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Clashing with Trump, U.S. government report says climate change will batter economy


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Clashing with Trump, U.S. government report says climate change will batter economy


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U.S. President Donald Trump takes questions from the media after speaking via teleconference with troops from Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, U.S., November 22, 2018. REUTERS/Eric Thayer


(Reuters) - Climate change will cost the U.S. economy hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century, hitting everything from health to infrastructure, according to a government report issued on Friday that the White House called inaccurate.


The congressionally mandated report, written with the help of more than a dozen U.S. government agencies and departments, outlined the projected impact of global warming on every corner of American society in a dire warning that is at odds with the Trump administration's pro-fossil-fuels agenda.


"With continued growth in emissions at historic rates, annual losses in some economic sectors are projected to reach hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century - more than the current gross domestic product (GDP) of many U.S. states," the report, the Fourth National Climate Assessment Volume II, said.


Global warming would disproportionately hurt the poor, broadly undermine human health, damage infrastructure, limit the availability of water, alter coastlines, and boost costs in industries from farming, to fisheries and energy production, the report said.


But it added that projections of further damage could change if greenhouse gas emissions are sharply curbed, even though many of the impacts of climate change - including more frequent and more powerful storms, droughts and flooding - are already under way. "Future risks from climate change depend primarily on decisions made today," it said.


The report supplements a study issued last year that concluded humans are the main driver of global warming and warned of catastrophic effects to the planet.


The studies clash with policy under President Donald Trump, who has been rolling back Obama-era environmental and climate protections to maximize production of domestic fossil fuels, including crude oil, already the highest in the world, above Saudi Arabia and Russia.


White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said the new report was "largely based on the most extreme scenario, which contradicts long-established trends by assuming that...there would be limited technology and innovation, and a rapidly expanding population."


The government's next update of the National Climate Assessment, she said, "gives us the opportunity to provide for a more transparent and data-driven process that includes fuller information on the range of potential scenarios and outcomes."


Trump last year announced his intention to withdraw the United States from the 2015 Paris Deal agreed by nearly 200 nations to combat climate change, arguing the accord would hurt the U.S. economy and provide little tangible environmental benefit. Trump and several members of his cabinet have also repeatedly cast doubt on the science of climate change, arguing that the causes and impacts are not yet settled.


Environmental groups said the report reinforced their calls for the United States to take action on climate change.


"While President Trump continues to ignore the threat of climate change, his own administration is sounding the alarm," said Abigail Dillen, president of environmental group Earthjustice. "This report underscores what we are already seeing firsthand: climate change is real, it's happening here, and it's happening now."


Previous research, including from U.S. government scientists, has also concluded that climate change could have severe economic consequences, including damage to infrastructure, water supplies and agriculture.


Severe weather and other impacts also increase the risk of disease transmission, decrease air quality, and can increase mental health problems, among other effects.


Thirteen government departments and agencies, from the Agriculture Department to NASA, were part of the committee that compiled the new report.


The entire report can be viewed at http://www.globalchange.gov


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-11-24
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I'm not used to having many, if any, original ideas but for several years I've been thinking some form of international institute for climate deniers and environmental vandals should be established and their names and crimes be retained forever for the scorn of those folks following us who have to live with, and if possible, fix what might have been easier to do so if they acted appropriately in their lifetime and means. Trump and from Australia Abbott and Joyce would be obvious nominees.

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26 minutes ago, farcanell said:

I’m sure that rational scientists do indeed continue to question theories... that’s what scientists do... conceptualize theories and test them, until a theory is proven, whereby it becomes natural law.


that said, I can only assume that , given the totality of your post, you know of scientists that work for free ( vs being paid to research), who have come up with demonstrable proof that the scientists who work for money, are committing a fraud on the worlds citizens... in which case, please share, because I for one, would love to see definitive proof that global warming does not actually exist.

I wish I had come up with that.

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5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

It is very easy for those who won't be around when the impact really hits to focus on profits today. Mr. Trump is either incredibly stupid to ignore the warnings from all around the world, or as is more likely, deliberately ignores it so that he and his nasty associates can reap dollars now, which the country and the world will have to pay for in time.

Yes, don't expect any change at all on environmental issues from 45. He doesn't improve. He gets worse. After all, the clown already said he's for great climate. The only hope is to FIRE him and the party he now owns ASAP. 

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2 hours ago, milwaukeeboy said:

It looks like the globalist media (Reuters) continues to double down on pushing a one world government with a "carbon credit tax" which will magically stop all climate change caused by the sun's activity. 

Rational scientists continue to question theories.

It seems that anyone who questions the findings of paid for research results with an agenda get shouted down by the media.

It also seems like one can only find rational questioning of the establishment media in the alternative media (Labeled as fake news or conspiracy theory media)

Looking forward to your connection between Reuters and carbon credits 

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

That's a very deceptive characterization of what happened in the midterms.

There was only one NATIONWIDE election then and it was for the HOUSE.

In that NATIONWIDE election the party of "trump" lost by a massive landslide in popular votes and there was a real BLUE WAVE in seat gains. But that would have been a much bigger BLUE seats gain except for structural hindrances of gerrymandering and republican race based voter suppression. 

The number of senators was much more limited and coincidentally was mostly in states where the party of "trump" was heavily favored. 

The house was a national referendum on "trump" and the people said NO. But he won't adjust at all and indeed has made it clear he didn't even get the message.


i think the Senate is fed up with this clown.


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this will never happen.  the human race is a virus that will soon be eradicated by the planet.  feel sorry for the kids that are being born today.. we had the best of it.
I wouldn't use your tone as I kind of like humanity but in substance I agree with you. Oh well.

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1 hour ago, ToddinChonburi said:

What happened to Global cooling and the return of the ice age.  follow the money people and wake up.

Science happened.



”the basic conclusion to be drawn from the discussion in this section (global cooling) is that the knowledge nessesay to understand the mechanism of climate change is still lamentably inadequate” 


this in 1972, after the reduction in temperatures noted between 1950 and 1970 (roughly)


In suggesting we “follow the money”, are you referencing fossil fuel lobby money?



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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Jing, I understand the difference between the House and the Senate races, and which ones were up for election this past cycle. Nonetheless, in my book, the fact that the Republicans have managed to keep and maintain the majority vote in the Senate is a sorry indictment on the intellect of the American people.


Two years of Trump ought to be enough to make anyone and everyone recognize he and his followers are irrational, anti-intellectual, facts and truth-ignoring somethings. And yet, sizable number of Americans keep supporting him/them and voting for him/them -- as well as, denying climate change, opposing abortion rights, opposing any/all gun ownership restrictions amid continuing domestic massacres, siding with racist/nationalists, accepting Trump's entanglements with Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc etc etc.

I'm disappointed too but we're always going to have those morons. That's the baseline. 

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12 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

I opt for the incredibly stupid explanation  

The men is a psychopath, to him morality is as the color red to a blind for life person. 

  I have considered all the options (impeachment, 25th amendment etc)  and IMO these solutions present problems greater than the cure. Sadly we will have to endure him for another   790. days. : 01. hours. : 59, and try to limit the damage he causes to this country and the world.

History will not judge him and as who elected him kindly.

Edited by sirineou
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