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Big Joke pleases China with arrest of near billion dollar "gang of four" fraudsters!


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Big Joke pleases China with arrest of near billion dollar "gang of four" fraudsters!



Pictures: TNA


Crime buster Maj-Gen Surachate Hakpan is having a busy week - his first as chief of immigration.


Following his move on Monday from assistant chief of the tourist police the Maj-Gen - known as Big Joke in the Thai media - has now upped the ante and busted four Chinese nationals high on the Chinese government's most wanted list.


The "gang of four" are allegedly responsible for fraud totaling the best part of a billion US dollars: 27,350 million baht. 




Arrested were Goo Thian Long, Wang Jian Jun, Chu Ling Moei (a female) and Nong Khai Ming. 


Surachate said that they were running an asset management fraud in China.


There were 100,000 victims who were encouraged to invest after the Chinese government approved the firm and high interest rates were offered. 


Once the fraudsters had got their hands on the money they disappeared to hide in Thailand. 


According to TNA at least some of those arrested had got fake Burmese passports and visas to cover their tracks. 


Surachate said that there is no evidence yet that Thai or Burmese authorities were culpable in their entry into Thailand but an investigation is underway. 


The four in the gang will be deported to China where an appreciative government awaits their return. 


Earlier in the week a South Korean hotelier and alleged serial rapist was the Maj-Gen's first arrest though the investigation that led to that happened before he took up his post.


Surachate's time at the Tourist Police Bureau was characterized by press conferences and many busts of a wide variety of criminals, notes Thaivisa.


There seems no let up now that he has been promoted to the top job at immigration. 


The main change is that the level of the busts is getting bigger. 


Source: TNA

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-10-03
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Does your intelligence allow you to believe that it is actually Big Fake himself who goes out and nails these villains. If so, you are either extremely naive or s..... or both.
He is just there to take the glory and make the PM look good. Open your eyes and mind.
He is not sitting on his Arse but actually WORKING whatever his role. It doesn't matter if it's promotional or not its never a bad thing. Every country has a promotional face of its police force.

If your suggesting he has never made a bust then me thinks you may be the s.... One
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7 minutes ago, blackhorse said:

He is not sitting on his Arse but actually WORKING whatever his role. It doesn't matter if it's promotional or not its never a bad thing. Every country has a promotional face of its police force.

If your suggesting he has never made a bust then me thinks you may be the s.... One

I don’t know many Thai police officers who would say no to a photo op. I’d rather they concentrated on doing their jobs and not the accolades. 

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I don’t know many Thai police officers who would say no to a photo op. I’d rather they concentrated on doing their jobs and not the accolades. 
He has the power to generate motivation. When he walks into a station I'm pretty sure the phones get turned off pretty quick.

Strange it's fine to have a promotional face for the police in first world but dare to do it in Thailand and there must be underlying dark forces behind it. Just another form of endlessly thai bashing
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How many tourists has he helped?
Not his job to make arrests on walking St. What he has done is taken the RTP from the back pages to the front. This will eventually lead to more accountability over time. EVERYBODY is talking about him

Hopefully they replace him now he has gone
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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

It would be nice for once if he could give credit to the people who had obviously been working on this for some time. It is not possible to walk into the job and single handedly sort this out in such a short period of time. His glory hunting is getting bigger.

and what about all the dress uniforms just for the camera.  :cheesy:

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Just noticed the joke above the $20 Whirled Map, it says:

Efficient Service, Standardized Practice, Security Av...


Efficient Service -the map below must show all the immigration offices, with a percentage efficiency mark per office. I assume some must have double digits.

Standardized Practice - that must mean each IO has their own individual idea of "standard". Perhaps soon you'll you able to select what 'standard' you need for your own needs.


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Thank you for agreeing with me. And being such a modest man he does rather an excellent job of promoting himself rather than those who get their hands dirty. Rather like someone else we all know.
It's exactly what the RTP need. I'm sure the lazy thieving bib would rather not have the light shining on them. Much easier for them to just stay under the radar

You don't understand the power of promotion.

And you can't say that he has contributed nothing because you could never know
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I agree this probably result of many underlings gathering information and evidence on the gang of four. For how long?

Perhaps higher up stopped anything resembling police work.... I have no idea why (wink wink).

BJ does have a big ego that adores adulation, granted. But it seems he is able to break the logjam and get criminals arrested.

Isn't that worthy of some praise?

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Big Joke pleases China with arrest of near billion dollar "gang of four" fraudsters! 


Big Joke could please a lot of ordinary Thai's if he arrested the "Gang of Ten Million" hiso's ripping them off!

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You misquote me. I didn't say he contributed nothing. I said he contributed to the publicity of his own inflated opinion of himself. Conversation closed; I am flogging a dead horse with this discussion.
Your obviously a blue collar worker. You never saw the need for promotional work.
If your the head of that department you absolutely must look confident and beam for the camera.
I retired at 42 after having a high profile marketing company for nearly 20 years

I get it.. You don't. Conversation over

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sometimes i think the fearless leader is combing this Big Joke to be the next interior minister once the climate is finally deemed suitable to hold that long overdue election.

the watchman has to be dumped, and Big Joke is his protege, so, a natural progress to keep things in "family".

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