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Trump says it looks like Saudi journalist Khashoggi is dead


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19 hours ago, Ulic said:

A few more days to complete an investigation.     What is there to investigate. 2+2=4 

They need to "investigate" how to give cover to the Saudis … it's tricky. Takes some time. Wouldn't be prudent to rush that. "trump" is not gonna do it. It doesn't matter to "trump" that nobody in the world will believe it. Even his deplorable base won't believe it, but they don't care. The moral depravity of the "trump" movement knows no limits.



So, as we said, there is no investigation; the crown prince cannot investigate himself. Rather, Mr. Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are conspiring with the Saudi leadership, buying time for them to construct a cover story that will deflect a wave of international outrage and discourage Congress from sanctioning the regime. Mr. Trump said Thursday that he believed Mr. Khashoggi was dead and that there would be “very severe” consequences — just as reports surfaced that Riyadh was preparing to pin blame on a senior intelligence official, while excusing the king and his son.



Edited by Jingthing
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19 hours ago, edwinchester said:

"we ought to give them a few more days to complete their investigation in order to get a full understanding of what happened....."


Yeah, got to let the Saudi's and the US to get their heads together and concoct a mutually agreeable account of what happened.


BREAKING NEWS (but the content is much like FAKE news). A few days ago, Trump suggested that it might be 'rogue' killers. Now, after having had time to putz around and get their stories harmonized, the Saudis are suggesting that it was probably 'rogue' killers. I wonder where the frig they got that idea from!


Try this. Trump talks to Putin, "hey Vlad, how can I get MBS out of this mess?". Vlad gives Donald an idea, what with all his KGB experience, says Vlad, "tell MBS to deny, deny, deny, stall, stall, stall. Suggest rogue killers and then have MBS do the same and drag it out until it goes away" (or at least until after November 6 cuz the shit will hit your fan too).


These dictators that Trump favours as his cronies are quite the bunch.

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19 hours ago, 727Sky said:

When I read stories like this I usually put myself into the victims shoes. Man's inhumanity to man (or woman) is absolutely beyond belief at times. I have never liked the type of torture that is done by removing body parts. That IMO is just terrorism or revenge especially when their are much easier ways to make anyone cry for their mommy.

One of the MSN stories that has been presented is that Jamal Khashoggi's death was an interrogation gone bad.. If the interrogation starts out by removing someone's fingers then you can assume it is pretty much all down hill from there.

Considering these people behead women in the city square or cut off hands I suppose a few fingers are not really that big of a deal to them ?

It is said the whole event was recorded on Khashoggi's smart watch... who would have thought ? Well certainly not guys doing the deed evidently..

Full title is : Turkish police search Saudi Consul's residence after 'he was recorded telling hit squad "Do this outside; you're going to get me in trouble" as they cut off journalist's fingers at embassy'



Now all they need to do is get rid of the Perps: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6289813/One-15-Saudis-flew-Turkey-day-Jamal-Khashoggi-disappeared-killed-car-crash.html

Whoever said the cloud for uploading was all bad..? I would bet the next time with all this exposure the smart watch is the first thing smashed or dipped in acid, maybe both !

Anyone who has been to an Embassy knows you have to leave your cell phone in the security basket which you can retrieve once your business is finished.. Well he left his cell phone with his girlfriend who was waiting out side for his return. His smart watch when the "record" was initiated auto loaded the recording to his cell phone.. Pretty neat that...

Now the latest news from Riyadh is Khashoggi died during a fight in the Embassy.. That must have been one hell of a fight for him to end up dismembered, No? Also out of Riyadh they are saying 18 Saudi nationalist have been arrested for their part in Khashoggi's death.. Wonder how many will hang themselves in prison or fall down some stairs ?



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10 hours ago, Trouble said:

It's really quite amazing the comments made on this forum by all the experts.  There is probably no doubt that the man is dead.  But do you really want the president and other international leaders to make statements and take action before the initial investigation is over?  Pompeo went to Saudi Arabia and Turkey and has talked to the people in each place. Turkey seems to be still investigating. Why not give everyone a little time to figure out what went on and who is culpable and then take action. I don't see England, France or Germany rushing into action so why all the sh*t over Trump.  Obviously this will be a difficult situation. He certainly doesn't want to jeopardize the arms deal which means up to 500,000 jobs but he can't go too lightly either and Saudi Arabia has been a balancing force against Iran too.  So what's the magic formula in this situation. There isn't one that's going to satisfy everyone. Maybe France, England, and Germany should make the first moves and let's see how tough they will be on the Saudis.

Trump says selling weapons to Saudi Arabia will create a lot of jobs. That’s not true.



The $110 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia is fake news


Edited by bristolboy
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6 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

US$420 billion and 600,000 jobs cut a lot of moral reasoning. Money is more important in this world than morals


These supposed figures are based on what? Both seem widely exaggerated.

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This is an interesting description:


" ... a political genius of a very unusual kind [whose success] rested on several sets of conflicting characteristics among which brutal, disarming honesty mingled with the wiles and deceits of a confidence man. He played his parts with perfect self-confidence, yet mixed them with rage, anxiety, illness, hypochrondria, and irrationality. ...


"He used democracy when it suited him ... utterly dominated his ministers with a sovereign contempt and blackened their reputations as soon as he no longer needed them. He outwitted the political parties, even the strongest of them, and betrayed all those ... who had put him into power.


"[Later] ... even his closest friends ... realized that they had helped put a demonic figure into power."


It's not President Trump, of course, but Otto von Bismarck, but I rather like the parallels, especially when you consider how Bismarck acted in international diplomacy.

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26 minutes ago, Morch said:


These supposed figures are based on what? Both seem widely exaggerated.

Based on listening to your President being interviewed the cash figure maybe out 20 billion the basics are their. Words from the horse.

Of course only you are an expert listener

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More of the same from "trump" and his true believer fans.

You can bet the house that "trump" and his true believer fans are going to play act that the Saudi cover story is actually the truth. 

It matters not to "trump" or his fans that nobody else in the world will believe it. Even the Saudis. Especially the Saudis.



The same exact dynamic is playing out with the apparent murder by Saudi Arabia of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump has applied the “innocent until proven guilty” notion to the Saudi state, even directly comparing the case to Kavanaugh’s. Despite the reported audio evidence of Khashoggi’s brutal dismemberment at the hands of Saudi officials, physical evidence of an attempted cover-up, and the plain fact that Khashoggi entered a Saudi Consulate never to be seen again, Trump is treating the case as a stone-cold whodunit. Don’t be surprised when, in spite of all this evidence, whatever cover story is eventually manufactured for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, or any other probable culprits, is ultimately accepted as fact by Trump and then by his followers. Once again, the lie will then become the fact.


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7 minutes ago, Kiwiken said:

Based on listening to your President being interviewed the cash figure maybe out 20 billion the basics are their. Words from the horse.

Of course only you are an expert listener


He's  not "my" president. And the fact that he claimed such figures doesn't mean much, certainly not when it comes to facts. He says a whole lot of stuff, a whole lot of it being outright lies, exaggerations, hyperbole or made up nonsense. You could have simply stated the source without your irrelevant personal comments.

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