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U.S. regains crown as most competitive economy for first time since 2008: WEF


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8 hours ago, moontang said:

but we could have had Hillary..successful land developer (Whitewater), futures trade (Cattlegate), and travel expert (Vince Foster).  And quite a philanthropist, too.  Raised 200 million for Haiti quake victims and built four whole houses with it.

But, but, but...Hillary!


I was replying to a post that stated businessmen make better presidents.  My point is that history suggests otherwise.


HRC campaigned as an experienced politician, not a successful (in spite of multiple bankruptcies and many legal problems) businessman.  Also, everything that you mentioned was investigated and nothing found.

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5 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

But his tax cuts for the super rich it seems to me are unlikely to filter down to the poorer ends of the economy. However most blue collar workers seem happy?

Our small family construction company is a bind. You cant get experienced pipelayers for example, the big companies are so desperate for them that they are paying shovel boys $20 an hour to start. Kids that were diggin ditches a year ago and learning for us are pulling $30 an hour. I know a guy who parked his HE and the paperwork involved and took his 35 years of Grading Experience to a major contractor at $100 an hour with two hours guaranteed overtime a day. Just my experience.

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7 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

I didn't see Mr Obama achieve much at all, but he did seem a cordial sort of chap.


But your nice new mr Trump seems to getting everything ship shape, can't see any bad news at all? From UK news I can see;


Better controlled immigration

Fair representation of views within the Supreme Court with that nice chap he just got on.

Taxes down

Wages Up

Stock market up

Sorting the pesky EU and China's unfair tariffs.

Re writing trade deals in Americas favour


From outside it looks like he's genuinely "Making  America Great Again".


But his tax cuts for the super rich it seems to me are unlikely to filter down to the poorer ends of the economy. However most blue collar workers seem happy?


I hope he gets recognition perhapse with the Nobel peace prize for his work on the Korean Peninsula?




ironie is a splendid icon but reality prevails 3.7 % unemployment, mr. trump brought home most americans ever held in captivity abroad by using american strength.




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29 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

ironie is a splendid icon but reality prevails 3.7 % unemployment, mr. trump brought home most americans ever held in captivity abroad by using american strength.





I don't understand why you and Trump are quoting 3.7%

Trump claim those figures were fake under the Obama administration, so why are you and Trump running with fake figures too?

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2 hours ago, moontang said:

But, but, things must seem pretty bad if you are working illegally in CM for less than you would make at McDonald's, in the States.  Apparently, Denial is much deeper in the North, than the Mae Ping.

Off topic, and total fiction.  I'm not working illegally in CM. 


I'm pretty sure blatant libel, accusing a TV member of a crime, is against forum rules.  Moderators?

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8 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

I didn't see Mr Obama achieve much at all, but he did seem a cordial sort of chap.


But your nice new mr Trump seems to getting everything ship shape, can't see any bad news at all? From UK news I can see;


Better controlled immigration

Fair representation of views within the Supreme Court with that nice chap he just got on.

Taxes down

Wages Up

Stock market up

Sorting the pesky EU and China's unfair tariffs.

Re writing trade deals in Americas favour


From outside it looks like he's genuinely "Making  America Great Again".


But his tax cuts for the super rich it seems to me are unlikely to filter down to the poorer ends of the economy. However most blue collar workers seem happy?


I hope he gets recognition perhapse with the Nobel peace prize for his work on the Korean Peninsula?


"Better controlled immigration"?  Are you referring to separating children from families, then losing track of where the parents are? 


I agree putting an alcoholic and sexual predator in the Supreme Court will lead to new perspectives.


Taxes down, Federal deficit way up.


Unemployment and economic growth continuing trends long established under Obama.


No pesky tariffs imposed by the EU or China, only by the US.  But I don't expect Trump posters to know these things.


Other than minor tweaks and a major name change of NAFTA, I am aware of no major trade deals being rewritten.  I am aware of a major trade deal, one that would have gone far in restraining China, being abandoned.


Trump has made a lot of noise and said a lot of lies about the Korean peninsula.  What has he accomplished?

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1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

ironie is a splendid icon but reality prevails 3.7 % unemployment, mr. trump brought home most americans ever held in captivity abroad by using american strength.




You're making stuff up again.  Trump makes media events of Americans brought home, that's all.  Why not do a little research and give us a reason to believe Trump has brought home the most Americans?  I will even let slide the minor detail that you are ignoring American POW's brought home at the end of the wars they fought in.

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Several "trolling/off topic" comments removed and the responses to them.


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7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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Regardless of this report...The USA has been for well over a century, remains and will be for a LONG time to come (regardless of administration)...the straw that stirs the worlds economic and financial drink. The engine of world. The innovation hub of the world. :thumbsup:

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On 10/19/2018 at 2:52 AM, Nyezhov said:

Our small family construction company is a bind. You cant get experienced pipelayers for example, the big companies are so desperate for them that they are paying shovel boys $20 an hour to start. Kids that were diggin ditches a year ago and learning for us are pulling $30 an hour. I know a guy who parked his HE and the paperwork involved and took his 35 years of Grading Experience to a major contractor at $100 an hour with two hours guaranteed overtime a day. Just my experience.

Yes there are disadvantages to success as it can affect small business, but the worker wins by a shortage in the labour market as supply and demand kicks in.


Please don't pull me for being off topic on my comments as I do feel sorry though for hard working small businesses as they always seem to get kicked in the teeth by global international companies and governments. My wife's in a similar bind she has a catering business in the UK, employs 30 people, but uses custom made vehicles over 100 k each. She spent 20k on each one having it meet the latest standards until they changed in late 2022, so was affordable to run the vehicles to end of life then change in 2022. now the new Socialist major Khan has brought the date forward to March next year so she will be out of business. So I do sympathise with your predicament and do understand how you must feel.

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On 10/19/2018 at 11:41 AM, candide said:

There's an interesting article on the BBC website with data that completely contradicts your opinion that Obama did not do much. The figures below also nicely put the current economic indicators into perspective.






Well the facts of you nice mr Trump speak for themselves As we say in Great Britain - Well done that man.

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