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Bangkok Bank to return Bt1.75 million its ex-employee stole from customers


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1 hour ago, Snow Leopard said:

This is my big fear as well. I use Bangkok Bank right now but I am looking for another option for the money deposit for the visa purpose. Firing her was the last thing that needed to happen. She should have been locked up immediately and all her bank accounts and assets frozen along with her family members. Instead of making people have dog licenses maybe they should tighten up their banking laws and security first. 

Completely agree. Fired and arrested, the customers have already filed a complaint (not that they needed to for this to become a criminal offence). It is a serious case of theft which has a direct effect on customers confidence in the bank to protect their money. Bangkok bank need to make an example of the ex employee and without question refund all monies stolen.


The court should also freeze all accounts and assets and investigate this employee for additional fraud. I am willing to bet she did not jump straight to stealing large sums such as 500 to 600k, she probably built up to that. A full fraud investigation should go ahead into this person. Its what would happen in other countries for sure and if found guilty some jail time.



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2 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Apart from your fanciful use of the word 'steal', that's a good point.  Banks are hugely profitable.  What kind of a bonehead bank officer would condone the theft of a measly 500K deposit?  A loss that would surely be noticed by its depositor and who made a huge stink about it, thereby exposing the bank to a financial liability potentially much greater than 500K?  It makes about as much sense as any conspiracy.

We are talking about the same country here right??? Who says it has to be one or the other.

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I returned to uk and next morning i went on line and noticed £2,499 spent in America on one of my cards (mbna). They said don't worry it's a fraud cancelled my card and within a few days had a new card and the amount returned to my account.i was actually flying back to uk when this exchange happened.this is a real bank.thai banks are a joke with light fingered employees.

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I keep the required 800,000 baht on deposit in a Foreign Currency Account at Bangkok Bank.  i have used Bangkok Bank without incident for 16 years.  Not only do I check my balances and transactions regularly online, but Bangkok Bank also mails a monthly statement for the Foreign Currency Account.  A depositor would have to be quite careless or uninterested to not notice large sums disappearing. A person also needs to accept responsibility for the results of their own negligence.

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4 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Smart move, Smart Bank, good job :thumbsup:

What else could they possibly do but return the customers' stolen money?  They deserve no plaudits for doing that, but deserve criticism for allowing it to happen in the first place.  All of us who hold term deposits in Thai banks, often for Extension of Stay purposes, are entitled to feel slightly nervous following this story. 



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1 hour ago, Snow Leopard said:

I don't know but if you are transferring money from someones else's account illegally I think you might need to hide it somehow no?

Well if a bank employee is at a level to be able to nick your money

maybe they don't need other people to help them, run away with the dosh.

Just a thought. :coffee1:

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4 hours ago, lujanit said:

What other choice did the bank have?  Nothing smart about this, just common sense.

There is always choices.

Bangkok bank chose to come clean, quickly and refund the money.

They could have dragged there heels over it for months or even years.

They chose not to.

In my mind, there was no question of the money never being returned.

Good Pr operation.  i would say


( shame the employee was not arrested )


Ps,  Never had a serious problem with Thai banks in 20 years. :jap:

well over a million baht in them all year round, for spending money :thumbsup:


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3 minutes ago, attrayant said:


I don't know what your pronoun "it" refers to.  One or the other what?

Man, you don't give up. It could be an individual or it could be a conspiracy from higher up in the organization itself. The issue I brought up initially is that most countries have very strict laws regarding bank fraud. The bank should obviously refund them their money. They should also pay them the lost interest and compensation as well. It is their fault for employing this person in the first place. 


You also made a point on banks vs cash. The reason strict laws for fraud and theft by banks and bank employees are in place in most countries is for this reason. So people have faith in the banking system. 

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9 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

What else could they possibly do but return the customers' stolen money?  They deserve no plaudits for doing that, but deserve criticism for allowing it to happen in the first place.  All of us who hold term deposits in Thai banks, often for Extension of Stay purposes, are entitled to feel slightly nervous following this story. 



Mate if you worried about Thai banks.

Just draw the money out and stick it under the bed.

it will be very safe from the Gf /BF/ or wife there. :giggle:


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Just now, stanleycoin said:

Mate if you worried about Thai banks.

Just draw the money out and stick it under the bed.

it will be very safe from the Gf /BF/ or wife there. :giggle:


i found e better solution - keep my money in a more clean country bank. just keep in the thai bank the minimum i need for expenses.

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Seems a very common thing . I never really look at my account statements so for all I know having 4 different bank accounts it has probably happened to me without me knowing ! Banks here are awful and their websites look like they have been designed by kids !

Getting a printout of statements over months is like pulling teeth !!

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12 minutes ago, rwill said:

all the banks I know of offer SMS reporting.  You get instant messages when money is deposited or withdrawn from your account.  SCB even sends me one with the balance every week whether there were any transactions or not.


A voice in the wilderness :biggrin:

Me: three banks (Bangkok Bank, SCB, Kasikorn), multiple accounts over almost 8 years.

Some x millions dwindling for "natural reasons".

All accounts with mail or SMS alarm and internet connected.

Not a Baht gone unexplained.

Once a year a seemingly mysterious 200 to 500 Baht gets "lost"?

-> account/ATM card fee.

And that's it.


Sorry to disturb the crusade.


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10 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

A voice in the wilderness :biggrin:

Me: three banks (Bangkok Bank, SCB, Kasikorn), multiple accounts over almost 8 years.

Some x millions dwindling for "natural reasons".

All accounts with mail or SMS alarm and internet connected.

Not a Baht gone unexplained.

Once a year a seemingly mysterious 200 to 500 Baht gets "lost"?

-> account/ATM card fee.

And that's it.


Sorry to disturb the crusade.


Snap ! Except its 12 yrs. ????

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13 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

A voice in the wilderness :biggrin:

Me: three banks (Bangkok Bank, SCB, Kasikorn), multiple accounts over almost 8 years.

Some x millions dwindling for "natural reasons".

All accounts with mail or SMS alarm and internet connected.

Not a Baht gone unexplained.

Once a year a seemingly mysterious 200 to 500 Baht gets "lost"?

-> account/ATM card fee.

And that's it.


Sorry to disturb the crusade.



3 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Snap ! Except its 12 yrs. ????

Same here. 25 years with the Bangkok Bank and 4 years with UOB. Many accounts with my life savings. Never been subject to theft, including ATM skimming. Pay a few Baht a month for instant sms and email reports for all transactions. 


On top of that, now there are no transfer charges or bill payment charges so I do all such transactions via mobile banking (except MWA which requires a visit to 7-11).   

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3 minutes ago, GarryP said:

Never been subject to theft, including ATM skimming.

ATM skimming was always a potential problem.

Now lowered by chip based cards.


Another risk: handing over your debit/credit card to a clerk out of sight: copying the back incl. the visible security code. Opens the chance to do online orders. (note the security code and scratch off).

All not specific to one bank.

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52 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

A voice in the wilderness :biggrin:

Yes you are, but you didnt get 1.75 million baht stolen from your account as these people did. Bet you wouldnt be so smug if it was your money. This shouldnt even be news, they act as though they are being generous giving the money back is the problem.

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4 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:

This is my big fear as well. I use Bangkok Bank right now but I am looking for another option for the money deposit for the visa purpose. Firing her was the last thing that needed to happen. She should have been locked up immediately and all her bank accounts and assets frozen along with her family members. Instead of making people have dog licenses maybe they should tighten up their banking laws and security first. 

they have citibank here. 

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4 hours ago, Snow Leopard said:
5 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

What have her family done ?

are you from North Korea ? :giggle:

I don't know but if you are transferring money from someones else's account illegally I think you might need to hide it somehow no?



not infrequently i feel like a kindergarten teacher. welcome to our school.

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3 hours ago, rwill said:

all the banks I know of offer SMS reporting.  You get instant messages when money is deposited or withdrawn from your account.  SCB even sends me one with the balance every week whether there were any transactions or not.


Yeah I have that now with SCB but I used Bangkok bank at first for years and they were useless at everything ! Even now I have CIMB which doesn't tell me anything really and also SCB website is woeful to use although they seem the best of a bad bunch .

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3 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

Yeah I have that now with SCB but I used Bangkok bank at first for years and they were useless at everything ! Even now I have CIMB which doesn't tell me anything really and also SCB website is woeful to use although they seem the best of a bad bunch .

Bangkok bank, is ok, webb site is ok,

Maybe it's was just operator error.

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9 hours ago, lujanit said:

What other choice did the bank have?  Nothing smart about this, just common sense.

Well they could at least offer the clients 20.000 baht or so for all the inconvenience...after all it wasn't their fault now was it?


I still will never put my money on a thai bank.....why she didn't go to jail?

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