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Hospital in Bangkok under fire as injured woman dies


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1 minute ago, ReMarKable said:

Are nurses qualified to determine whether she was stable enough to move to another hospital?  I don't think they are.  Why would a hospital have no doctors?  Seems strange, but if it was lunch time and the lights were turned off and AC turned off, it might be possible.

 Spot on mate, when i go to the local hospital, many times the nurses have to call for a doctor, because no doctor in the emergency room, but elsewhere in the hospital.

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2 minutes ago, colinneil said:

You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

Can override if deemed mentally incompetent, BS my wishes were overrididden by a nurse only 3 weeks ago.

Went to the hospital because of problems with my catheter, probably a UTI, nurse said ( without testing urine) nothing wrong go home.

Well my wife like most Thais will not argue, just accept what they say, i am telling nurse and wife, do something, i am tired of being covered in urine night and day, get a doctor, no says the nurse, you go home.

Well my wife told porters put him back in the pickup.

After another 2 days of being covered in urine, and stinking, we go back to hospital.

Different shift, different nurses.

Nurse took a urine sample came back 20 minutes later, you have a UTI, why you not come sooner.

It's the regular thing here, irrespective of the situation. You can ask exactly the same question to two different officials and receive two different replies.

Sadly in your case, it looks like the nurse on the first visit just couldn't be arsed to do her job.

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To many if's and but's to come to any conclusion. I don't know the area or the hospital(s); nor do I know what (written)rules/criteria the hospital staff there have to abide by. I think it would need a separate committee to investigate and consider if there was any wrong doing by the hospital. As for the husband, where did he get the acid? If he bought it recently then for what purpose? In other words, was it premeditated. Autopsy is obviously needed to establish how/why the woman died. In any case I hope the husband receives the maximum punishment. I hope the daughter can be delivered into safe hands and wish that she has the chance to recover from this terrible ordeal. My condolences to the family.

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Can't see there's anyone to blame but the acid throwing husband.

Maybe the nurse. Was the nurse fully trained to assess the condition? If it was not life threatening - how could she have died barely 20 minutes later? To me anything capable of killing you in 15-20 min is life threatening. Just my 2 cents of knowledge.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

The doctor claimed the woman had told the staff about her wish to be treated at Bang Mod Hospital, which was located not far away. So the staff sent her in a taxi and gave her daughter Bt40 for the fare.

Such a sad story. Only happens in a Third World country. They could have sent her in a ambulance

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29 minutes ago, onera1961 said:

Such a sad story. Only happens in a Third World country. They could have sent her in a ambulance

Nah, people drop dead all over the world. Bit of trauma/stress/panic and suddenly you're gone.

Pal of mine aged 40 was jogging along happily on a treadmill in his local gym (UK), dropped dead.

Gym people said it happened all the time.

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Nah, people drop dead all over the world. Bit of trauma/stress/panic and suddenly you're gone.

Pal of mine aged 40 was jogging along happily on a treadmill in his local gym (UK), dropped dead.

Gym people said it happened all the time.

You mean he's done it one more than one occasion?


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4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

the patient incorrectly assumed her case was not an emergency and 'could wait'; she was not a professional and the nurses (note, not doctors) should have overridden her decision

After reading the article several times, I never found anything that stated the person who died had said her case was not an emergency nor a request to be sent to another facility to receive treatment.  Even her daughter never made that request either only, allegedly, commented that her mother had stipulated her mother had a “gold card” for another hospital.  Being born in London and also living in Canada, we do not have the problem of not being treated as we can go to any hospital and it is covered by our provincial medical plan which means we do not get shunted around because we only carry one card.  When I lived in Thailand and had medical coverage from the organisation I worked for, I saw the lack of flexibility by the medical staff of a couple of hospitals and feel really sorry for people who cannot get the required treatment because they are at the wrong place, which rather smacks of life in the U.S.A.


'nuf sed

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Considering that the family and friends are marching the body around the hospital, you'd have to assume that no autopsy was performed.  You'd think that the family lawyer would have taken the steps to obtain an autopsy, because without one the tragedy will devolve into finger-pointing.

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing but surely the hospital involved should have had a doctor there or on call to make the decision  on her moving to a other hospital or not 

would have thought the mother was in shock and suffering pain so not really capable of making the  decision herself 


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3 hours ago, lvr181 said:

R.I.P "mother" and condolences to family (except husband) and friends.


He is a Superintendent Pol Colonel - I think/expect a very light punishment :sad: 

He should do some jail time AND be fired from his job. The cretin can say 'sorry and wai' as much as he likes but there can be NO excuse for what he has done!


Since when do nurses diagnose? That is the job of a trained Dr.


nurses are the first line and triage (assess problem and severity and from experience know what is considered immediate threat to life or limb) commonly nurses start treatment also. start asthma patient on nebulizer.  if the acid burn lady did not want to stay after triage or after water flushing she had that right, whether seen by doctor or not at that point.

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43 minutes ago, connda said:

Considering that the family and friends are marching the body around the hospital, you'd have to assume that no autopsy was performed.  You'd think that the family lawyer would have taken the steps to obtain an autopsy, because without one the tragedy will devolve into finger-pointing.

"Atchariya said he would ask for a copy of the autopsy result from Tha Kham police soon."

My bad.  I didn't catch that.  Looks like an autopsy was performed which is a good thing.

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Hospital That Refused Acid-Burned Woman Denies It Was Emergency

By Asaree Thaitrakulpanich, Staff Reporter



Police in Nakhon Sawan arrest Kumtun Singnad, in blue tank top, Sunday.


BANGKOK — The husband accused of fatally attacking his wife with acid has been arrested, while the hospital under fire for refusing to treat her denies she was in an emergency condition when they turned her away.


Police arrested Kumtun Singnad on suspicion of murder Sunday night in Nakhon Sawan province, where he fled after allegedly killing his wife Chorlada Tarawan, 38, by splashing her face with acid.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/crime-crime/2018/11/12/hospital-that-refused-acid-burned-woman-denies-it-was-emergency/

-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2018-11-12
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From what I've been taught about acid is that it keeps eating away deeper and deeper unless it is neutralized.  I would think acid to the face would be very serious.   How did the nurse know what acid or strength it was?   Washing with water doesn't stop the acidic chemical reaction that has penetrated the epidermis.    I say splash the husband with new n lethal amount of acid every month of his life prison sentence.     

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The taxi driver was asked to take her to her hospital of her choice but chose not too. Typical blame the hospital for her death, not the "shit for brains" husband!!!!!

Soak his balls in acid, see how he feels as his manhood slowly burns away.

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9 hours ago, Mangkhut said:

My thoughts exactly!


Moronic to blame the hospital. They did what the patient wanted - they transferred her to the hospital of her whish.

To treat any patient against his or hers will is actually not allowed where I come - when the patient is concious, alert, clear and oriented that is. 


Now - take that woman molester of a husband and give him what he deserve. Maybe a couple of liters of acid in his face...

Na, make him drink it 

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