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Television Executives Summoned To Meeting

Jai Dee

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Mr. Theeraphat calls in executives of television stations a meeting

Minister attached to the Prime Minister’s Office, Theeraphat Serirangsan (ธีรภัทร์ เสรีรังสรรค์) will have a discussion with executives of television stations and request for their cooperation to help present constructive news for the country.

Mr. Theerapat said that the meeting this evening will concern matters related to the nation's benefits and the government’s policies. He said that the government wants the media to improve the quality of its contents.

Mr. Theerapat affirmed that this meeting is not aimed to limit the media’s rights, saying that he understands the media’s responsibility. He said the media must present facts to society in a neutral manner.

Mr. Theerapat also showed press members a book that he has written, about researches concerning politics in the past 4-5 years and with emphasis on corruption by the former prime minister. He said he would like the former prime minister to use his current free time to read it.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 13 Febuary 2007

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This is such a blatant violation of the rights of the people of Thailand.

Oh, look. The men with guns are making another "suggestion"

These guys keep digging their graves.

Someone will come along and push them in soon.

Edited by pumpuiman
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"He said the media must present facts to society in a neutral manner."

Actually the media can present facts to the public in any way they see fit in a country with a free media........ :o

This government are becoming more and more power hungry by the day and they know full well that the media could be their downfall.

Seems they are trying to reign in the media just the same as Thaksin did.

Things never change here, just the players on the pitch.

And yes I prefer the players to be chosen by the people as opposed to taking their place through force or at least the threat of force.

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Mr. Theerapat also showed press members a book that he has written, about researches concerning politics in the past 4-5 years and with emphasis on corruption by the former prime minister.

What's this, a free sample of what is 'neutral news' as a guideline for the future? :o

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If the government doesn't use the media, someone else will. You can't rely on TV media doing their job in Thailand, they "need" independence only as long as they could fetch a higher price for selling it.

As journalists they have discredited themselves a long long time ago.

The government can't pull the same trick with print media - they'll be all over it the next morning. TV stations - promise them government's help and they'll bring their own gifts.

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Govt invites editors to dinner tonight

The government will host a dinner on Tuesday evening for newspaper editors and executives of television stations - but ministers will not ask them during dinner to stop reporting about the travels of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Prime Minister's Office Minister Thirapat Serirangsan said that, instead, the editors will listen to an appeal for media cooperation to report news that would benefit the public

Full story: http://www.bangkokpost.net/breaking_news/b...s.php?id=116760

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Prime Minister's Office Minister Thirapat Serirangsan said that, instead, the editors will listen to an appeal for media cooperation to report news that would benefit the public

It should mean.....................appeal for the media cooperation to report news that would benefit the junta.

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Every time I see something like this it just confirms my belief that the next "elected" government will be military controlled. If they were going to return the government back to the people, as they have said, they would get on with the task at hand and not be meddling in so many other areas. It sure makes it seem that these guys are in it for the long haul.

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I support the current government as at the moment the media still isn't completely free from Thaksin and his cronies. After years and years of brainwashing, the brainwashed aren't going to snap out of it instantly. There are nuts out there who think Kim Jong Il, oh I mean Thaksin should return to be prime minister.

This government hasn't influenced broadcasts like Thaksin's cronies did. And it hasn't fired reporters. In fact, it has even let ITV stay on the air despite the fine against it.

Wake up. The snake is gone and he's not coming back. The fantasy is over and the people need to know the truth. The news people need to get the truth out.

The government could see that the selfish news people out there (like Sorayut on Channel 3 ) who refused to report anything against the government when Thaksin was in power are fired but it's giving them a chance. It sure is amazing to see how many of them are starting to open their mouths since the change in government. The media was used to brainwash the nation in the past. It can't be trusted at the moment. The government needs to keep some control over it. A lot of the news media really need some self-evaluation before they are going to be respected again.

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i actually view this as positive.

poor journalistic standards and questionable integrity have played a large role in confusing the public over fact and fiction, truth and conjecture. oftentimes starting a fire when there is none, diverting attention from the facts, using false logic, or plain fanning the flames to create a scandal. there's no distinction between a broadsheet and a tabloid in thailand.

just look at all the misinformation passing off as known fact that's swirling around because some people believe what they read in the papers.

when they repeat a falsehood a few times, people start assuming its the truth. to make things worse, layers of misinformation build up on each other to create a sort of bizarre parallel world that the unsuspecting and unthinking would rely on as reality. ask them to prove their point and they quote you passages from The Nation....

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