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Thammasat Actress Set For A 'hot' Dressing Down

Jai Dee

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Your analogy is that just as the rooster does not cause the sun to rise, so too westerners do not cause globalization. You also say that Thais have a very distinct culture, not a globalized one.

Errrr, the point is that "a handful of expatriates" do not influence Thai culture to any measurable extent, any more than a rooster influences the rising of the sun.

That's very muddled thinking. On the one hand you are saying that any westernizing influence is not caused by westerners, and on the other, you are saying that Thais have not been westernized. But they want to speak the global language and the worldwide trend is towards globalization, which they can move towards in a distinctly Thai way.
No, my friend, I am not muddled. Unlike some, I do not see things in simplistic, black and white terms.

I did not say that any "westernising influence is not caused by westerners". I said that by far the greatest change agent in Thai culture is globalisation, that is, free trade ( not totally free, but getter freer all the time, which means far more contact with other cultures....some western, some not western, but most using English as a common language), more inwards and outwards investment, more inwards and outwards tourism, much more exposure to the world through the internet, pay tv, etc etc.

All societies and cultures, by definition, change in their own distinctive way, don't they? Incidentally, there are far more Thai people in Australia (and I would guess, in other western countries) than there are Australians in Thailand. And the Thai people in Australia (and other countries) have had a discernible impact on those western cultures. Check out the Thai restaurants that have sprung up in every major city of the western world.

Cultural change is not just a two-way street, it is a multi-lane highway.

That's all muddled up. To the extent that Thais are influence by western culture, to that extent western culture influenced them.

Err, yes. But not by a handful of expatriates, which is the point that I made originally.

And certainly, us expats have an effect on those that we deal with. We are not invisible people, and the people we interact with are not immutable. People are influenced all the time by each other. I've had major impacts on the lives of several Asians. Not to say that I've changed all of Thai society, but let's not be black and white about it. You can't throw a stone in a pond without causing a ripple.

My friend, being black and white about it is your stock in trade. Read back over what I said originally, and what you said in answer.

We all impact on each other's lives, to some extent or other. That is a given. It is hardly a revelation, is it?

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And why are you all arrogant enough to imagine that a handful of expats will have the slightest impact on Thai society anyway?

Could this be because almost everyone in Thailand wants to learn to speak english and because farangs are a big hit on television shows of all types...and because of the wholesale adoption of western popular music....and because of the popularity of western movies.......etc.?


The rooster crows. The sun rises. You and I know that the rooster didn't make the sun rise, don't we? But the rooster is pretty pleased with himself, and I guess that is all that matters.

There is this world-wide phenomenon happening called "globalisation". It is affecting all the countries of the world, including Thailand.

Some of the effects of globalisation are apparent just about everywhere, including of course in Thailand. Free trade, increasing freedom in migration, particularly of skilled workers, the internet, etc etc, you name it, it is all happening.

The use of English language is of course a very important part of globalisation. Of course people everywhere want to learn to speak English.

The last time I looked at Thai television, and listened to Thai radio, a couple of weeks ago, it still seemed very Thai to me.

The rooster crows. The sun rises. The rooster struts around, screws a few hens, and feels very pleased with himself. The world is certainly changing. A handful of expatriates in a place like Thailand might be profiting from the changes. But they are certainly not causing the sun to rise.

Can't tell if you understood my post or not. I was not indicating that I thought that expats have a big impact on Thai society....I was just indicating why I thought that some of them think they do.........I think western culture has had a big impact on Thai society...but some of the expats in Thailand give too much weight to their individual or collective influence. I guess I don't think that any once small group of expat roosters in Thailand makes the Thai sun rise but I do think that all the western roosters in the world have changed the trajectory of the Thai sun markedly.


P.S. I guess it also depends on ones definition of what is a significant impact.


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Your analogy is that just as the rooster does not cause the sun to rise, so too westerners do not cause globalization. You also say that Thais have a very distinct culture, not a globalized one.

Errrr, the point is that "a handful of expatriates" do not influence Thai culture to any measurable extent, any more than a rooster influences the rising of the sun.

That's very muddled thinking. On the one hand you are saying that any westernizing influence is not caused by westerners, and on the other, you are saying that Thais have not been westernized. But they want to speak the global language and the worldwide trend is towards globalization, which they can move towards in a distinctly Thai way.
No, my friend, I am not muddled. Unlike some, I do not see things in simplistic, black and white terms.

I did not say that any "westernising influence is not caused by westerners". I said that by far the greatest change agent in Thai culture is globalisation, that is, free trade ( not totally free, but getter freer all the time, which means far more contact with other cultures....some western, some not western, but most using English as a common language), more inwards and outwards investment, more inwards and outwards tourism, much more exposure to the world through the internet, pay tv, etc etc.

All societies and cultures, by definition, change in their own distinctive way, don't they? Incidentally, there are far more Thai people in Australia (and I would guess, in other western countries) than there are Australians in Thailand. And the Thai people in Australia (and other countries) have had a discernible impact on those western cultures. Check out the Thai restaurants that have sprung up in every major city of the western world.

Cultural change is not just a two-way street, it is a multi-lane highway.

That's all muddled up. To the extent that Thais are influence by western culture, to that extent western culture influenced them.

Err, yes. But not by a handful of expatriates, which is the point that I made originally.

And certainly, us expats have an effect on those that we deal with. We are not invisible people, and the people we interact with are not immutable. People are influenced all the time by each other. I've had major impacts on the lives of several Asians. Not to say that I've changed all of Thai society, but let's not be black and white about it. You can't throw a stone in a pond without causing a ripple.
My friend, being black and white about it is your stock in trade. Read back over what I said originally, and what you said in answer.

We all impact on each other's lives, to some extent or other. That is a given. It is hardly a revelation, is it?

I see, so in reply to Chowna, who said that Thais want to learn English because of the influence of Western culture, specifically movies and music, you answer that the biggest reason is not culture, but economic.

I had assumed that you were referring to the influence of Western culture with your analogy of the rooster, because in the post of Chowna's you replied to, he mentioned that, and not the handful of expats. Yes, I agree that a handful of expats is not going to have a big impact on Thai culture. And I agree with you that Thais abroad and economic reasons are a big motivator for people to learn English. I think we also have to give some agreement to Chowna's idea that western culture is also very influential. I'm sure there must be many people interested to learn English just to interact with westerners, read western books, watch western movies, and out of respect for western culture. I've met one person who after reading western books emigrated to the US for cultural reasons.

Edited by jamman
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Chotiros was in tears during yesterday's press conference at her university. "I am so sorry for what has happened. I would like to apologise," she said.

The two looks of Chotiros

Before... at the awards ceremony wearing her sexy dress:


After... during the apologetic news conference wearing a "grandmother sweater" while explaining the panty-less panties of her sexy dress:


*photos courtesy of the Thai-language paper, Daily News*

Edited by sriracha john
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Chotiros was in tears during yesterday's press conference at her university. "I am so sorry for what has happened. I would like to apologise," she said.

The two looks of Chotiros

Before... at the awards ceremony wearing her sexy dress:


After... during the apologetic news conference wearing a "grandmother sweater" while explaining the panty-less panties of her sexy dress:


*photos courtesy of the Thai-language paper, Daily News*

I think the dress looked very nice on her and anyone who feels otherwise should vote for country wide uniforms so that every one can look the same and maybe you should remove all forms of sexuality and everone can live in their cramped house alone and die by themselves. Wome and men are different and who cares what your opinion of her dress is, she felt great wearing it.

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Thats it David 123. She looked great and we (both sexes) enjoyed the spectacle.

After 3 odd years of a handful of ugly women telling us that looks don't matter and attracting men doesnt matter, women the world over, reacted by getting ever racier and trying even as hard as ever to find Mr Right.

We poor victims (men) have been consistent and honest throughout. We (the majority of us) like women, like to look at the, flirt with them, be flirted with, and generally enjoy the lifelong search for the perfect form.

Like or hate it, it's human nature I'm afraid, same now as it ever was. Thats how we are alive today, our ancestors atracted and were atracted by each other and babies ensured. The only place it ever ws different was in some parts of the media and on some left leaning campuses.

Sure are gonna be a lot of loney old folk around in then next 50 years or so as the effects of going it alone and foregoing a family take hold.

Edited by Dupont
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Nice video clip. Thanx. While watching it, I couldn't help but remember the godaddy.com Superbowl commercial from a few years ago. Unfortunately, it didn't happen.

Anyway, nice gown and beautiful young lady.

After Amy becomes rich and famous, I wonder what sort of endowment she will give Thammasat.

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My little contribution...hope develup further

The silly thing is that the media was claiming that that Amy's pubic hair could be seen on the catwalk (Manager.com's headline screamed "ฮือฮา “เอมี่” โชว์ “สาหร่าย” กลางสุพรรณหงส์"). Yet in interviews, Amy claims that what little natural pubic hair she had was waxed out for "safety." And any perv can tell you that no Britney-styled hairy monster shots have been posted on any Thai webboards. So the media was basically lying.

Edited by maestro
Screaming font format removed.
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My little contribution...hope develup further

The silly thing is that the media was claiming that that Amy's pubic hair could be seen on the catwalk (Manager.com's headline screamed "ฮือฮา “เอมี่” โชว์ “สาหร่าย” กลางสุพรรณหงส์"). Yet in interviews, Amy claims that what little natural pubic hair she had was waxed out for "safety." And any perv can tell you that no Britney-styled hairy monster shots have been posted on any Thai webboards. So the media was basically lying.

well, while that is indeed a euphamism, there is no way that they could publish that even if they shot it. Note that the way I read it, it is more about she was trying to show it, rather than that it was there to be seen.

Different way of reading it, why, how do you read that line? Have you got the whole article?

I would hardly call this lying. Typical newspaper exageration perhaps,

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My little contribution...hope develup further

The silly thing is that the media was claiming that that Amy's pubic hair could be seen on the catwalk (Manager.com's headline screamed "ฮือฮา "เอมี่" โชว์ "สาหร่าย" กลางสุพรรณหงส์"). Yet in interviews, Amy claims that what little natural pubic hair she had was waxed out for "safety." And any perv can tell you that no Britney-styled hairy monster shots have been posted on any Thai webboards. So the media was basically lying.

well, while that is indeed a euphamism, there is no way that they could publish that even if they shot it. Note that the way I read it, it is more about she was trying to show it, rather than that it was there to be seen.

Different way of reading it, why, how do you read that line? Have you got the whole article?

I would hardly call this lying. Typical newspaper exageration perhaps,


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Chotiros was in tears during yesterday's press conference at her university. "I am so sorry for what has happened. I would like to apologise," she said.

The two looks of Chotiros

Before... at the awards ceremony wearing her sexy dress:


After... during the apologetic news conference wearing a "grandmother sweater" while explaining the panty-less panties of her sexy dress:


From a purely objective point of view, I help I believe the above post & photos is far superior to that which cover is:


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I feel really sorry for the kid. I wonder who talked her into doing this sort of stupid stunt?

She has got no legitimate future in Thailand, after this. She won't be able to make a decent marriage (to whatever extent this is still important to her, and her family.......it is certainly not unimportant in Thai society), and she will not be able to get any sort of legitimate employment outside the "entertainment" industry.

This will hang around her neck for the rest of her life. Stupid.

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I feel really sorry for the kid. I wonder who talked her into doing this sort of stupid stunt?

She has got no legitimate future in Thailand, after this. She won't be able to make a decent marriage (to whatever extent this is still important to her, and her family.......it is certainly not unimportant in Thai society), and she will not be able to get any sort of legitimate employment outside the "entertainment" industry.

This will hang around her neck for the rest of her life. Stupid.

I disagree.

Haven't said much so far about this thread but Ladies like her in the entertainment industry have to do something to get into the spotlights of the worlds' stage of entertainment.

She succeeded and whether she has a future in Thailand or not is not important (to her).

She will climb the ladder, no doubt about it.

There are countless girls who acted 'sexy' (even in adult movies) in the beginning of their careers and are worldfamous stars now.

She will be one star in the future, no doubt.

And....after she becomes one, Thai society and the so called elite will fight to be seen in her company.... :o


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