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Sweden faces political deadlock after far-right gains


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The Speaker proposed PM candidate from the blue block conservative party M,

Mr Kristersson, made history this morning.

First time ever in Sweden that a Speaker proposed PM has been voted down.


And he lost with a solid margin.


All MPs followed the party line, no free voters and no abstentions.


All red block parties voted NO.

The two blue block parties L-Liberal and C-Centre voted NO.


KD, M and SD voted yes.




One should be aware that in the blue block there are two different political breeds,

conservatives (M and KD)

liberals (C and L)

by and large, they go well together but there are differences,

eg when it comes to relations with the far right part SD.





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What happens now?


Thursday this weel the Speaker will meet with all party leaders - that is prescribed.


After that, it is entirely up to the speaker. He has 3 more PM tests left before an election must be called.


the Speaker can run Mr Kristersson again, can run Mr Lofven.

can give the "negotiation" ball to Mr Lofven again or to Mr Kristersson again

or to another person (many request that Ms Loof be given the ball)


or the Speaker can try and do the footwork himself (appeals to me)


or anything else between earth and sky.


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This morning the Speaker met with all party leaders.

No news re what the Speaker will do next, but it is not yet 3 pm in Sweden.


Tension has increased in the blue block after yesterday's voting.


Mr Lofwen, S, current caretaker PM expresses positive views re Ms Loof, C, being given the ball to try build a government.


More surprisingly, Mr Akesson, SD, now expresses that it would be natural to build a government built on S

with liberal (C and L) support.


Below, a photo from spring 2017, happier times.





from left to right


Ms Batra, the then leader of M - Mr Bjorklund, leader of L - Ms Loof, leader of C - Ms Thor, leader of KD


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The Speaker has recently held a press conference,

after this morning's meeting with party leaders and later with deputy Speakers.


He has now announced that he has given the footwork-ball to Ms Loof, C, Centre party

to build a possible government.


Ms Loof, C, is happy to do - however, she stresses that she is not a PM candidate, but she is willing to try to find a way

through locked positions.


(my view; if Mr Lofven, S could be convinced that life could go on with a S dominated government without him as PM,

 much would be achieved and a solution would be nigh

 if some heavy footwork had been done right after the GE

 resulting in Mr Lofven as Speaker, much would have been sorted, but of course way too late now)


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Ms Loof, Centre, who had the Speaker's ball re trying to sort out a possible acceptable government

says: so far discussions have been constructive and positive


she will meet with the Speaker on Thursday this week and report her findings so far



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Mr Bjorklund, the leader of the Liberal party has been a hardliner re saying no to any kind of approach towards SD.

That has been his stance since before the GE.


He has received and is receiving increasing flak, within the L party, for his stance on SD.


Today, in an editorial, the Swedish msm Dagens Nyheter (one of the largest newspapers in Sweden),

gives Mr Bjorklund a big hand of applause for his stance

and expresses strong support and positive attitude towards L and its leadership.



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Yesterday morning Ms Loof, leader of C, met with the Speaker.

The meeting was scheduled to last less than half an hour, it lasted one hour and a half.


So, at least, the two can communicate well.


No solutions to the deadlock surfaced.

However, some possible alternative ways forward have been uncovered. (see next post)


The Speaker will consult with his vice Speakers and announce his next steps

in a press conference later today.


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The Centre party and the Liberal party will in the near future discuss their place in Swedish politics. The top bodies in both parties have been called for meetings.

(I read this as A - keep or change stance re SD and/or B - is there life/room outside of the blue block)


Following the above, could the social democrats, S, form a government supported by C? (and maybe L)


Several political observers express that another GE is not likely to sort the deadlock, election results will likely be pretty much the same.  A minority political centre government with just C and L does not get any support

from the two conservative parties in the blue block, M and KD.  The Swedish msm, Dagens Nyheter (very large and well respected newspaper), offers some interesting observations in an editorial yesterday evening.  It  criticises both Mr Lofven, S, and Mr Kristersson, M, for making things more difficult than necessary.  The paper says it is high time the two leaders change stance and tack  and start to understand that Sweden might do just fine  without either of them as prime minister.


(as I said earlier, my view is that steep problems and challenges call for pragmatism, flexibility  and innovation.  too many Swedes dig trenches rather than endeavour to overcome  the challenges)


The expression "head in sand politics" has been used in above mentioned msm.


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Well, things happen


Mr Lofveen, S, was the previous PM in Sweden,

he was voted down as PM by the parliament right after the GE

He is currently the Swedish caretaker PM


The Speaker has recently concluded his press conference.

The Speaker announced that on December 3d

he will formally launch Mr Lofveen as PM candidate to the parliament.

The voting will take place on December the 5th.



my comment; wow!




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History repeats itself. Fascism in Europe is again on the rise similar to the 1930's. It's like we never learned our lesson. Yesterday the enemy were the Jews, today it's Muslims. Very few people ask themselves what the root cause of this migrant crisis is and how we can resettle these people as soon as possible and avoid this from happening again. No, it's either blame the victim or bury the head in the sand and try to make everyone a permanent resident. 


4 years of current military dictatorship in Thailand hasn't helped either. So many people on TV are still fascist apologists. 


Next Swedish parliamentary election is going to be my first. It will be an anti-fascist protest vote. 

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An update.



As already reported, Mr Lofven, leader of the S party and the current caretaker PM, currently has the ball from the Speaker to try building a government that can survive a vote. Re surviving a vote; The Swedes use the terminology “a government that can be tolerated by the national assembly”.


He will report to the Speaker on Monday next week and also be formally launched as a PM candidate on Monday. The vote is foreseen to take place on Wednesday next week. It is expected that the Speaker would give him a few more days if he should request that.

That is, provided his efforts have resulted in something workable.


It is not known what kind of government Mr Lofven tries to put together but observers seem to be rather sure that his efforts concentrate on getting support from the C and L parties from the blue block. Amazing to what extent they manage to keep a lid on their talks.

The upper decision making bodies within C, Centre and L, Liberal have met.


The Central party decided rather quickly that a prime concern for them would be to avoid that the far right SD party should get any influence. They put together a list of practical political demands and gave to Mr Lofven. Ms Loof, the leader of C, says that she is not prepared to sit in a S led government but depending on the response to their list of political demands she may consider voting for Mr Lofven as PM and support his government.


It took rather long time and several meetings within L before they concluded last night. A similar list has been handed S by Mr Bjorklund, the leader of the liberal party.


These lists are not public, but some main issues have been presented at press conferences. Themes like, taxation, changes to the housing market, changes to regulations re jobs market, education and educational institutions, defence issues, etc.



At least, they have now reached the state where they consider practical politics rather than persons and their egoes.

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Last night the Speaker extended Mr Lofven's, the leader of S, Social democrats, time for building a

government that may be tolerated by the national assembly.


Mr Lofven will report to the Speaker on Wednesday at 0900 hours.

A press conference is scheduled for shortly after.




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On 11/23/2018 at 5:55 PM, tumama said:

History repeats itself. Fascism in Europe is again on the rise similar to the 1930's. It's like we never learned our lesson. Yesterday the enemy were the Jews, today it's Muslims. Very few people ask themselves what the root cause of this migrant crisis is and how we can resettle these people as soon as possible and avoid this from happening again. No, it's either blame the victim or bury the head in the sand and try to make everyone a permanent resident. 


4 years of current military dictatorship in Thailand hasn't helped either. So many people on TV are still fascist apologists. 


Next Swedish parliamentary election is going to be my first. It will be an anti-fascist protest vote. 

sweden democrats are the real swedish patriots with 20 % and antisemitism is rising all over sweden caused by muslim immigration. sd will not tolerate lovfgen.




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Mr Lofven, S has been given some more time.

He will report to the Speaker on Monday the 10th.


I think both he and the two leaders of C and L hope that they will be done by Monday morning.


Monday the parliament will start budget discussions. With a decision planned for Wednesday the 12th.

The only budget on the table is a budget from the two conservative parties.

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On 12/5/2018 at 10:10 AM, dick dasterdly said:

So it's still going round in circles.  edit - with no conclusion?


not really circles,. but no conclusion

they struggle to build a coalition between 2 blue/liberal parties and 2 red parties, S and Green party.


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Yesterday, Sunday 9th, both the Centre party and the Liberal party

had internal meetings, MPs and the decision making body within each party.


Separate meetings though.


Presumably in order to discuss the outcome of negotiations with Mr Lofven and the Socialdemocrat party.

Their conclusions are not known.


I would guess that the conclusions have been conveyed to Mr Lofven though,

so that he has that knowledge when he meets with the Speaker Monday morning.


(at least) three possible outcomes from the meeting with the Speaker

Mr Lofven gives up and throws in the towel (not likely I think)

Mr Lofven feels he can have a working coalition within a few days and is given more time

Coalition sorted and parliament can go to voting in a few days


The voting on next year's budget is due on Wednesday.

The Speaker can postpone that for a few days so that a S-G-C-L coalition will have

a chance to put forwards its own budget.






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Busy times ahead for Swedish politicians.


The Center party has concluded that they do not see sufficient common ground with S to enter into formal cooperation.

Hence, the Center party will vote no to Mr Lofven, S, as PM if the Speaker decides on a vote in parliament with

Mr Lofven as PM candidate.

That has been communicated in a press conference.


The LIberal party has not yet made up their mind.


The  Speaker has determined that he now will spend some days with informal talks with party leaders

before he decides on the next steps.


(some Swedish commentators are of the view that 'Ms Loof, C, is playing hard ball with a view

 to become PM herself)


about 3 months since the GE now




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I read the following in Swedish msm dn.se this morning,

so it was probably published late last night Thai time.


The Liberal party, L, has concluded that negotiations with S did not lead to developments

that would make L support S and Mr Lofven as PM.

(came as no surprise since C had concluded likewise last Sunday)



More interestingly,

the Speaker has concluded that he will formally propose Mr Lofven, S, as PM candidate,

later today. (probably about 3 pm Thai time).


I think this was a rather unexpected move, (provided he does not change his mind when he wakes up).


I had rather guessed that the Speaker would take a more active role and do some headbanging himself

rather than leaving the sorting to party leaders alone.


Can add that, the Speaker has 4 tries re proposing a PM before a new GE must be called.

So far he has used 1 of those 4.



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it is now official,

the Speaker had a press conference 1-2 hours ago during which he formally announced

Mr Lofven, S, as the next PM candidate


the formal voting is scheduled for Friday, 3 pm Thai time


Mr Lofven's proposed government is a coalition of S and the environmental/green party

(ie a minority government)


several commentators expect this proposal to be voted down


if so,

the Speaker has two more chances of presenting a government that the national assembly can tolerate

two more failures (after this week) and a new GE is automatically the next step


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it is now official,

the Speaker had a press conference 1-2 hours ago during which he formally announced

Mr Lofven, S, as the next PM candidate


the formal voting is scheduled for Friday, 3 pm Thai time


Mr Lofven's proposed government is a coalition of S and the environmental/green party

(ie a minority government)


several commentators expect this proposal to be voted down


if so,

the Speaker has two more chances of presenting a government that the national assembly can tolerate

two more failures (after this week) and a new GE is automatically the next step


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it is now official,

the Speaker had a press conference 1-2 hours ago during which he formally announced

Mr Lofven, S, as the next PM candidate


the formal voting is scheduled for Friday, 3 pm Thai time


Mr Lofven's proposed government is a coalition of S and the environmental/green party

(ie a minority government)


several commentators expect this proposal to be voted down


if so,

the Speaker has two more chances of presenting a government that the national assembly can tolerate

two more failures (after this week) and a new GE is automatically the next step


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it is now official, the Speaker had a press conference 1-2 hours ago during which he formally announced

Mr Lofven, S, as the next PM candidate


the formal voting is scheduled for Friday, 3 pm Thai time


Mr Lofven's proposed government is a coalition of S and the environmental/green party (ie a minority government)


several commentators expect this proposal to be voted down


if so, he Speaker has two more chances of presenting a government that the national assembly can tolerate

two more failures (after this week) and a new GE is automatically the next step


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This man;




Mr Akesson, SD, the leader of the far right party, Sweden Democrats,

will miss tomorrows PM vote in Stockholm.


It is reported that he is on holiday in Thailand with his family.


So, keep your eyes open, you may run into a Swedish top politician on your way.


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As expected,

this morning Swedish time, the national assembly voted down Mr Lofven, S, as PM candidate,

(with a solid margin).


The Speaker has had meetings with those responsible for elections in order to be briefed on

how an extraordinary GE should be prepared.


The Speaker has still got 2 tries left re putting forward a PM/government proposal that can

be tolerated by the Swedish national assembly.



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