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Flooding imperils Pattaya Beach rebuild


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Flooding imperils Pattaya Beach rebuild


PATTAYA:--Pattaya officials said they will monitor the beach near Soi 9 for erosion after it is rebuilt with new sand.


Beach users and internet commentators expressed concern Sept. 3 after heavy rain and flooding carved huge trenches out of the sand near the Pattaya Police Station.


Noting the same damage occurs after every major storm, many wondered if the hundreds of millions of baht being spent to rebuild the beach will be wasted.


Pattaya officials said the sand-restoration project has only reached Soi 4, but when the work is finished at Soi 9 the area will be monitored to ensure that the new sand is not washed away.


Read more: http://www.pattayamail.com/featured/flooding-imperils-pattaya-beach-rebuild-222505

-- © Copyright Pattaya Mail 2018-09-15
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Before you start I suggest them to ask the Dutch, they just did not make a new beach but also some islands, where nothing then water was before.....


Edited by RotMahKid
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You’d think the professor of engineering would have  been proactive & thought about the water run-off from the sois before hand . Very obvious there was a severe erosion issue before his team started on this project.

BTW professor- those huge vinyl sandbag casings will deteriorate under the sun within 2-3 years. 

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You can see recent history repeating itself over and over again but they never learn.
What is the betting this sand erosion will continue, then the substandard concrete promenade will become undermined and subsequently parts will collapse? I can see this recurring problem happen every rainy season and Pattaya City authorities can not?
Of course authorities know the problem will reoccur. That is basically the plan. Just think about how public contracts are managed, and it will become obvious why reoccurring capital projects are in the authorities interest...

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I really cannot understand why they don't build some culverts to channel the flood water into the sea, as has been mentioned above they know where the troughs appear in the sand as it is the same every time the rains come therefore build to accommodate - Not rocket science!!

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1 hour ago, Geoffggi said:

I really cannot understand why they don't build some culverts to channel the flood water into the sea, as has been mentioned above they know where the troughs appear in the sand as it is the same every time the rains come therefore build to accommodate - Not rocket science!!

Your reasoning, though sound in its simplicity, does contain a trait that is not too often employed here.......Logic......

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16 hours ago, brucec64 said:

Of course authorities know the problem will reoccur. That is basically the plan. Just think about how public contracts are managed, and it will become obvious why reoccurring capital projects are in the authorities interest...


That's why it's the PERFECT Thai public works project... Because it keeps giving and giving and giving... to all those with their snouts in the trough.


If they did it right the first time and the problem was fixed and not reoccurring, no one would get rich off of that.


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Noting the same damage occurs after every major storm, many wondered if the hundreds of millions of baht being spent to rebuild the beach will be wasted.


No not at all, I'm sure many have benefited from the millions of baht spent !

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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

Why oh why cannot they funnel the stormwater flowing from Beach Road into three concrete channels (North, central, and south) extending out into the bay so that the water could be disposed of without taking all the valuable sand with it ?

actually they did, a few years ago, at central and north anyway. they just dont work very well

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13 hours ago, mikebell said:

'Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'

Who are the mad ones?  Those receiving money to repeat this annual nonsense or the tax payers who fund these plans?

Albert Einstein AKA mikebell?  ? ?


Has been one of my favourite quotes for many long years.

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6 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

siiiiigh.  This reminds me of my shoulder issue, where therapy, just like adding sand may help, but unless you fix or stop the root cause, the condition and symptoms will keep re-occurring.

But if you fix the root cause then there will be no money to be made every year ?

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6 hours ago, Vacuum said:

I'll bet they didn't build those islands with sand.

Too smart for that. :thumbsup:


Wonder how China is reclaiming and rebuilding bigger islands in the South China Sea?

Edited by lvr181
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