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Trump does not want to hear tape of 'vicious' Khashoggi murder


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Just now, Cryingdick said:


That's all good and well. The point remains that no country can really threaten the energy security of the USA now. That's big news. Not only did he trick the Saudis he was able to funnel some oil off and keep our Asian allies happy. 


Don't worry Trump will leave the Saudis to hang as soon as he can. It's just business. 

Lying is a stupid way to do business. And what indication do you have that Trump will leave the Saudis to hang just as soon as he can? Making things up much? 

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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

Lying is a stupid way to do business. And what indication do you have that Trump will leave the Saudis to hang just as soon as he can? Making things up much? 


Isn't that what everybody says about Trump on the left? He makes a money grab and leaves everybody to hang? At least you now admit he played the Saudis so we are having some progress.

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9 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Isn't that what everybody says about Trump on the left? He makes a money grab and leaves everybody to hang? At least you now admit he played the Saudis so we are having some progress.

If by progress you mean a short term dip in oil prices, yes. On the other hand, you must admit that in the future, other nations are going to be even less likely to trust in Trump's promises about anything.

Trump had an opportunity to show that the consensus about his reliability wasn't true. He blew it.


Edited by bristolboy
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4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

If by progress you mean a short term dip in oil prices, yes. On the other hand, you mus admit that in the future, other nations are going to be even less likely to trust in Trump's promises about anything.



Yes because Trump already had the trust, good will, and warm wishes of the international community at large anyway. I think that ship had already sailed awhile ago. People will only deal with trump because they have to or need something from him.


The Saudis are trapped.

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Just now, freebyrd said:

So Trump has confirmed that as well as being a bully he's a coward and a wimp to boot. Are you a man or a mouse - squeak squeak! ????. As the POTUS, surely it's HIS DUTY to listen to evidence such as this. He's dodging doing so just as he dodged Vietnam - like I said, he's a coward who hides behind Twitter. There aren't strong enough words to accurately describe this most despicable person creature.


He isn't a lawyer. He just needs an expert to listen and give him a brief.

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3 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

Letting the prince get away with murder is just the cost of doing business. Trump knows this and accepts it. It is so creepy and surreal but not worth destroying the economy over. 

Look, if we let the rich be above the law, then they‘ll let some of the law to trickle down upon the rest of us.


BTW, that business you speak of is the business of selling arms that are being used against civilians in Yemen—a human rights atrocity. It was wrong when the previous administration ignored the atrocities and continued to sell them arms, and it is wrng now. The small difference now is that the president himself personally benefits from the Saudi largess.

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3 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

Can't blame him. Makes having to continue to do business with the Saudis less palatable. Hopefully the USA can continue to increase oil production. It has been a miracle lately with Iranian sanctions that the price has been kept so low. As far as arms deals go selling weapons to a murderer is par for the course. Goes with the territory.


Letting the prince get away with murder is just the cost of doing business. Trump knows this and accepts it. It is so creepy and surreal but not worth destroying the economy over. 

How very sad that the quest for $$$$ is so much more important than a human life ????.

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2 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Look, if we let the rich be above the law, then they‘ll let some of the law to trickle down upon the rest of us.


BTW, that business you speak of is the business of selling arms that are being used against civilians in Yemen—a human rights atrocity. It was wrong when the previous administration ignored the atrocities and continued to sell them arms, and it is wrng now. The small difference now is that the president himself personally benefits from the Saudi largess.


Unfortunately the rich do what they want to. I understand the sentiment of what you say but the reality in this world is the rich are above the law. Take a look around Thailand, the USA or anywhere else and it is obvious there are two sets of laws.



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2 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

How very sad that the quest for $$$$ is so much more important than a human life ????.

And all the more sad when you consider the method used to eradicate this one life (by 15 or 18 men allegedly on orders from a crown prince).

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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Didn't know that would stood between prosperity and disaster for the USA is trade with Saudi Arabia. Thanks for sharing that insight.

Believe it or not, that is true!

I am no supporter of Trump and even less of Saudi Arabia, but the latter has in its hands the ultimate weapon to bring the US down to its knees: the petrodollar!


If Saudi Arabia and by extension OPEC were to start accepting payments in currencies other than the dollar, the latter would suffer an historical dive and the world economy would be sent into chaos.


Trump knows that, or at least people like Mnuchin know that...

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3 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

Oh if only that play were true to life. Put him out of our misery ????.

Apart from the being an appalling sentiment, Trump is basically the true and ugly face of the Republican's favoring the rich and powerful over the rest of Americans. It's a good think that he's the likely candidate in 2020 and not some plausible tool of the Wall Street and the financiers like John Kasich.

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9 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Unfortunately the rich do what they want to. I understand the sentiment of what you say but the reality in this world is the rich are above the law. 



Especially when there are characters around like Donald Trump to actually raise the level of the swamp. 

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

You are actually quoting cryingdick. The party who apparently believes that all that stands between the USA's economy and disaster is trade with Saudi Arabia.  I just cited his quote about hoping for increased oil production in the USA.

And where did you come up with the factoid that Canadian Crude is being sold for less than $15 a barrel? That's just plain false.


The oilsands benchmark fell US$2.29 to US$13.46 a barrel at 1:57 p.m. Calgary time Thursday, the lowest in Bloomberg data extending back to 2008. 



Edited by ExpatOilWorker
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1 minute ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

The oilsands benchmark fell US$2.29 to US$13.46 a barrel at 1:57 p.m. Calgary time Thursday, the lowest in Bloomberg data extending back to 2008. 



from the same article:

"Western Canadian Select at Hardisty, Alberta, traded at US$43-a-barrel discount to WTI Thursday, US$2.50 wider than on Wednesday, data compiled by Bloomberg show."


Oilsands oil is obviously a special and disastrous case that has absolutely no implications for the wider oil market.

10 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Believe it or not, that is true!

I am no supporter of Trump and even less of Saudi Arabia, but the latter has in its hands the ultimate weapon to bring the US down to its knees: the petrodollar!


If Saudi Arabia and by extension OPEC were to start accepting payments in currencies other than the dollar, the latter would suffer an historical dive and the world economy would be sent into chaos.


Trump knows that, or at least people like Mnuchin know that...


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6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Especially when there are characters around like Donald Trump to actually raise the level of the swamp. 

 Along with people like the Saudis. KSA will be Trump's bitch unless they give up their precious prince of their own volition. You can say what you want about Trump dealing with them and not pursuing the matter. 


The Saudis could give up the prince and stop stoning gay people to death or something to show they are good kids.

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1 hour ago, Cryingdick said:


I would like a source for that figure. Trump told the Saudis to produce more the Saudis knew this was in return for him pretending he doesn't think the prince ordered the hit.


Meanwhile they allowed 8 countries waivers from sanctions dealing with Iran. That kept our allies South Korea and Japan in cheap gas. This year the USA was able to become the world's largest oil producer and produced record amounts. One analyst was saying that the USA surpassed what was expected by 500,000  barrels a day totaling 11 million barrels per day.


Bare in mind Venezuela isn't producing much and is largely untapped at the moment. 



It was a calculated move that caught OPEC with their pants down. If you saw this price decline coming I hope you put in a short on crude.


There is a bottleneck in moving the oil. But nothing is in the way from ramping up more production if the price isn't to our taste. Methods of extraction are also becoming increasingly more efficient. 


Americans are weird when it comes to gas prices. We may scream and cry about injustices in the world but we like gas under two dollars a gallon. 


This time it is the Saudis that are bent over the barrel. 


Producing oil is fine, making money out of it is even better!


The Saudis are certainly making a lot of money, yet not enough to support their costly way of life.


Meanwhile, the US shale producers have never made a dollar of profit, even when the barrel was at 100 dollars, and have accumulated 250 billion dollars of mostly junk debt!


The whole shale "miracle" would not have been possible without the central bank easy money policy, creating massive flux of money chasing return, only available in the junk bond market...

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13 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Unfortunately the rich do what they want to. I understand the sentiment of what you say but the reality in this world is the rich are above the law. Take a look around Thailand, the USA or anywhere else and it is obvious there are two sets of laws.



I acknowledge that fact, but, like many, refuse to accept and certainly refuse to be resigned to it. Inequality needs to be resisted as often and in as many arenas as possible. In America, for example, the ACLU routinely fights and wins legal battle for the little guy and for principles of equality. Amnesty international’s efforts have big impacts on the treatment of political prisoners and they often help get people released.


resistance works, and the world gets better. Not perfect, just better.

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

from the same article:

"Western Canadian Select at Hardisty, Alberta, traded at US$43-a-barrel discount to WTI Thursday, US$2.50 wider than on Wednesday, data compiled by Bloomberg show."


Oilsands oil is obviously a special and disastrous case that has absolutely no implications for the wider oil market.


You did see the word discount, right?

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9 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Apart from the being an appalling sentiment, Trump is basically the true and ugly face of the Republican's favoring the rich and powerful over the rest of Americans. It's a good think that he's the likely candidate in 2020 and not some plausible tool of the Wall Street and the financiers like John Kasich.

So a boy from Bristol is a Trump fan, well I never. What is appalling about wanting Trump off the scene? Apparently he's more concerned with his delicate self than discovering who did order the DESPICABLE killing of Khashoggi ????.

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4 minutes ago, bristolboy said:



Oilsands oil is obviously a special and disastrous case that has absolutely no implications for the wider oil market.




A single word doesn't make a point...even though the internet world has led many to believe so...

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18 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Believe it or not, that is true!

I am no supporter of Trump and even less of Saudi Arabia, but the latter has in its hands the ultimate weapon to bring the US down to its knees: the petrodollar!


If Saudi Arabia and by extension OPEC were to start accepting payments in currencies other than the dollar, the latter would suffer an historical dive and the world economy would be sent into chaos.


Trump knows that, or at least people like Mnuchin know that...

Let me expand on my previous reply.

Do you have any notion of what percent of the world's economy is represented by the petroleum and gas sector?

"Since the 2017 estimates for worldwide gross domestic product range between $75 trillion and $87.5 trillion, the oil and gas drilling sector currently makes up something between 2% and 3% of the global economy."


You've got it exactly backwards.

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