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Chinese Mob at CM Immigration


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They could reserve one or two day's a week for Chinese Only...........oh that wouldn;t work, cause they would show up on 'all others days' and do the same shi'ite.  Oh well, guess ya'll have to find another Immigration office.

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13 hours ago, DoctorG said:

I have done this. ???? Beijing station trying to get back to Jiangsu. Sardines trying to move and not faint.

Back to queues. In line in a Chinese bank when one guy brassed in straight up to the teller. I yelled at him and after a bit of stunned silence the Chinese in the line joined in until he slunk back into line.

It is not unusual to be conducting business at the teller only to find somebody next to you begin trying to business across the front of you. The disappointing thing is that often the teller will stop with you and attend to the newcomer.

To give credit though the person you are dealing with when you finally get there is always multi tasking anyway.  I sometimes think that is why they can be so abrupt.

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12 hours ago, Mavideol said:

guessing nether of you have been in china..... it's like that everyday at every queue, they don't respect anybody.... and they want to be part of the international community

On the contrary Sir, I spent three years in Zhongsan, 2 hours from Hong Kong. I completely concur with you. We even had to push our way out of the elevator when the doors opened as they just shoved en-masse to get in, regardless of enough room or not. My friend and I carried briefcases full of bricks to assist in the 'parting of the masses'. Also, the ferry from Hong Kong had an escalator down to the pier, the mad rush when the ferry was announced was something to behold, total bedlam....:bah:.

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12 hours ago, champers said:

This is a truly awful way to treat people, very many elderly. I do hope some serious and organised naming and shaming in Chiang Mai can improve things for everyone.


Personally, I think that the new building is OVER-loaded and can't handle the load of people and car traffic. The queue is just unbelievably long.


They should open another branch at Promenada to offload some services at the old place. After all, it is empty there and much more pleasant.


I think the big bosses are at main office to sign visas so all those non-important services like Residence cert, TM30 reporting, 90 days reporting could be at Promenada. All these don't need important people to sign visas.


Maybe NancyL can suggest to the immigration. 


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"Personally, I think that the new building is OVER-loaded and can't handle the load of people and car traffic. The queue is just unbelievably long."


I haven't been there yet, but are you telling me that after all this wait and construction the place isn't big enough? Photos? 

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54 minutes ago, Trujillo said:


"Personally, I think that the new building is OVER-loaded and can't handle the load of people and car traffic. The queue is just unbelievably long."


I haven't been there yet, but are you telling me that after all this wait and construction the place isn't big enough? Photos? 

I didn't take my handphone or camera with me that day.


You would be horrified by the queue that snakes to the back of the building. 


The passing cars are just inches away from the three queues so if there were a drunken driver, many people could get hurt.



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8 minutes ago, Vacuum said:

90 day reporters shoild be banned from the Immigration office. Use a Post Office instead and the queues should be 50% shorter.

Only the 90 day report queue would be shorter.

But yes, 90 online or by post, no idea why people do what that don't have to.

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On 10/8/2018 at 11:20 AM, SammyT said:

My experiences in my time in Chiang Mai with anything that involves queuing (immigration, airport, shopping centres, drivers licence place) is that if someone pushes in front of me, and it has happened regularly at all of those places, they are normally Chinese. 


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My understanding is that immigration doesn't give a hoot about what goes on in the lines. 

If the Chicoms want to gang up and take over the lining up procedure, then that's a matter for you and me, not for immigration officials. 


But let's be clear; if they tried that with me or like-minded people, there will be trouble. 

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This I suspected would happen, just like the Prom, total chaos. Immigration doesn`t care, and this has been happening for the last few years.


They have no intentions of making things organised, because the system is designed to encourage people to use the agents.


But what I do see happening if this chaos continues is fights breaking out. In a way I hope this happens that may persuade immigration to start organising a proper queue system and hopefully ban the line sitters. 

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6 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

This I suspected would happen, just like the Prom, total chaos. Immigration doesn`t care, and this has been happening for the last few years.


They have no intentions of making things organised, because the system is designed to encourage people to use the agents.


But what I do see happening if this chaos continues is fights breaking out. In a way I hope this happens that may persuade immigration to start organising a proper queue system and hopefully ban the line sitters. 

Morons (your words I believe?)) who use line sitters do not circumvent the queue as opposed to agents who definitely do, may BJ will actually do what he says but unlikely, probably causing palpitations for a few IO's.


Advocating that violence in the queue may be a good thing, seriously?


HappyQueue may be what we have been waiting for but not holding my breath.

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18 hours ago, Trujillo said:


"Personally, I think that the new building is OVER-loaded and can't handle the load of people and car traffic. The queue is just unbelievably long."


I haven't been there yet, but are you telling me that after all this wait and construction the place isn't big enough? Photos? 



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Looks like a lot of Celestials...


So...all this time and money to make a new immigration hall and we have to stand outside unprotected from the elements? What happens if it rains? At least Promenada had a covered breezeway.


You have to wonder if this is just incompetence or simply not giving a krap about the customers (or both?). 

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1 hour ago, Xavnel said:





Thanks for the photos. The terrible thing is there are no covers from the hot sun/rain and also no protection from the cars passing within inches. 


What if there is an accident from some careless driver who stepped on the wrong pedal? They will ram into the queues.

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23 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

If any violence does occur at immigration, it will be people like you who are cheating us out of our slots in the queue that will help instigate it. And yes, those that use line sitters are morons.

Forum rules prevent me from giving an appropriate response.

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17 minutes ago, Trujillo said:

I don't see the full view, so I can't say anything about the "closeness to the road." 

Any other pics? 

I think he is referring to the one way system for cars entering and leaving the offices not the road, and where the waiting signage is and from a previous visit it is not particularly safe for pedestrians etc.

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1 hour ago, Thailand said:

I think he is referring to the one way system for cars entering and leaving the offices not the road, and where the waiting signage is and from a previous visit it is not particularly safe for pedestrians etc.


Agreed. It is potentially dangerous, especially if people in the lines are glued to their smartphones! ????

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2 hours ago, Trujillo said:

What is the difference between sitting in line yourself and hiring someone to do it for you? 


The difference is you don't  have to go early at 5 am in the morning and bask in the sun until 8:30 am when the office opens. You can just reach there at 9 or 10 am and go straight into the air-cond office inside.



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3 hours ago, Trujillo said:

I don't see the full view, so I can't say anything about the "closeness to the road." 

Any other pics? 


You CAN see the small road from the photo, it's the same small road that the policeman on the left is standing on.


I am not talking about the main road outside the building compound but the small road inside the building compound.

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5 hours ago, Trujillo said:

What is the difference between sitting in line yourself and hiring someone to do it for you? 

There will still be a person in line, no matter who it is. 

Let's say you go and get No. 7 in line. Alternately, you send someone who goes at the same time you would have and gets No. 7. 

What's the rub here? 


Where is the cheating? Dirty tricks? 


I don't recall Immigration saying that you must occupy the line yourself. They don't care. In fact, the whole reason behind refurbishing the buildings was for the comfort and benefit of the Immigration workers, not the stupid foreigners. 

This is going much further now.


Just read a report on facebook that there are Burmese and Thais getting to immigration before 3.00am, grabbing places and then selling them to those that turn up. So now we have line grabbers selling slots to line sitters and others. Wouldn`t be surprised if the line sitters are in cahoots with the line grabbers.


So this going from the sublime to the ridiculous, the zoo has transformed into a circus. If the police don`t sort this out soon, it`s going to become complete mayhem and chaos, even worse then it is now.

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19 minutes ago, YogaVeg said:

Sublime? When was the sublime phase? ????

The CM immigration so-called system is a joke and if more people are going to be pushed to use agents, the agents are going to whack up their fees accordingly, because they will have captive customers.


Even some of the old sticklers I know that a year ago swore they would never use agents, are now using agents. Sooner or later the way this is going, tensions are going to flare at immigration and all hell will break loose in there.

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36 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:



Just read a report on facebook that there are Burmese and Thais getting to immigration before 3.00am, grabbing places and then selling them to those that turn up. So now we have line grabbers selling slots to line sitters and others. Wouldn`t be surprised if the line sitters are in cahoots with the line grabbers.



When something is in high demand, the price will increase.


Immigration should really make this type of line-grabbers and line-sitters illegal.


Only the applicant or their family should be allowed to queue.


If not, there will always be more and more opportunists looking for easy money.

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