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American missionary killed by tribe on remote Indian island


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3 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Possibly not these guys, because rising sea levels may well engulf their islands. Aboriginal tribes and Indian tribes of the Amazon rain forests and the likes are the more likely survivors.

The highest point of these very hilly islands is over 2,400 ft. I doubt sea levels are going that high..

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

When I am approached by someone trying to push their religion on me, I ask: tell me about your own realizations. What kind of wisdom have you been able to glean, from the countless hours you are spending in prayer, talking to God, contemplation and deep meditation? What universal knowledge do you have, that you can share with me? Often they will quote scripture

I simply ask them if they can read the sign which says  PRIVATE PROPERTY.........!!

but Jesus.....some of the guys and girls are darn BIG.   must be getting fed pretty well by the masters

Edited by rumak
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8 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Any 'christians' out there willing to post what they know for absolute fact what rewards are waiting for them in 'heaven?'

Don't quote the bible, as someone posted, you could teach a parrot to do that.

As was quoted in Dragnet;

Just the facts Ma'am, only the facts.

I am not going to quote the Bible which is,in my opinion,just one of the so-called holy books that most monotheistic religions love to quote..


As an ancient Greek philosopher once said.."If horses had gods..they would look like horses.."


It is all part of an 'Imagined Reality' which is fine as long as you don't push it down other peoples throats...and you can all sit around imagining that it is some core 'truth' which it isn't-and never has been..


If one or two end up in the pot..then so be it.


Yuval Noah Halevi-'Sapiens-A brief History of Humankind'



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35 minutes ago, Jim1000 said:

Mmmmm 26 year old ....... I seem to remember that when I was that age I had other things on my mind .

yeah, hearing my lover yell  oh god  oh god !   almost made me a believer....

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All's well that ends well, for the moment.


The idiot got what he wanted & is now no doubt sitting on the right hand of the right hand. And the natives got some peace'nquiet for the next couple of years till the next moron arrives to try to kill them with his bacterial & viral infections.

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2 hours ago, farcanell said:

Unless they were dragging his body across the beach to a pre prepared hangi cooking pit, for a long pig feast.

Nah, they were just taking him to the burial spot reserved for people like him. The missionary position.

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Look, let's not be as bad as he was.

He did a very stupid thing but he suffered a violent death and his family grieves.

Hopefully his legacy will be a lesson to others tempted to do similarly stupid things.

Unfortunately some dumb-sh-t will want to go there and tell them they are forgiven


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9 minutes ago, overherebc said:

The one that used to confuse me was 'Don't stop' 'Don't stop'

Phonetic punctuation would have helped I suppose.

the talkative ones might squeel...... oh my god ...don't...stop   don't stop, oh, heysuus ((spanish heritage).

sure to get flagged soon for off topic !

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Going back right through history, Europeans have managed to destroy most of the indigenous tribes they have encountered. Either through giving them diseases, murdering them and plundering their lands.


That tribe maybe considered backward in our view but they are not stupid and know full well that once White men start intruding on their lands, it will be the beginning of their demise. This is why the Thais are so wary of Westerners and will never allow them to gain footholds in the country and quite rightly so.  

Edited by cyberfarang
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41 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Look, let's not be as bad as he was.

He did a very stupid thing but he suffered a violent death and his family grieves.

Hopefully his legacy will be a lesson to others tempted to do similarly stupid things.

i agree some of the responses are a bit over the top.  Compassion is not practiced that much in life,

and less so by those who have a strong dislike for the actions of a person or specific group.  The "golden rule" has surely been lost somewhere in translation.  

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6 hours ago, Moonlover said:

I recall a story about a guy who jumped into a lion's enclosure in Kiev zoo, claiming 'if god exists, he will protect me'. He didn't survive and more than ever I believe in lions!


When global warming, plastic pollution, air pollution and all the other horrors that the civilised world is inflicting, finally destroys the planet we call home, it will be the 'uncivilized tribes' such as these that will survive and start over.


I hope they make a better job of it next time around.

..a big white piggy wrapped in swaddling cloths.

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