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Drunken Norwegian Goes Beserk In Pattaya Land.....

libya 115

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SOURCE: Pattaya People: February 13th 2007

The Case of the Norwegian Bully

On the 13th of February at 3.20am Pattaya Police were called to the scene of an assault in front of the Best Friend Beer Bar near Soi Pattaya Land on Beach Road.

Police arrived to the scene to find a tall and hefty Norwegian, Mr. Edmund Johnsen, aged 48, who was drunk and attacking a Thai man, Natee Wichathayanon, aged 24.

Many foreigners, vendors and passersby attempted to stop the situation but could not suppress the bullying temper of Johnsen.

It took ten Police Officers to take charge of the struggling and resisting Norwegian.

Mr. Natee was sent to hospital for treatment.

Witnesses told Police that Johnsen left the A Go Go bar with his 3-4 friends. He raised a hue and cry and began punching people which made his friends leave him alone. He then walked around the area in a temper.

He stopped in front of the Best Friend bar beer and then began to take his trousers off with the intention to urinate near the busy BBQ pushcarts with many customers and pedestrians. His action was stopped by the vendors and he was told to go somewhere else. It was then that he vended his anger by attacking pedestrians including Mr. Natee who was standing nearby.

Johnsen was handcuffed and taken to Pattaya Police Station, where he used his strength to burst open the Police car door and he broke loose of the handcuffs and then began rampaging on the road.

He was eventually brought down and arrested by Police and volunteers. One officer was hit on the head with the handcuffs causing bleeding.

The Norwegian was locked up to calm down and after he gets sobers, sure enough an intensive inquiry with many charges will be made against him.


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SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News: February 13th 2007

more information in this news report:


At 3.20 am on February 13th, Police Lieutenant General Santi Chainiramai, received notification that there was a very drunk, extremely large tourist causing a disturbance in front of the Best Friend Beer Bar, at the beginning of Soi Pattayaland.

When the police arrived, they found Mr. Edmund Johnsen, aged 48, a Norwegian national of stocky stature struggling with a Thai man, Mr Natee Wichathayanont, a staff member of nearby weight lifting shop, who the Norwegian had in a head lock. There was a crowd of tourist spectators gathered around watching the fray, some of whom attempted to render assistance to the Thai, but to no avail.

At this stage, more than 10 policemen set upon Mr. Johnsen to try and control him. The police eventually managed to separate Natee Wichathayanont from his drunken assailant and sent him to hospital finally succeeded in quelling the extremely drunk Norwegian.

A local waitress in a nearby beer bar said she had seen Mr. Johnsen, accompanied by three or four friends, go into a local go-go bar. They all emerged some time later in a very drunken state, shouting and swearing at bystanders. First, Johnsen laid into one of his friends and the others tried to intervene. The situation developed into a melee from which Johnsen's friends beat a hasty retreat, leaving the drunk Norwegian on his own.

Johnsen then set upon a local bystander who had not been previously involved in the fray, Mr. Natee Wichathayanont, whom the Norwegian put into a head lock. It was then that the police arrived.

After temporarily quelling the Norwegian, the police put him in handcuffs and bustled him into a car, but he continued to struggle resulting in the police having to stop the police car. When it stopped, Johnsen forced his way out of the police car, stood in the middle of the road and proceeded to break his handcuffs.

At this the police charged en masse at Johnsen, who flailing around himself with the handcuffs in self defence, caught a police officer, Mr Krairit Karnchanasiri, a stunning blow which caused him to bleed heavily from the head wound.

Johnsen was then remanded into custody and will be charged with assault on a police officer, injuring a member of the public, trying to avoid being arrested by the police and causing a public disturbance.


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This is the kind of story that could really do with a follow-up.

How much of a kicking did he get in the cells? What sentence did he get? How much money did the cops extract from him? I wanna know.

What can you get for us, Libya, from your newshound buddies?

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It seems to me that some Norwegian citizens are unable to conduct themselves in a civilised manner due to the easy and inexpensive availability of sex and alcohol.

It is not surprising. Norway is a cold climate where a glass of beer costs approximately U.S.$15 and 'adult' entertainment venues are rare.

Consul Lill Vaksdal of the Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok has already voiced his concern, most recently in a Norwegian daily newspaper; see Thai Visa Link Below:

Norwegian Tourist Concerns

I think that the time has come that the 30 day entry stamp : which is NOT a visa, should no longer be granted to Norwegian citizens and that a tourist visa should be obtained prior to entry into Thailand. Law abiding Norwegian friends and neighbours agree with me, they admit that this would be an excellent idea.

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Gosh, Libya, that wasn't the kind of follow-up I was expecting.

A blanket ban on Norwegian visa exemptions seems a bit extreme.

Have you, perhaps, had a run-in with some Scandahooligans which might have coloured your judgement? Just asking as this post does not gel with your rational tone?

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Gosh, Libya, that wasn't the kind of follow-up I was expecting.

A blanket ban on Norwegian visa exemptions seems a bit extreme.

Have you, perhaps, had a run-in with some Scandahooligans which might have coloured your judgement? Just asking as this post does not gel with your rational tone?

Not really, did you check the link to the report posted in January? My reasoning is purely altruistic, I don't like to think of drunken Norwegians locked up in Thai prison cells, in this hot and humid weather, after all, they have the highest standard of living in the world in Norway.


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Gosh, Libya, that wasn't the kind of follow-up I was expecting.

A blanket ban on Norwegian visa exemptions seems a bit extreme.

Have you, perhaps, had a run-in with some Scandahooligans which might have coloured your judgement? Just asking as this post does not gel with your rational tone?

Not really, did you check the link to the report posted in January? My reasoning is purely altruistic, I don't like to think of drunken Norwegians locked up in Thai prison cells, in this hot and humid weather, after all, they have the highest standard of living in the world in Norway.


Like an airbag or a seat belt in a car? To protect them from themselves? Interesting hypothesis. :o

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At 3:20AM. Why weren't the bars shut at this time? When the policemen arrived, did they not find anything unusual about the bars being open and the Norwegian makng a mess of everything?

At 3.20 am on February 13th, Police Lieutenant General Santi Chainiramai, received notification that there was a very drunk, extremely large tourist causing a disturbance in front of the Best Friend Beer Bar, at the beginning of Soi Pattayaland.

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Norwegian citizens are unable to conduct themselves in a civilised manner due to the easy and inexpensive availability of sex and alcohol.

Sex. Whats cheap sex got to do with that kind of behaviour?

Also, a blanket ban on all Norwegians. Thats going a bit too far. Since invading Britain, they've been pretty

quite for a few thousand years. Perhaps this chap is testing out the water, before they invade.

Whatever the Thais do, they mustn't send him back, otherwise they'll know it's ten Thais versus one

Norwegian(a quick calculation of the population).

Norways first mistake was to send a 'scout' out to Pattaya.

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Why do so many OLd guys go to Pattaya and then think they are King Kong!

My brother in law weighs 9 stone---skinny as f8ck---and fit and fast as a cobra.And he knows where to hit and kick to full effect. he would have put this old fat fool down first blow!

10 police to RESTRAIN him----one finger to shoot the idiot.

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The last time I was in Oslo (a long time ago admittedly) the bars would serve you only beer until 1 AM. They would then serve you only spirits until 2 AM. Everyone waited for 1 AM to arrive and got totally legless. Oslo is a VERY weird place.

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After temporarily quelling the Norwegian, the police put him in handcuffs and bustled him into a car, but he continued to struggle resulting in the police having to stop the police car. When it stopped, Johnsen forced his way out of the police car, stood in the middle of the road and proceeded to break his handcuffs.
Johnsen was handcuffed and taken to Pattaya Police Station, where he used his strength to burst open the Police car door and he broke loose of the handcuffs and then began rampaging on the road.

Either he is a very strong man or there is a problem with the hand cuffs being used

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After temporarily quelling the Norwegian, the police put him in handcuffs and bustled him into a car, but he continued to struggle resulting in the police having to stop the police car. When it stopped, Johnsen forced his way out of the police car, stood in the middle of the road and proceeded to break his handcuffs.
Johnsen was handcuffed and taken to Pattaya Police Station, where he used his strength to burst open the Police car door and he broke loose of the handcuffs and then began rampaging on the road.
Either he is a very strong man or there is a problem with the hand cuffs being used

But on the plus side, a police colonel got a car for his mia noi after expropriating part of the handcuff procurement budget. Those plastic cuffs in Christmas crackers come pretty cheap, you know.


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Why do so many OLd guys go to Pattaya and then think they are King Kong!

My brother in law weighs 9 stone---skinny as f8ck---and fit and fast as a cobra.And he knows where to hit and kick to full effect. he would have put this old fat fool down first blow!

10 police to RESTRAIN him----one finger to shoot the idiot.

So your brother in law must know karate, kung <deleted>, jujitsu and a dozen other Japanese words eh?

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Why do so many OLd guys go to Pattaya and then think they are King Kong!

My brother in law weighs 9 stone---skinny as f8ck---and fit and fast as a cobra.And he knows where to hit and kick to full effect. he would have put this old fat fool down first blow!

10 police to RESTRAIN him----one finger to shoot the idiot.

So your brother in law must know karate, kung <deleted>, jujitsu and a dozen other Japanese words eh?

Nah, black belt in origami most likely.

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It seems to me that some Norwegian citizens are unable to conduct themselves in a civilised manner due to the easy and inexpensive availability of sex and alcohol.

Yeah? 30 dead while having sex ... give us some stats about the numbers of US, UK, Germans and the rest compared to the total entering the Kingdom, then we'll get a ratio which is compareable. :-) But what is the great loss anyway, except this f*** who should be paid to train the police force, the rest of them dies ... don't really see a problem, their time was up - easy as that, a happy ending as well.

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I saw this on Pattaya News channel 10, it was compelling viewing, they had footage at the point where he was in the police car, they then had to stop; He was then bundled out where at this point the Norwegian proceeded to throw punches in all directions while miraculously keeping on his feet, he looked enormous alongside his Thai (non)retainees and although he was extremely inebriated, he was surprisingly accurate with those punches he was throwing, catching one Thai right on the button with one such punch. It appears some motorcycle taxi drivers came to the assistance of the Police at this point.

He was eventually overcome by sheer numbers, the footage then cuts to a future scene where the Norwegian has his mouth and nose covered in blood :o selected footage very apparent here.

I have been to Norway and have found the people to be very calm, reserved and polite, something has obviously set him off to get angry at something, there is more to this story and as usual we only get snippets.

Ok he was drunk but not that drunk he couldn't handle himself :D

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Two main points I have.

1. He was extremelly lucky that he didnt pick on some of the nutters that are loose in Thailand,could of read Norweign falls from high rise :o

2.As a Brit that has worked with many pickled herring munching Scandis they have three states of drunkeness.

F###cking drunk

Swedish drunk

Norweign Drunk

(Icelanders dont get drunk just more strange than normal)

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Same way in lot of Scandi countries - Icelandics are complete nutters when out on the piss.

Its a genetic thing... The word 'beserk' is actually derived from the old scandinavian term of a "bezerker"

These were the old viking warriors who before going into battle would ingest themselves with a beverage made from the 'Fly Agaric' mushroom (Amanita Muscaria). Whilst not psychedelic this mushroom contains, amongst other stuff, Atropine which is mind altering.

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