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Pattaya Condo and Thai Girlfriend

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I would buy it solely in your name. My Thai partner bought a condo. wanted to put my name jointly and was told it cannot be purchased in Thai/Farang name. Best to ask the land office. That might solve your problem.

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Another thing you have to worry about is the foreign quota when you go to sell it, if it's 100% in your name then you can sell it to anyone (foreigner/Thai), but if your girlfriends name is on it, owns 50% of the condo, and the foreign quota has already reached 49% for the whole building, then your only option is selling sell it to a Thai.

You can always tell your girlfriend that.

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However if you want to buy anything just take a lawyer as you can fall in many traps!!!

And YES it's Thailand. Even my Thai partner isn't doing anything without proof of our lawyer (friend) as also lawyers can be a rip off.


Ok let me give an advice of girlfriend: would you give a girlfriend you know short time half of a condo????? Never ever. Why yooyou want to do in an unlawful country with mostly dishonest people


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14 hours ago, stiggy23 said:

Hi, my main question was related to the state of housing market esp condos in Pattaya and less so about the character validation of my girlfriend. But thanks for your insight. 

from what I have seen in Chiang Mai - - it is definitely a buyers market - - and yet, the only advantage for the buyer is a dizzying amount of choice, not reasonable price reductions that would reflect market factors... 

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13 hours ago, baansgr said:

larger well maintained condos in a good location holding their value. Shoe boxes are two a penny and almost worthless. 

correct,but even an excellent area and building, still no cap gains...never a 'good  investment'..

surely, 'warning bellls 'are ringing if your girlfriend is insisting on having 50% ownership....

tell her to buy her own condo---

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1 hour ago, scorecard said:

Maybe you could tell her that it will be / could be a step by step arrangement:


- You buy, your name only on the chanut.

- Tell her that you respect your family at home and if you die they must receive some benefit.

- Tell her that at a later time you will decide what % of ownership goes to your family at home

   and what % might go to her.

- Tell her the above is not negotiable and refuse to discuss it further. If she votes with her feet

   there's a lesson for you.


Follow his advice.  Tell her in 3-5 years, you will add her name.  ONLY if it is a cheap condo, under 800K and  ONLY  if you are not already giving-paying her 10K or more monthly.  Would you do this for a g/f  back in your home country ?   I doubt it.  If you lose her,  you have lost nothing.  Easily replaceable. I talk from 10 years of full time living in Thailand.

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10 minutes ago, murraynz said:

correct,but even an excellent area and building, still no cap gains...never a 'good  investment'..

surely, 'warning bellls 'are ringing if your girlfriend is insisting on having 50% ownership....

tell her to buy her own condo---

No capitol gain to talk of but far better than paying rent, Of course OP should do in his name only. Property should be viewed as a home, not an investment. Basic human right is a roof over ones head.

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19 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

How long have you known your GF? Anything less than 7-8 years, I would tell her it's not going to happen.

Pattaya is not a place where I would buy a condo. Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai are better value.

great beaches there also :cheesy:

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Why buy in Pattaya, with the number of buildings available a deal could be got to lease one for a few years at dirt cheap price. Your girl is unlikely to be from Pattaya and it would be a great face save for her to be in property. knowing that you would not be around most of the time. and then that fateful time you return early as a surprise and guess who would be more surprised?

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