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Britain agrees Brexit divorce deal with EU, May's opponents vow to thwart it


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On 11/14/2018 at 6:55 AM, Kiwiken said:

And does the deal include the British Army being absorbed in to A European Nationale Grande Armee

I take it (perhaps) that you are being ironic?


The idea has about as much chance as did the delusion, held quite widely amongst some in the German high command, that once they could reach an accomodation with the Western allies in spring 1945, they could together push east and expell the Russians from Eastern Europe!

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On 11/16/2018 at 4:15 AM, lamyai3 said:

You can (and should) boot into touch something that was floated on a false premise. 



Not in favour of democracy then ?


Thailand should suit you.



Did you ever watch David Cameron's Chathham House speech ?  IF you did could you please point out where the "false promise" was.

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On ‎11‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 3:44 AM, baboon said:

Funny how Brexit hasn't proved a slamdunk given the collective will of the British people deciding to take their country back, as you imply...

Bab , you seem to missing all the happy smiling faces as people look forward to the prospect of complete independence from a  40 year old tiger on their back    ..  especially happy  were  the ones who  changed forex   money ...yesterday !

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6 hours ago, LucysDad said:



Not in favour of democracy then ?


Thailand should suit you.



Did you ever watch David Cameron's Chathham House speech ?  IF you did could you please point out where the "false promise" was.

Like the F'ing <deleted> on the radio the other day saying when we get out of Europe we will not have to pay VAT, shouted down anyone who tried to point out what he was saying was misleading. 

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