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"Black criminals and over stayers" targeted after prayers in Chanthaburi


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2 hours ago, smew said:

Get rid off all the criminals no matter where you catch them, no matter what religion no matter what colour their skin. Bravo to the boys on brown !

Yes.. but there were no arrests. Everyone in the church was legal. Doesn’t mean they were honest law abiding people , but it’s a bad example of cleaning up illegals .

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2 hours ago, generealty said:

Another day another story and as happened yesterday, innocent people were harassed and all found to be legal. I really really hope this crap hits international media because this is the worst kind of human rights violation. To the guy (skills32) who say 'No problem' it is a problem and we will all be targeted one day. Even if you have the visa being taken down to Police Station (Arrested) as they did yesterday will not bode well. It is still in most peoples minds what a large (50 or more) Army and Police arrested 60-70-80 years old playing bridge in Pattaya and took them off down to the cells, photos of some with walking frames trying to get into the back of pickups. <deleted> !

The last part of what you say i can agree with that , but 60-70-80 year old white people are not walking on sukhumvit at night selling drugs or working in beer bars in WS selling their body's , so i have a litlle bit mixed feelings with your reason dont compare apples with pears

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I live in Chanthaburi, and I see Thais and Africans getting along very well. I have not personally seen any racist episodes, although I'm sure they do occur – as sadly they do everywhere.

I think it's wrong to say that Immigration was specifically targeting blacks here, they were simply targeting perhaps the largest group of immigrants in this city at an easy to target location. I'm happy to hear that everybody appeared to have their paperwork in order, as it's always my impression that these gem traders are hard working businessmen with nothing to hide. I have had a few of them as neighbors and friends over the years, and they have always been very nice to both me and my Thai friends/family.

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Well done IMM. Keep up the good work. White, Black, Pink, Yellow or Green, if illegal in this amazing Kingdom get out and do it quickly.

For the negative people out there how can IMM in any country anywhere in the world carry out checks without checking? It's not discrimation against anyone. Wake up and smell the roses before you waste valuable space on this column with negative comments.

I can be checked anywhere, anytime because I am legal and happy to be living here.


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no racism at all.

They get checked the same way a Thai criminal is checked.

If we know that certain kind of people are mostly associated with crime , terrorism, fraud ,decapitations, ........we have the right to be suspicious when we 

encounter look a likes of them ,it just natural prudence.......nothing to do with racism .

I avoid all snakes ....not only the ones that will bite me .


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3 hours ago, generealty said:

Another day another story and as happened yesterday, innocent people were harassed and all found to be legal. I really really hope this crap hits international media because this is the worst kind of human rights violation. To the guy (skills32) who say 'No problem' it is a problem and we will all be targeted one day. Even if you have the visa being taken down to Police Station (Arrested) as they did yesterday will not bode well. It is still in most peoples minds what a large (50 or more) Army and Police arrested 60-70-80 years old playing bridge in Pattaya and took them off down to the cells, photos of some with walking frames trying to get into the back of pickups. <deleted> !

Re. "... this is the worst kind of human rights violation."  You must lead a very sheltered life.

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4 hours ago, generealty said:

Another day another story and as happened yesterday, innocent people were harassed and all found to be legal. I really really hope this crap hits international media because this is the worst kind of human rights violation. To the guy (skills32) who say 'No problem' it is a problem and we will all be targeted one day. Even if you have the visa being taken down to Police Station (Arrested) as they did yesterday will not bode well. It is still in most peoples minds what a large (50 or more) Army and Police arrested 60-70-80 years old playing bridge in Pattaya and took them off down to the cells, photos of some with walking frames trying to get into the back of pickups. <deleted> !

Border Security in Australia carry out identical raids - Agricultural properties are often targeted because they employ illegal migrants.  In Oz though it's not only the immigrant or over-stayer who's working without a Visa but the owner of the property who also cops a sizable fine.  There is a realistic approach to all of this, until you can prove you are legitimate then you are treated as suspicious, that's normal police procedure.  Show the Police your Passport and Visa and it's as simple as that.  I have been pulled over only once and asked for my Passport - the officer checked it, handed it back and was very polite during the whole process.  No complaints as the same laws and procedures exist in almost all civilized countries.

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3 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

Thai's are very racist,more through ignorance than malice though,as they are taught at school they live in the greatest country in the world,Thai people are special and better than all others.

They teach them something then

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Checking and arresting illegals,  fine, their country, their rules.


But they should equally start strong police presence in "entertainment areas" and immediately lock up and/or deport the legally/illegaly visiting tourists/expats who bully, get drunk and provoque drunk fights and brawls.

Edited by observer90210
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19 hours ago, SinCityGr8One said:

We are all guests in The Kingdom. Immigration Police are just following orders from higher up. If YOU are legal, no problem. If YOU are illegal, then you have a big problem. Regarding the men of colour, it does touch on racial profiling. Some bad apples have made a problem for their own kind. 

I've experienced it a couple of times and, what you mentioned is true. I'm black-american and have been mistaken for Black-African. Its only when I speak that the BIB do a double take. Then, its all smiles and misunderstandings. I could go on.

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11 hours ago, smew said:

Get rid off all the criminals no matter where you catch them, no matter what religion no matter what colour their skin. Bravo to the boys on brown !

This story just shows how unneeded or useless the Thai police are. 

On one hand the media every day tells us that foreign illegals and criminals are such a big problem in thailand, (if it's such a problem then what the heck have police doing to allow crime to get out of control?)......then when do racial profiling to target these foreigners, there's no arrests becuase everyone is legal !!!

The only thing we can deduce from these media stories is either the Thai Police are Lazy and not doing their jobs, OR,  the Thai Police have bad intelligence, or it's BOTH Lazy & incompetent!

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17 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

it's just discrimination of the black, same what they do with farangs, for sure we are next, so don't go to church ^^

Ion the other hand strongly urge the faithful to attend church services every afternoon on Soi 6. Confession in the upstairs confessionals is recommended. 

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12 hours ago, mentalcolonization said:

With the nominee towards immigration policy worldwide, Thailand is stirring up a war against humanity. The problem will be dealt with according to the rules and norms.  Church

I love Thailand's immigration policy. I lived under its rules for 30 years and now am under the Rules of the Philippines who are even more strict. Better to have hard immigration than to be like America and Canada with every piece of trash walking across the border with no penalty.

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