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Sweden faces political deadlock after far-right gains


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found this;





some speculation around that C might move to the red block

that would give the red block a marginal majority


if so, then probably in return for the PM post

the lady boss in C is quite popular in Sweden, the PM is not


have seen the following idea aired;

C moves to red block and gets the PM

today's PM to be Speaker



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now all votes have been recounted, all seats recalculated


the following is cut from the official report from the government body overseeing elections in Sweden


Hela landet: 349 mandat























1 284 698


266 491






557 500


145 770





Liberalerna (tidigare Folkpartiet)

355 546


71 452






409 478


122 824






1 830 386


362 254






518 454


128 639





Miljöpartiet de gröna

285 899


61 763






1 135 627


367 437





Feministiskt initiativ

29 665


9 179





Övriga anmälda partier

69 472


22 752





Summa giltiga röster

6 476 725


1 558 561





Ogiltiga röster

58 546







(varav inte anmälda partier

2 120







(varav blanka

53 084







Summa avgivna röster

6 535 271








7 495 936

Valdeltagande 87,18 %







Hela landet.docx

Hela landet: 349 mandat























1 284 698


266 491






557 500


145 770





Liberalerna (tidigare Folkpartiet)

355 546


71 452






409 478


122 824






1 830 386


362 254






518 454


128 639





Miljöpartiet de gröna

285 899


61 763






1 135 627


367 437





Feministiskt initiativ

29 665


9 179





Övriga anmälda partier

69 472


22 752





Summa giltiga röster

6 476 725


1 558 561





Ogiltiga röster

58 546







(varav inte anmälda partier

2 120







(varav blanka

53 084







Summa avgivna röster

6 535 271








7 495 936

Valdeltagande 87,18 %







Hela landet.docx

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sorry guys,

dont understand what is going on, the file above is correct enough but its all in Swedish

I made a job of translating the stuff to english,

when I look at the file on my laptop I see the english


uploading it, all in swedish


double crap - I'll have another belhaven



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Two days ago Dalai Lama was in Malmö. In his speech he said:

"Receive them, help them, educate them ... but ultimately they should develop their own country,” the 83-year-old said, when speaking about refugees..."

“I think Europe belongs to the Europeans.”


That chocked the Swedish media to the point that they totally refused to even mention his visit, and the only comments where in the style of "He's an old man that doesn't know what he's talking about..."


I personally regard Dalai Lama as 100 times more intelligent than any of the commenters, after all, he's is a refugee and knows about your home countrybeing invaded by foreign power.

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13 minutes ago, SpaceKadet said:

Two days ago Dalai Lama was in Malmö. In his speech he said:

"Receive them, help them, educate them ... but ultimately they should develop their own country,” the 83-year-old said, when speaking about refugees..."

“I think Europe belongs to the Europeans.”


That chocked the Swedish media to the point that they totally refused to even mention his visit, and the only comments where in the style of "He's an old man that doesn't know what he's talking about..."


I personally regard Dalai Lama as 100 times more intelligent than any of the commenters, after all, he's is a refugee and knows about your home countrybeing invaded by foreign power.

So you agree with the Dalai Lama that the European nations should "receive the, help them, educate them.."? 


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Yes, and eventually they should return and rebuild their own countries.


That's not all he said, you can do your own research. I am not your librarian.


I definitely do not want Sharia law in Sweden. Spent too many years in the Middle East...

And I don't subscribe to what the immigrant/refugee  faction are saying in the "No Go" zones. Basically, " This is now out territory, stay away, we do here what we want."



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1 minute ago, SpaceKadet said:

Yes, and eventually they should return and rebuild their own countries.


That's not all he said, you can do your own research. I am not your librarian.


I definitely do not want Sharia law in Sweden. Spent too many years in the Middle East...

And I don't subscribe to what the immigrant/refugee  faction are saying in the "No Go" zones. Basically, " This is now out territory, stay away, we do here what we want."



Well, it's good to know that you agree with the Dalai Lama about Sweden having an obligation to "receive them, help them, educate them."

As for imposing Sharia law in Sweden, how exactly do you think they will manage to do that?

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9 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Well, it's good to know that you agree with the Dalai Lama about Sweden having an obligation to "receive them, help them, educate them."

As for imposing Sharia law in Sweden, how exactly do you think they will manage to do that?

OK, since you decided to do the "copy/pasta" thing I will reply in kind.


You forget the most important part: ".. eventually they should return and rebuild their own countries..", I have no problem with that.


Regarding Sharia... are you baiting me?

You don't seem to know much what's currently going on in Sweden.

Just listen to what the party leaders say in their debates, but wait, maybe you don't even understand Swedish and are just trolling....


Here's the Mumin Troll page for you: https://www.moomin.com/en/characters/


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6 minutes ago, SpaceKadet said:

OK, since you decided to do the "copy/pasta" thing I will reply in kind.


You forget the most important part: ".. eventually they should return and rebuild their own countries..", I have no problem with that.


Regarding Sharia... are you baiting me?

You don't seem to know much what's currently going on in Sweden.

Just listen to what the party leaders say in their debates, but wait, maybe you don't even understand Swedish and are just trolling....


Here's the Mumin Troll page for you: https://www.moomin.com/en/characters/


You get to decide the most important part? I think what you mean is the part that appeals to you.

I guess anybody who points out flaws in your reasoning or asks you for evidence is a troll.

Because the fact is there is no threat of sharia law being incorporated into Swedish law.

But if you think what I've done is trolling report me to the moderators. But you won't because your characterization is nonsense and I like to believe you have enough sense to know better.

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15 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

No it increased by about 40 percent, and I hope you don't wonder why that happened

Well, I should have written it increased by 4,9 percent of the popular vote. On the other hand, the results were definitely a disappointment for the Sweden Democrats who were counting on a much bigger increase.

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On 9/10/2018 at 12:48 PM, connda said:

If you haven't noticed, Thailand doesn't have either an immigration problem or a national identity problem.  Immigrants are persona non grata; and Thailand for the Thai people.  Now, it will be interesting to watch to see if the historical citizens of other nations in Europe decide to take ownership of their countries back from the politicians who are hell bent on giving their countries away while completely destroying each country's unique culture.


Japan is another country that does not have an immigration problem, nor does Saudi Arabia. Europe, in the long run, is finished unless max expulsions start right now!

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7 hours ago, SpaceKadet said:

No, I don't get to decide on my own. The Swedish people will decide by democratic voting. We are still a democratic country, probably more so than many others. 87% vote participation might tell you something. I might not like the current election results, but I will accept them, unlike many others.


Again, are you a Swedish speaker? Have you followed the last 4 years of political debates?

Do you know that some political commentators in Sweden predict that there will be an Islamic party in the next election in 2022?  After all, Islam is declared as the religion of more that 10% of the population... Bigger than Thailand....


In the late 50s, Sweden received the refugees from the Hungarian revolt fleeing the Soviet oppression. They all integrated and assimilated into the society, the original immigrants are now on the 4th generation Swedish born. In the 60s, Sweden was expanding and had to import a large work force, mainly from what is now ex communist block countries, like Poland, former Yugoslavia, Romania etc. They all integrated and assimilated and are now on 3rd generation Swedes. In the late 70s, Sweden received, apart from several American deserters, boat loads of Vietnamese refugees. They all integrated and assimilated. We now have plenty of great Viet food joints everywhere. They speak better dialect than I do!


This new wave of immigration is different however, They lie, they refuse to learn the language, they refuse to integrate, they behave like they are still in their broken countries, and are set to brake their new home too. The one that gave them a lot without asking for anything in return. Many are extremist who believe what their holy book tells about Jihad. They have already stated their intent. If you follow the news about Sweden, you must have noticed the 80 cars that where put on fire just before the election.


Let me tell you one thing about me, I don't care about Christianity, Islam or Judaism. Personally, I despise all religions, but I also believe in personal freedom of people believing what they want to believe, as long as they do not enforce their beliefs on me.


And finally, I am grown up and intelligent, not a cry baby, I don't have to call on admins if I find you're annoying or trolling, I just wont bother with you anymore, that's what ignore list is for.

An Islamic party is one thing. Legislaton based on Sharia law quite another.

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40 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

An Islamic party is one thing. Legislaton based on Sharia law quite another.


To borrow from a notion often aired in your posts, it's not necessarily a binary situation. In democratic systems governed by coalitions, there's often quite a bit of political interest driven horse-trading going on. Smaller parties which can tip the balance, punch higher than their actual support is. The same applies with regard to gerrymandering and bloc voting - which I think are more pertinent when it comes to sectarian, ethnic or religious/traditional parties and populations.


IMO, abrupt and obvious legal changes are unlikely, more a gradual advance (or erosion, depending on point of view).

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14 minutes ago, Morch said:


To borrow from a notion often aired in your posts, it's not necessarily a binary situation. In democratic systems governed by coalitions, there's often quite a bit of political interest driven horse-trading going on. Smaller parties which can tip the balance, punch higher than their actual support is. The same applies with regard to gerrymandering and bloc voting - which I think are more pertinent when it comes to sectarian, ethnic or religious/traditional parties and populations.


IMO, abrupt and obvious legal changes are unlikely, more a gradual advance (or erosion, depending on point of view).

Really? You think that Sweden with a long history of keeping religion out of the public sphere is somewhere down the line going to establish some form of Sharia? It's the only Scandinavian state to actually have disestablished its once-official state church. But sometime in the future it's going to give official status in its laws to Islam? Given the opposition for different reasons from both left and right, that outcome is massively unlikely.

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48 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Really? You think that Sweden with a long history of keeping religion out of the public sphere is somewhere down the line going to establish some form of Sharia? It's the only Scandinavian state to actually have disestablished its once-official state church. But sometime in the future it's going to give official status in its laws to Islam? Given the opposition for different reasons from both left and right, that outcome is massively unlikely.


I think that you've got a penchant for making up things I haven't said. As in nothing said about Sharia. Or the rest of your usual faux hyperbolic indignation. Try and read the post, instead of them knee-jerk straw-men you seem to be fond of. Maybe pay attention to the bit about things not being either/or. Kinda amusing how you go on about such, but resort to the opposite when the argument requires it.


I made a general comment as to how, in my opinion, sectarianism (and yes, that could include ethnic and religious elements) interacts with democratic systems. That certain traditions and conventions were the norm is not an assurance that things will remain the same. Change was described as gradual, not necessarily dramatic at any given point, and not requiring a majority.

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12 hours ago, The manic said:

Japan is another country that does not have an immigration problem, nor does Saudi Arabia. Europe, in the long run, is finished unless max expulsions start right now!

Misinformed right of centre propaganda. Look outside of the far right for facts, rather than BS constantly posted.

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14 hours ago, The manic said:

Japan is another country that does not have an immigration problem, nor does Saudi Arabia. Europe, in the long run, is finished unless max expulsions start right now!

absolutely 100 % correct, i wish to add australia with its zero tolerance boat policy. thereto israel which passed in july a law , which does not allow palestinians to resettle in israel. we jewis make sure to remain the mayority in israel also we built a wall to keep them out. even sweden

restricted family reunion to almost 0. to my knowledge turkey built border fortifications along its syrian frontieres where soldiers shoot at intruders.




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7 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Really? You think that Sweden with a long history of keeping religion out of the public sphere is somewhere down the line going to establish some form of Sharia? It's the only Scandinavian state to actually have disestablished its once-official state church. But sometime in the future it's going to give official status in its laws to Islam? Given the opposition for different reasons from both left and right, that outcome is massively unlikely.

So let me get this straight. You quote my post which is about the massive unlikelihood of sharia law ever gaining official status in Sweden. But your reply had nothing to do with that. Rather it was just a generalized comment about the nature of coalitions and how they change over time - the kind of thing that might be snippeted out of a course in polisci 101. And your closing remark about the gradual advance (or erosion) was just a little bit more of the same. Sounds believable.

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45 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

Why should Sweden or Britain or any Western country have an Islamic Party? When Poles ,Romanians,Thais, Chinesr etc etc go to live in the west do they have their "own party" NO so why should muslims? They always want their own way.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Here are some examples...



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More of a problem with the muslims doing hate attacks on theJews who have never caused us any problems in the west,unlike the Muslims that are a major problem,little wonder there is a rising dislike for them in the west,no matter how much you lot try to deny it.

Funny there is no "phobia" about any other immegrants who have settled in the past,wonder why?

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52 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

Why should Sweden or Britain or any Western country have an Islamic Party? When Poles ,Romanians,Thais, Chinesr etc etc go to live in the west do they have their "own party" NO so why should muslims? They always want their own way.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Who is they? Just because some Muslims form a political party does that mean all Muslims will  suspport it?  Most Muslims will  support it? And isn't there something in a lot of European nations called the Christian Democratic party?

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7 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

More of a problem with the muslims doing hate attacks on theJews who have never caused us any problems in the west,unlike the Muslims that are a major problem,little wonder there is a rising dislike for them in the west,no matter how much you lot try to deny it.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Well aware, no denial on my part. You are one of many others on this forum who are perfect examples of aggressive antipathy towards Muslims; if you read the link I provided, perhaps better described as self-fulfilling prophecy for the increase in Islamic political parties in the West

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Well aware, no denial on my part. You are one of many others on this forum who are perfect examples of aggressive antipathy towards Muslims; if you read the link I provided, perhaps better described as self-fulfilling prophecy for the increase in Islamic political parties in the West
Inever used to care about Muslims one way or another,but apart from everything else going on with them in the world,over the years in my old home town ,i saw them turn from a minority living their lives quitly to a real problem causing trouble and complaining about anything and everything ,forcing out all other races,i cant go into it all,but they are now a major cause of problems.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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