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Rich countries ‘must do more’ for climate


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Taxing the life and nuts out of the western world in the name of climate pollution is not the solution when the likes of South America,Africa and Asia are allowed to commit the crimes of deforestation,burning of fossil fuels and polluting the planet with chemicals.it makes me so angry when I see a battered up old pick up that probably isn't even taxed spewing out more exhaust fumes than 500 cars from the west that have been taxed in some way in the name saving the planet.its high time the countries that commit these crimes are made to pay.

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9 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Nothing to do with rich or poor. The policy should be make the polluter pay. For example, Thailand should be paying a substantial sum as their contribution toward being the fifth largest polluter of the seas.


Rich countries issued themselves a license to poison the rest of the world (and eventually themselves) And now the get the bill. It's Asia's turn now to get industrialized, and the West will pay. Or....

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6 hours ago, Lupatria said:

That's why they chose the slogan Rich countries ‘must do more’ for climate as an explanation for their interpretation: "Sorry world - we're out of it"

They do something, like cleaning the beaches or avoiding plastic in 7/11. It's just the Farangs that permanently cry "this garbage is yours" 

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LMAO, rich countries have to do more while most is caused by less rich countries and they don't even take the easiest / free steps to make it better? Besides that, help isn't even accepted when offered in most cases here / cambodia. Would get jailed instead for defamation when addressing the problem.

Edited by ReneTH
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8 hours ago, djayz said:

And that's one of the reasons why people live in clean countries as opposed to the filth that's left unchecked in other parts of the world.

Would you really consider filthy Germany a clean country? 

I could hardly breathe there, and it's stinking.

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4 hours ago, glennb6 said:

to any or all zombies who think man made global warming is real, from me personally, go <deleted> yourself and if you try to steal money from me based on a false premise it will probably end badly for you.


3 hours ago, Catoni said:

The Arctic Ocean was supposed to be ice free in the summer time by now also. And don’t forget the head research scientist (and friend of Michael “hockey stick” Mann) at the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Angelia saying back in 2000 that “in just a few years snow will be a very rare and exciting event”. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”

    What Leftist Global Warming/Climate Change Alarmist crap ! !


5 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Would you really consider filthy Germany a clean country? 

I could hardly breathe there, and it's stinking.

Oh look...a bunch of uninformed trolls!

Shu...shu...under your bridge, you go!

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1 hour ago, micmichd said:

Would you really consider filthy Germany a clean country? 

I could hardly breathe there, and it's stinking.

I've never seen the filthy side of Germany. All the places I've been to in Germany, and Europe in general, have all been kept clean, even pristine countryside in many cases. That's not to say of course, that there aren't regions in Europe which fall below the generally high standards.


I know we often complain about these and those taxes, these and those laws, but they are generally in place for a good reason (e.g. environmental protection) and if you look carefully you can see the positive outcome - reduced reliance on plastic bags, pollution-free rivers stocked with fish, forests which are still intact, regular rubbish collection, rubbish disposal facilities, etc.

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6 hours ago, happy chappie said:

Don't keep punishing the richer countries for the likes of china who burn the most dirtiest coal to produce the most crap and plastic items that have no lifespan and binned within hours or just out of the packet.batteries that if they work do so for a minute.they should be held accountable for their mega polution of the planet.

And use the proceeds from selling their crappy products cheaply to the west to buy out 3rd world countries in their effort to rule the world.


The culprit is the consumer buying that crap. Every cent to China is support for communism.

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It's a shame that so many people have come to believe the Club of Rome's lies.  The claims that CO2 causes global warming are theories from the 1980's.  Despite rising CO2 levels, there has been no increase in overall global temperature for 20 years.  Check out: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/opinion/30309683  The ruling elite are using climate change fear porn to make us yet even more subservient tax cattle.

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19 hours ago, Esso49 said:

Unfortunately there are some errors in your assumptions.  Firstly, not getting a road license would not be a deterrent.  Most Thais never bother anyway with one. Secondly they can not re-install the cat convertors , because simply pick-ups are not required to be fitted with cat convertors in Thailand in the first place. 

Thank you so much for educating me on this, who would have thought? More to the point though, perhaps it should become a requirement?

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Climate change! First big polluter India, quit building coal fired power plants, get your

cars modernized and make it so the old polluters pay. China still pollutes far too much

and so does Russia. the other top 5 polluting countries have to change, before any

pollution levels drop at all. Do not expect any change from the USA while Trump is

in power, he is more worried of employment in that country than pollution levels.

I do not see much changes as long as corruption exists in so many countries, look

at Venezuela for example, what a disgrace.



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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Climate change! First big polluter India, quit building coal fired power plants, get your

cars modernized and make it so the old polluters pay. China still pollutes far too much

and so does Russia. the other top 5 polluting countries have to change, before any

pollution levels drop at all. Do not expect any change from the USA while Trump is

in power, he is more worried of employment in that country than pollution levels.

I do not see much changes as long as corruption exists in so many countries, look

at Venezuela for example, what a disgrace.



China is the worst (by a huge margin) over USA followed by India for CO2 emissions.

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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Climate change! First big polluter India, quit building coal fired power plants, get your

cars modernized and make it so the old polluters pay. China still pollutes far too much

and so does Russia. the other top 5 polluting countries have to change, before any

pollution levels drop at all. Do not expect any change from the USA while Trump is

in power, he is more worried of employment in that country than pollution levels.

I do not see much changes as long as corruption exists in so many countries, look

at Venezuela for example, what a disgrace.



Here is a guide...............



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On 9/12/2018 at 4:10 AM, glennb6 said:

ehhh, CO2 a danger!?  plants/trees/green leafy things eat CO2.



Careful, you’ll upset the socialist Gore Bull Warming/Climate Change Alarmists. The poor souls suffer from Thermophobia and Warming Alarmist Paranoia Syndrome. 

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On 9/12/2018 at 1:40 AM, goatfarmer said:

What does it mean 'surpass the 2 degree increase'?


On 9/11/2018 at 11:49 AM, the guest said:

Once we surpass the 2 degree increase, we pass the point of no return. Are we listening yet?

Hmmmm.  No cites? 

     Do you know anything about Paleoclimatology? Have you done even a minor investigation of the past 500 - 600 million years of temperature and CO2 levels of the planet? 

    If you had, you would know that there is nothing wrong or out of the ordinary with our present climate and CO2 levels, except for the fact that in the past 550 million years or so, we have very rarely had atmospheric CO2 this low. 

   Make sure you do some actual study, and not just swallow leftist climate Alarmist propaganda from Socialists and those collecting government grants and book and film royalties pushing the Gore Bull Warming/Climate Change Paranoia Alarmism !

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11 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Oh look, someone unable to intelligently reply, so only mud slings and calls names. Away with you !

If there were intelligent people with actual facts to reply to, I would be happy to do so!

But fact free climate change deniers and conspiracy theorists, who think, 98% of climate scientists are in the pocket of big money fro...oh, I know...George Sorros...don't deserve intelligent answers.

They most likely couldn't deal with them anyways!

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On 9/12/2018 at 3:10 PM, glennb6 said:

ehhh, CO2 a danger!?  plants/trees/green leafy things eat CO2.



Ooooooh green leafy things eat CO2!

I guess, when they taught that in elementary school, that was the last time you actually to anything resembling science, right!?



Just let me put it this way: you drink water in the same way "green leafy things" "eat" CO2.

So there should be no harm, if I shove a tube down your throat and pump some 10 liters of water "down there" every 30 minutes, right?!

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

Ooooooh green leafy things eat CO2!

I guess, when they taught that in elementary school, that was the last time you actually to anything resembling science, right!?



Just let me put it this way: you drink water in the same way "green leafy things" "eat" CO2.

So there should be no harm, if I shove a tube down your throat and pump some 10 liters of water "down there" every 30 minutes, right?!

Hardly a valid realistic reply. Nobody can 'force' trees to eat CO2. But you can force water down a persons throat.


Putting money aside, what is your viable alternative without discriminating against the poor?

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53 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

Hardly a valid realistic reply. Nobody can 'force' trees to eat CO2. But you can force water down a persons throat.


Putting money aside, what is your viable alternative without discriminating against the poor?

I don't seem to understand the question!

Protecting the environment by reducing plastic-waste (f.e.) is discriminating against the poor?

Having measures in place, that prohibit factories from spilling their sewage everywhere and actually enforcing these laws, is disciminating the poor?

Trying to look for alternative form of energy, that might provide jobs in a country like Thailand, that has an average of 365 sunny days a year...is discriminating against the poor?


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