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Job In Banking And Finance

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"Hello" to all of you.

I've been in Bangkok almost 2 years trying to find a job in banking/finance field unfortunately it isn't easy. I've tried several foreign banks and other companies and I am still left nowhere (what I usually hear is "to employ you is too expensive","we don't have a policy for foreign workerks","you have to be sent here by headquarters from outside of Thailand" and so on. I accept it because I guess this is/could be the right thing to say but also because I have no other option.

I'd like to ask you to share with me your own experiences, ideas about your way of getting things here and for any links to possible employment in banking/finance field. I really appreciate it. Thank you.

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it didn't take me nearly 2 years to work out that from within Thailand, it's not going to happen.

I was also told there is a quota or formula for how many foreigners can be employed and hence only the higher jobs usually go to foreigners as Thais will fill the rest. You do really need to be sent here from abroad. I was offered a sniff at one job momentarily and that was to teach them English, not Banking at all! Never even got to the interview stage.

I worked for a merchant Bank in London and had good banking experience and qualifications, but it took me 1 week of touring around and collecting info, to decide it was pointless or it may take me many years of fails and false hope.

After 2 years, I would have thought you would have realised this reality ages ago and given up. If you have seriously been looking all this time from within Thailand. Amazing!

Edited by twix38
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Well, I believe that it is a wrong decision for you to keep looking for the job here in Thailand. They don't need the foreigners. :o

I have very strong background in Accounting and Audit related field along with qualifications (Public Accountant) and worked for renowned companies, such as PriceWaterhouseCoopers and other MNCs. However, I did not find any suitable job here. I am here for two years and decide to leave as soon as I feel like.

I think Thailand is not suitable for young people to find a suitable job. If you are a white guy, you can teach English here. :D

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Thank you very much for your opinion. Just o quick one to Jims Knight - you need to grow up mentally since you don't understand things that foreign banks and financial institutions are there not to help Thai unempolyment and that you have learnt your English somehow by dealing with "farangs". The spite all this I wish you all the best.

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Ask stupid questions Marius and you'll get answers like the one I posted to you. It was you're first post and you asked a very troll-like question that has been along the lines of 'I want the big money job in Thailand.' Unless you're on an expat package forget the fruitless 2 years spent inside Thailand. Expat packages are usually granted for existing company people already employed by them. You're hounding after pie in the sky. If I've burst you're bubble then sorry but reality bites and harsh answers are needed, not fluffy cotton wool ones.

Spelling may not be my forte Marius but getting decent paying jobs is, and thailand isn't where the pot of gold is. Once again, forget Thailand for banking jobs unless you're on an expat package.

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I've been in Bangkok almost 2 years trying to find a job in banking/finance field

Are you saying that you are in Thailand at the moment, or that you were in Thailand when you posted the above?



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to the OP, in what area of banking is your expertise?

are you in front room, back room, retail, corporate, structured, IB, treasury, private, bonds???

senior banking positions are available in certain banking functions here, if you don't know where to look and who to ask, please dont take offense but maybe you are not suitably qualified to begin with.

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to the OP, in what area of banking is your expertise?

are you in front room, back room, retail, corporate, structured, IB, treasury, private, bonds???

senior banking positions are available in certain banking functions here, if you don't know where to look and who to ask, please dont take offense but maybe you are not suitably qualified to begin with.

I can think of 3 friends working in Thai/foreign but sort of Thai, you know how it works single branch banks here.

All had worked in banks in the past, and applied locally and secured employment locally, on fairly reasonable packages. All are either senior and already had a job here, or in one case was a guy teaching english but had previously been a specialist in one particular area of banking that a bank needed here.

If you have 'general bank experience' then you won't get very far; don't underestimate the people you are competing for a job with; they probably were educated abroad, understand the Thai banking system and speak Thai far better than a foreigner; all critical skills for most banks here (including the foreign ones). Specialists...well you bring something to the table.

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I really appreciate your opionion guys ,that is even to JimsKnight. Words written by thedude "you are not suitably qualified to begin with" are, I guess, the best to describe my situation - not money but more experience is needed.

Let me just ask Prakanong who wrote about Singapore - could you make my internet search easier and tell me something I could start with e.g. any job agancy in Singapore worth recommedation? Thank you.

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Finance and Banking is a broad area.

Slightly off topic, but probably close enough: is there demand for good money managers / portfolio managers in Thailand? Are there hedge funds? Say you are a licensed (abroad) money manager with a nice track record, will you be wasted on Thailand or is there enough activity in this area?

Edited by rogerinthai
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A well paying job in just about any industry is the holy grail for many farangs because it is so uncommon, this is not meant to sound mean but join the club. I too have considered Singapore. Work there and play in Thailand as Prakanong said. Singapore is a distant 2nd to actually living in Thailand in my opinion, however it is much closer than the USA and Europe.

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Finance and Banking is a broad area.

Slightly off topic, but probably close enough: is there demand for good money managers / portfolio managers in Thailand? Are there hedge funds? Say you are a licensed (abroad) money manager with a nice track record, will you be wasted on Thailand or is there enough activity in this area?

i'm not an expert but i think the fund market here is kind of small compared to tokyo, sin, hk. most regional or international funds are headed in one of those 3 cities with managers making the odd trip down to bkk to meet clients. if private wealth management is what you are referring to, you should really be in sin, the private banking sector there is exploding and the hunt for experienced bankers is very cut-throat, i have seen whole teams move for massive bonuses. i had friends in that sector driving SLKs in their late 20s and owning 3 apartments by 30.

even the bond market here is miniscule. a friend of mine works for credit suisse in bonds ratings advisory in hk. she covers asia and she's here to meet clients like 2 days max out of every 2 or 3 months. she flies out the same day if she can help it. she's moving on to merryl lynch next month doing the same stuff and she says her bkk work shrivels to just about nil with merryl. there are only a handful of Thai companies capable of issuing rule 144A type bonds. sorry to say this, but bkk is only a backwater when it comes to banking and finance, most jobs here are covered by qualified locals as mentioned by Steveromagnino, because demand does not outstrip supply. but the big marketplace of opportunites is really out there in the other cities.

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There certainly are jobs available, to those suitably qualified. However if you are not currently working in the industry then you will find it very difficult even with a great CV . I suggest you learn to read and write thai to an intermediate level, then get a job in your home country and try to get hired into a job in thailand from there.

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