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Big Joke to fly to England to interview teen who claimed rape on Koh Tao


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10 minutes ago, scorecard said:

Is that true, he can't speak English, or just your assumption?


Serious question, does anybody know a correct answer?




It would not matter if he can speak English or not because the interview will take place according to Thai Law ( as that is where the alleged offence took place), and would be conducted in Thai. As you probably know all the cases in a Thai court, if charges were brought, would be conducted in Thai.


The questions would then be translated into English by highly qualified translators and then vice versa, from English to Thai, when the alleged victim responds.


Thailand does not like to look foolish internationally in front of the world.


Secretaries would also be there to record the meeting and document everything that takes place for both sides. If he goes, this will be quite a big deal.

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2 hours ago, colinneil said:

Big Joke flying to the UK, to interview the girl who he says was not raped!!!!

Why is he going?? If he says no rape took place, so when he said she wasnt raped, he was telling porkies.

Just shows what a useless bugger he is, surely he will lose face if he goes to interview the girl.

Perhaps he's going to the star of an episode of You've Been Framed.


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2 minutes ago, madusa said:

How do you know he doesn't speak English? Have you spoken to him?



I don't know.


But, in the past, when he's been doing his weekly farang visa overstayer rousts/raids, he's always seemingly relied on subordinates to speak in English with those arrested. So that might be one clue as to his level of English fluency.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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2 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

He has already declared that there was no rape and as others have pointed out he can't speak English, so this just seems like yet another PR stunt. Does he not realise that England is actually a democracy and the girl is under no obligation to speak to him whatsoever. The good news is though that he will be able to take a short stroll through a London street and solve all of those unsolved crimes we have, or at least allow the police to remove them from their lists as they won't actually have happened.

He can go to a certain bank in London and ask if a certain person is working there. Because I was scammed out of money that was designed to be invested in Thailand for educational purposes. 

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3 minutes ago, madusa said:

How do you know he doesn't speak English? Have you spoken to him?


Sure...big boy...Feldwebel Big Schlong speaks English all the time...


Or..at least his captain did until she was sent to shovel S%$# on the Mekong..


Anything else that you would like to add?

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3 hours ago, Torrens54 said:

Hope he doesn’t bump into Lurking Ruskie Assasins !

Why didn’t the Thai Police interview the complainant while she was in Thailand ?

because they say she did not report the rape , only told reporters samui newspapers etc sounds fishy to me , if she is lying just to get commission from newspapers , then she should stand trial in thailand and be sentanced over there to teach her a lesson not to try to con police , if it did happen then i hope she has got plenty of evidence as just her saying it happened is obviously not enough 


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3 hours ago, Megasin1 said:

He has already declared that there was no rape and as others have pointed out he can't speak English, so this just seems like yet another PR stunt. Does he not realise that England is actually a democracy and the girl is under no obligation to speak to him whatsoever. The good news is though that he will be able to take a short stroll through a London street and solve all of those unsolved crimes we have, or at least allow the police to remove them from their lists as they won't actually have happened.

"... the girl is under no obligation to speak to him whatsoever".

That will do her dubious credibility a lot more damage if she refuses.  

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2 hours ago, korkenzieher said:

She will be swamped with legal council and translators  there's not going to be any of the usual back-room deals on offer, and that may come as something of an eye-opener to him. He has zero jurisdiction. This really ought to be handled by the Thai Embassy in London. Big Egg on Joke face moment coming up, methinks.

He doesn't need 'jurisdiction', all he will be doing is interviewing Baxter, he's not barging into the country and trying to make demands.  If the British authorities give him permission, which they will, that's all he needs.

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9 minutes ago, Morch said:

But...if he goes to England, we'll be left without someone to carry out them almost daily arrest-cum-bombastic-headlines. There must be another way....

Good point! bet the criminal fraternity is planning anew and breathing a collective sigh of relief!

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