabrito.  


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25 minutes ago, seancbk said:


Yes there is a big difference between actual food poisoning (which will cause violent vomiting and diarrhea) and simply having a dose of the runs. 

In 40 years of visiting and living in Thailand I've only had actual food poisoning once.  That was about 35 years ago in Phuket and the culprit was Banana Pancakes purchased from a street vendor.  My sister and I both ate them and then enjoyed being violently sick and our bodies evacuating everything from both ends!  Despite the none too pleasant experience we both still eat banana pancakes from street vendors.

As for getting the runs, you'll almost certainly experience that because your gut won't be used to the spices and the different bacteria present in Thailand.   Don't forget that your gut naturally has bacteria in and introducing other bacteria isn't usually a problem (it can even be thought of as beneficial) unless you introduce a nasty variant through eating contaminated food.   Basically certain types of bacteria are safe, certain types are not.   

Thank you. Points well taken. 

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6 minutes ago, nikmar said:

Just as an aside, one thing I have noticed while living here is that I rarely get acid reflux which was a major problem for me in the UK. Im not sure if it's the chilli content (arent they alkaline?). I used to go through antiacid pills like crazy, now it's a very rare occurance.

Hmmm...interesting. Thanks for the input. 

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19 minutes ago, mejomini said:

Been sick many times in the USA and Europe, but not here. Markets have very fresh food that has'nt spoiled yet. Be careful of the chilies (painful tummy if overdone). Avoid uncooked larb (chopped pork) and freshwater fish due to the possibility of parasitic worms. Enjoy.

Ya, I’ve Noticed that the fish doesn’t look like anything I’d Like to eat. Thanks!

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3 minutes ago, chingmai331 said:

Stay home, we don't need fear-mongers here.

What? I’m gonna ignore your ignorance. 


23 minutes ago, mejomini said:

Been sick many times in the USA and Europe, but not here. Markets have very fresh food that has'nt spoiled yet. Be careful of the chilies (painful tummy if overdone). Avoid uncooked larb (chopped pork) and freshwater fish due to the possibility of parasitic worms. Enjoy.

Ok, thanks. 

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27 minutes ago, Nemises said:

I ate hot food from a market for the first time just last Saturday and was sick for the next 4 days. My wife NEVER ate from the market that day and she never got sick. So not hard to work out where the sickness came from. It’s a risk all right, good luck OP. 


This is what I ate (I only took the photo because wifey messaged asking what I was having for lunch that day).




See, that’s what I’m Concerned about. 

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On 9/6/2018 at 7:31 AM, FaFaHead said:

Thanks. I have watched countless videos on market food and it certainly isn’t very sanitary. Seems like it’s a crapshoot. 

This one comes up all the time. Myself, been here 18 yrs. eating mostly from these areas...never had a problem.

  In fact, the two times  I remember "having the runs" from eating out here were from "regular" sources. One of them was from a meal on top class transport system.

  You question reminds me of all the progs, I have seen on Television "Dirty Kitchens" with hidden cameras in restaurants. Would turn your stomach....including chefs churning up big throathy spits and spitting it into the food ...laughing their heads off (wish I had never seen it, never got it out of my mind).

  These were some very "high class" places.

   On occasions, when a person complained about something and sent the food back....well..I won't go into it what happened to their "new" meal that was returned to them ...I'll leave that up to you own imagination.

  So food stalls......mostly everything done out in the open in front of you...not in a hidden away back kitchen.

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OP.   Don't worry about food poisoning.


I have been living here full time 12 years, and used to come on holiday here for 6 yeas before that.


We eat 80 percent of our food form local markets and street vendors and NEVER had food poisoning!!!


The pre cooked food is so cheap, has an endless variety, and delicious!!!  Much cheaper if you live alone or are just a couple, to buy pre cooked food and rice off the market than to make it at home yourself... and less washing up lol.


We also buy all our fruit, vegetable and MEAT off the market.  Again never a problem, as well as eating food from the street vendors.


There are some people (think mostly Americans) that are phobic about bacteria on their food, doing all sorts of crazy stuff to their food to make it 'safe', and only buying from supermarkets and eating at farang restaurants.... they are missing out on so much good delicious food... and a big part of the attraction of Thailand...….. plus they have no idea that often the food handling and standards are WORSE in the supermarkets than the Thai market.. and that the farang restaurants get their ingredients from the MARKETS LOL.








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On 9/5/2018 at 9:04 PM, mahjongguy said:

The phrase "food poisoning" means eating food that is spoiled and your guts are taken over by unwelcome bacteria. You'll know it when you got it, 'cause the food gets rejected from both ends. Food poisoning often requires medical care, mostly to avoid lethal dehydration. Fortunately it's pretty rare. In my 13 years here it's only happened twice, both times from eating farang food like potato salad or chicken salad. It's the mayonnaise, improperly refrigerated.


What happens to many tourists and to plenty of local Thai people is they eat food that simply cannot be digested. Dishes that are too spicy for them, or dishes cooked in overused or contaminated oil. As Crossy said, this will give you diarrhea. Unpleasant but not actually an illness. 



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11 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

This one comes up all the time. Myself, been here 18 yrs. eating mostly from these areas...never had a problem.

  In fact, the two times  I remember "having the runs" from eating out here were from "regular" sources. One of them was from a meal on top class transport system.

  You question reminds me of all the progs, I have seen on Television "Dirty Kitchens" with hidden cameras in restaurants. Would turn your stomach....including chefs churning up big throathy spits and spitting it into the food ...laughing their heads off (wish I had never seen it, never got it out of my mind).

  These were some very "high class" places.

   On occasions, when a person complained about something and sent the food back....well..I won't go into it what happened to their "new" meal that was returned to them ...I'll leave that up to you own imagination.

  So food stalls......mostly everything done out in the open in front of you...not in a hidden away back kitchen.

Thank you. 

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6 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

OP.   Don't worry about food poisoning.


I have been living here full time 12 years, and used to come on holiday here for 6 yeas before that.


We eat 80 percent of our food form local markets and street vendors and NEVER had food poisoning!!!


The pre cooked food is so cheap, has an endless variety, and delicious!!!  Much cheaper if you live alone or are just a couple, to buy pre cooked food and rice off the market than to make it at home yourself... and less washing up lol.


We also buy all our fruit, vegetable and MEAT off the market.  Again never a problem, as well as eating food from the street vendors.


There are some people (think mostly Americans) that are phobic about bacteria on their food, doing all sorts of crazy stuff to their food to make it 'safe', and only buying from supermarkets and eating at farang restaurants.... they are missing out on so much good delicious food... and a big part of the attraction of Thailand...….. plus they have no idea that often the food handling and standards are WORSE in the supermarkets than the Thai market.. and that the farang restaurants get their ingredients from the MARKETS LOL.








Points well taken. Thanks. 

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50 minutes ago, seancbk said:


Yes there is a big difference between actual food poisoning (which will cause violent vomiting and diarrhea) and simply having a dose of the runs. 

In 40 years of visiting and living in Thailand I've only had actual food poisoning once.  That was about 35 years ago in Phuket and the culprit was Banana Pancakes purchased from a street vendor.  My sister and I both ate them and then enjoyed being violently sick and our bodies evacuating everything from both ends!  Despite the none too pleasant experience we both still eat banana pancakes from street vendors.

As for getting the runs, you'll almost certainly experience that because your gut won't be used to the spices and the different bacteria present in Thailand.   Don't forget that your gut naturally has bacteria in and introducing other bacteria isn't usually a problem (it can even be thought of as beneficial) unless you introduce a nasty variant through eating contaminated food.   Basically certain types of bacteria are safe, certain types are not.   

Food poisoning, bad reaction...my concerns. Received a lot of good advice and different perspectives from all that have been nice enough to take the time to respond. I guess we’ll take it slow and see what happens. 

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17 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

This one comes up all the time. Myself, been here 18 yrs. eating mostly from these areas...never had a problem.

  In fact, the two times  I remember "having the runs" from eating out here were from "regular" sources. One of them was from a meal on top class transport system.

  You question reminds me of all the progs, I have seen on Television "Dirty Kitchens" with hidden cameras in restaurants. Would turn your stomach....including chefs churning up big throathy spits and spitting it into the food ...laughing their heads off (wish I had never seen it, never got it out of my mind).

  These were some very "high class" places.

   On occasions, when a person complained about something and sent the food back....well..I won't go into it what happened to their "new" meal that was returned to them ...I'll leave that up to you own imagination.

  So food stalls......mostly everything done out in the open in front of you...not in a hidden away back kitchen.

Thank you friend. 

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23 minutes ago, FaFaHead said:

What? I’m gonna ignore your ignorance. 


Ok, thanks. 

The OP started a very active thread that garnered lots of good advice and some "not so good". Why be rude to him/her just because a little preventative thinking and good travel planning was exercised?

Welcome to Thailand FaFaHead.

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Bring Immodium and take care where you eat, guzzi's advice is good, busy stalls are best.


It’s wrong to use immodium, if there is some thing your body rejects vomiting or  Diarrhea is the bodies way of getting rid of it, Immodium blocks the system up keeping what ever is in side your body whatever is causing the problem.

i have had the occasion to visit a Doctors over the years with Diarrhea and they wouldn’t prescribe any drugs just drink plenty of water to stop dehydration and what ever you do don’t take Imodium for the reasons I have I said. Hi 

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37 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

This one comes up all the time. Myself, been here 18 yrs. eating mostly from these areas...never had a problem.

  In fact, the two times  I remember "having the runs" from eating out here were from "regular" sources. One of them was from a meal on top class transport system.

  You question reminds me of all the progs, I have seen on Television "Dirty Kitchens" with hidden cameras in restaurants. Would turn your stomach....including chefs churning up big throathy spits and spitting it into the food ...laughing their heads off (wish I had never seen it, never got it out of my mind).

  These were some very "high class" places.

   On occasions, when a person complained about something and sent the food back....well..I won't go into it what happened to their "new" meal that was returned to them ...I'll leave that up to you own imagination.

  So food stalls......mostly everything done out in the open in front of you...not in a hidden away back kitchen.

Good advice. Thank you!

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