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Now that I just learned what Dubya means, there are a few other words I would like to know the maning of. If anyone could give the meaning for the following words I be grateful.

Tosser? my guess is this would be a jackoff

Tosspot? maybe someone whole talks a lot of crap

Soapdodger? maybe a smelly bast*rd

Am I close on any of these?


a curious Padkapow Guy

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A soap dodger refers to a Brit and indicates their lack of affinity with soap and or bathing.

Don't listen to him he is pulling your leg.

It came about when baths were first introduced into the U.K. in the early 1960s.

People were very grateful for the introduction of these as they then had somewhere to keep the coal.

Before then people were taken outside once a fortnight and swept, this was done if it was needed or not as you can imagine this was not looked forward to in the winter months in the U.K. all ten of them.

I hope this clarifies things.

What does Dubya mean???

This is from the ceremony of knighthood in the U.K.

When men are knighted they kneel before the Queen who then taps their shoulders once with a sword, this is knows as dubbing.

She says as she is doing this "I dubya Sir so and so or whatever"

Please keep those questions coming.

Wouldn't it be better to use one energetic swing from one shoulder to the other in some cases such as the cited one?

Well it would if she wanted to decapitate him at the same time,but look at the mess it makes on the carpet.

soap-dodger  Noun. An unkempt, dirty person. Derog[/b].

            soapy tit wank Noun. An act of masturbation between a woman's breasts 

            with the use of some form of lubrication. Cf. 'tit wank'.

as can be seen from the above extract from the dictionary of slang, soap dodger makes no reference to nationality at all, a soap dodger can hail from anywhere, even australia or the united states.

likewise a so-and-so could come from almost anywhere and a soapy tit-wank is not necessarily a practice native to thailand.


No oe has mentioned 'septic'.

And what's this about being swept-down once a fortnight? After my mum sewed me up in thick red flannel for the winter, that was it until next June. Maybe we'd have a change at Christmas, depended on the weather.

do you mean an "uphill gardener"

That's the one! :o

That'd be somewhat similar to a tan tracker wouldn't it ?

Carefull, you might upset the neighbours.


dont know about a tan tracker, but an uphill gardner is someone on the wrong bus, bowling from the pavillion end who has regular work as a patrolman on the hershey highway.

soap-dodger  Noun. An unkempt, dirty person. Derog[/b].

as can be seen from the above extract from the dictionary of slang, soap dodger makes no reference to nationality at all, a soap dodger can hail from anywhere, even australia or the united states.

It could, but in all reality we all know it must mean British or French :D

Who else hates to shower so much (Do we need to bring up historical links) :o

After my mum sewed me up in thick red flannel for the winter, that was it until next June.

I used to dream of being sewn up in red flannel,but that was only for the toffs.

My parents were that poor they couldn't afford laxatives, used to sit me on the potty and tell me ghost stories.

dont know about a tan tracker, but an uphill gardner is someone on the wrong bus, bowling from the pavillion end who has regular work as a patrolman on the hershey highway.

Yer shouldn't put the gas where the oil is meant to go :o

why do they call you windy ?? :D

Flatulance perhaps? :D

Beer and Chille does that to me :D

Too much beer and chillie and flatulation is dangerous. :o

why do they call you windy ?? :D

Flatulance perhaps? :D

Beer and Chille does that to me :D

Too much beer and chillie and flatulation is dangerous. :o

Yep, Lucky I dont smoke :D

why do they call you windy ?? :D

Flatulance perhaps? :D

Beer and Chille does that to me :D

Too much beer and chillie and flatulation is dangerous. :o

Yep, Lucky I dont smoke :D

Follow-thru not flammibility was more on my mind

  follow-thru not flammibility was more on my mind

Always a problem is you dont watch the VB intake :o

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