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SURVEY: USA -- Headed in the right or wrong direction?


SURVEY: USA -- Head in the right or wrong direction?  

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4 hours ago, mcambl61 said:

1. The economy did not thrive on Obama policies:

The Obama recovery of the last seven years remains the worst in postwar American history. Average gross domestic product (GDP) growth since the bottom of the recession in 2009 was barely above 2.1% per year. The average since 1949 is well above 4% per year during the previous 10 expansions.

Post-WWII Period

Source: CRS calculations based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).


Looking at the full picture, the economy has experienced historically weak growth under Obama. Even after the recession ended in 2009, average real GDP growth has been 35% below the average from 1960–2009, a period that includes eight recessions. Annual GDP data, which removes the noise from quarterly fluctuations, shows substandard growth over the entirety of Obama’s presidency:



2. Anti-Semitism, mass shootings, domestic terrorism, political divide ........ all are on the rise thanks to Trumps spoken words.


How so, exactly? Anti-semitism when his daughter has converted and he has adopted the most pro israel policies ever?

Mass shootings are his fault how exactly? I thought the left ignorantly blamed the NRA for those?

"domestic" terrorism? you mean like Antifa?


explain the factual evidence for your claims please, unless they are opinions

Fijrst off, unlike the previous recessions, this was not a simple business cycle recession but a financial crisis recession akin to the Great Depression. So apples and oranges. In addition, once the Republicans gained control of one house of congress in 2010, they actually pursued a course of austerity. Which is exactly the opposite of what should have been done. Fortunately Obama had gotten just enough stimulus in the first term to get the US out of recession before all other major advanced economies.

And now, when the economy had finally recovered, the Republicans pursue a course of increased deficits which has the effect of stimulating the economy. Such utter hypocrites they are.

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10 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

You are correct there is so many angry people in the US, UK Canada, and the EU. Unfortunately, many election systems do not represent the people in so called democracies. Such as in the UK, UKIP got almost 20% of the vote no MPs whilst the Greens got about 2% and got 1 MP. With America the electoral college is an interesting phenomena as you don't need to win the majority vote just the college ( I think please correct me if I am wrong.)

Same with Brexit and the millionaires vote sorry people's votes. Where a few very rich people are funding a vote to overturn the Brexit referendum. So as you suggest it seems little wonder people get angry and feel they have no empowerment. But the hard left are also rising so politics is much more polarised.

Therefore I would suggest the USA is going very much in the correct direction, as now mr Trump represents many who felt neglected now feel empowered. Significantly, the new appointment to the Supreme Court will level the balance to more fair and well thought out decisions in line with historic values. Further, the US is now at least standing up to China and the EU amongst over unfair trade, so yes in some respects above it is going in the right direction, but hard to comment when your looking in from the outside.

When was this that UKIP got 20 percent of the vote and an MPs?

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23 hours ago, abrahamzvi said:

I think and hope that the events of the last few days will change the attitude of the more moderate Republicans and with the women's vote will bring a real blue wave. This may change the USA and possibly the whole western world, i.e. will bring it away from the brink of a total disaster!

How so?

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On 10/28/2018 at 5:09 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

Headed in the wrong direction is an understatement.


Shooting itself in the crotch is more accurate.


It is a terribly sad thing to see a once great nation slink into darkness, grievance and loneliness; I truly and sincerely hope that the US finds its way again and rejoins good people everywhere in trying to create a better planet. When the US is feeling good, confident and proud (as it should), it has sooo much to offer and the world needs that good old American 'can do' spirit again.





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43 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

So all you have is a wish for death. Amazing. 


Actually, I want to save lives. The loony right feels emboldened by Trump's rhetoric and the nutters are crawling out of the woodwork with their assault rifles on full auto.

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54 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

When was this that UKIP got 20 percent of the vote and an MPs?

I am not sure about the 20%, but this is generally true all over the EU, at least the Western part: elections are bent in such a way that "non politically correct" parties can't reach positions of power, no matter what their score.


In France, for decades the Front National of Le Pen was hovering between 15 and 20% of the votes and getting no seats, while much smaller parties like the Greens or even the Communists were getting 10 or 15 seats with half the votes!


Ditto in the Netherlands and so on...which is why, never mind how fed up the people are, the same crooks always manage to stay in power!


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19 hours ago, oilinki said:

I would say yes. USA is highly aggressive country which likes to show it's power all over the world. 


Not all the people are like that. As you can see here in Asia as well as in Europe. 


It's better to do things together than fight for some rich man's rights and fame and property. 

China is unrelenting in their aggressions and trying to lay claim to the entire South China sea, building islands and weaponizing them. what planet are you living on? 

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3 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

China is unrelenting in their aggressions and trying to lay claim to the entire South China sea, building islands and weaponizing them. what planet are you living on? 

Which is why the USA needs a massive expansion of its nuclear weapons program?

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On 10/28/2018 at 6:39 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

Headed in the wrong direction is an understatement.


Shooting itself in the crotch is more accurate.


It is a terribly sad thing to see a once great nation slink into darkness, grievance and loneliness; I truly and sincerely hope that the US finds its way again and rejoins good people everywhere in trying to create a better planet. When the US is feeling good, confident and proud (as it should), it has sooo much to offer and the world needs that good old American 'can do' spirit again.

"You're the Man!  Couldn't have said it better myself!"   ????


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What's painfully obvious is the vast majority of people that would look at the horrific mess the U.S. is in currently and say "THIS IS GREAT!" are under the cult spell of red hat master "trump." We've seen this dark insanity before in history and now it is spreading again. (Brazil.) 




Trump’s grip on power depends on splitting the nation in two


For Trump and his enablers, national unity is not a noble goal but a dire threat to their political well-being.




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39 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

i don't need google to know your claims are wrong

"As distinct from the homeless in Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and Pittsburgh. Republican strongholds"


those are not republican strongholds by any means, so you are wrong. Google that

Did you mean historically?  Always thought of them as Union Democrat towns because of the manufacturing base.  Seem to recall many talking heads on the boob tube being so surprised that Trump was doing as well as he did. 


Lefties would probably include these people in their gun toting racist, bigoted, homophobic religitards category.



And at a time when they desperately needed help, their government twisted the knife with trade deals, exacerbating the problem while offering little to no protections to the affected U.S. workers.


There were no attempts at reeducation. No investments in technology to connect them to the global economy. They were frozen in a previous generation, forced to watch their country change without them from behind the dim glow of a television screen.

They became disconnected, disenfranchised. They were abandoned.




Edited by 55Jay
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2 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Did you mean historically?  Always thought of them as Union Democrat towns because of the manufacturing base.  Seem to recall many talking heads on the boob tube being so surprised that Trump was doing as well as he did. 

yes, I grew up in the rust belt, democrats have controlled the unions and large cities for decades. Just look at the perpetual disasters of Detroit/Chicago/Cleveland.

Some people have woken up to the incompetence, but many are sheep voting the same way expecting different results.

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43 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

yes, I grew up in the rust belt, democrats have controlled the unions and large cities for decades. Just look at the perpetual disasters of Detroit/Chicago/Cleveland.

Some people have woken up to the incompetence, but many are sheep voting the same way expecting different results.

And Republicans have managed to destroy those unions and the good paying jobs via leglslation and supreme court appointments. In the economically advanced EU nations unions are still strong and the middle class is in much better shape. Except for the UK and there the middle class is also dwindling away rapidly.

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22 hours ago, patsfangr said:

Santa Monica is part of the socialist state within the USA known as California. It is the policies of that socialist state government, not of the USA, that have caused the poverty level in California to rise so dramatically. Most, if not all of those homeless people could be housed, fed, and clothed by the money made by the Hollywood liberal elite who constantly spew the liberal mantra of "the rich not paying their fair share". Meanwhile, they live in their "WALLED IN", multi-million dollar mansions; dress up in their multi-thousand dollar clothes and jewelry; get into their luxury cars; and party on with champagne and cocaine at some exclusive location. If all of the hypocritical wealthy Democrats would give their "fair share" in voluntary contributions, poverty in California could be wiped out! 

the hollywood elite do raise money,  but could do more.  how about offering a free bed room to a homeless person in those eight bedroom mansions.  

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1 hour ago, malibukid said:

the hollywood elite do raise money,  but could do more.  how about offering a free bed room to a homeless person in those eight bedroom mansions.  

I am a cynic, I'm afraid, and I question their motives, which are almost certainly self-serving.

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21 hours ago, bristolboy said:

What I should have written was I am waiting for the day that someone tells us that he or she are not losers at investing. For example, anyone who invests in Forex is going to show plenty of losses on individual trades even if they are on balance successful.

I was just trying to brighten your day, sorry to disappoint.


On this same topic a coworker of mine once bragged at work that anyone could become a millionaire day trading (the market was going up). I said that was total BS, he eventually lost a bunch and is still not a millionaire twenty years later.  Overall I have made money on stocks and index funds, but that does not mean that my accounts do not go up and sometimes down over time, overall if you invest in index funds that follow the markets over time you will make money (through the ups and the downs).

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I tend to think things are not going well.   Here's another school shooting that barely made it into the news:


Boy shot dead at high school after bullying conflict 'escalated out of control': Official

A boy was shot dead at a North Carolina high school Monday morning -- allegedly by a classmate -- after a bullying conflict "escalated out of control," officials said.

The shooting at Butler High School in Matthews, North Carolina, about 12 miles outside of Charlotte, was "an isolated incident," the Matthews Police Department said.

One student, a 16-year-old boy in the ninth-grade, was taken into custody and charged with first-degree murder, police said.



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18 hours ago, Becker said:

Actually, I want to save lives. The loony right feels emboldened by Trump's rhetoric and the nutters are crawling out of the woodwork with their assault rifles on full auto.

The loony right,  no the liberals have that term all to themselves. Everyone is entitled to their opinion that's all these comments are.  They don't mean a hill of beans.

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1 hour ago, Credo said:

I tend to think things are not going well.   Here's another school shooting that barely made it into the news:


Boy shot dead at high school after bullying conflict 'escalated out of control':

hmmmm, or there is this side of the political violence, from one side:



or this


or this


or this



yeah, I would say there is a problem, and it is ignored in most of the Media. Why do you think that is? Perhaps it does not fit the narrative they pedal?


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