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High caution needed for Thailand’s marijuana move [Editorial]


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Lol, who are these scare mongers? Where do they come from? People having been smoking weed for thousands of years, even before they were consuming alcohol. Get wreckt, you uneducated human paraquayts.

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38 minutes ago, Colabamumbai said:

Thailand could become a leader in the field. 


39 minutes ago, Colabamumbai said:

Thailand could become a leader in the field. 

Thailand has not lead in a field since the Vietnamese learned to plant rice......

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

The origin was the USA, America says 'jump' and the Thai government replies 'how high sir'.

I'm surprised Thailand didn't have prohibition.


But now many US states allow marijuana, so Thailand will follow. 

I have to admit, you are behind the times. Other countries are paying he band now days. USA just doesn't think Thailand is worth the effort. When the time is critical Thailand won't even be a bit player.

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I cannot find the name of who wrote the "opinion" in The Nation...because I want to check his or her credentials and if they are as good as those of neurosurgeon Dr Sanjay Gupta whose CNN documentaries can be found on Youtube under the title "Weed" : there is no known case of an overdosis with cannabis...but there are in recent years in the US alone a few hundred deaths documented after addiction to heavily subscribed painkillers....and those can still be sold because the pharma lobby has money to buy influence in Congress.

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 This article looks like a hodgepodge or lifted paragraphs from different sources.  I’ve been reading these for decades, and not one of them is really convincing on the point to ban weed.  

Please stop the scare mongering.  It is likely the most valuable plant yet discovered.  

This reminds me of a essays I read in high school 

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

Others, though, are far more cautious, arguing strongly against the recreational use of marijuana. They see legal relaxation as a potential slippery slope to widespread abuse of the drug, a powerful intoxicant that has been linked with mental illness.

Dope smoking hippies should know that this evil plant will rot your brain.

Best to stick with pure grain alcohol for a pure legal buzz.  You were warned in the 30s.  Stay away from the weed. 


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