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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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31 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Says the citizen of the shooting..stabbing..gbh..acid throwing capital of the world!!


Always good to listen to the usual standard babble of the Northern provincial chappies with resentful chips on their shoulders. But just in case will pop into my local sportswear shop for a protective vest when I call back next month. Should look pretty cool in Covent Garden.

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No chip on my shoulder..maybe you'll have to pay little bit more re flying back to the cesspit..flying in eu airspace??[emoji23]

Always good to listen to the usual standard babble of the Northern provincial chappies with resentful chips on their shoulders. But just in case will pop into my local sportswear shop for a protective vest when I call back next month. Should look pretty cool in Covent Garden.

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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2 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

No chip on my shoulder..maybe you'll have to pay little bit more re flying back to the cesspit..flying in eu airspace??emoji23.png


One would have some difficulty flying from East to UK and trying to avoid EU airspace. No supplements on flights already paid for. Looking forward to a lunch of Plaice and chips.

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37 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Bob Dylan is a Remoaner according to my calculations. 

Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings.

Somewhat difficult imagining Dylan playing at a Hard Brexit gig. One more imagines some White Noise headache.

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13 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Is it just a picture of a fat guy or is there some Brexit message on his T-shirt?

A cheap jibe on my part - I withdraw. Meanwhile, we now have till at least April 12th to cook up a cunning plan.....and we are not leaving on March 29th !


The answer my friend is blowing in our way .... Revoke A50.....



European Council President Donald Tusk tells media that EU leaders agree to delay the #Brexit process

- 22 May, if MPs approve UK PM's withdrawal deal next week, or
- 12 April, if the deal failshttp://bbc.in/2HyuuaE  pic.twitter.com/eB1mu6nbIm

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9 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

They could play in front of that massive crowd marching from Sunderland.

Here's the best they could do in a highlights so far video. It will be like the English Civil War,...Cromwell and all that. Dream on Brexiteers the end is in sight. Plus they are walking on the wrong side of the road in contravention of the Highway Code. Hundreds is pushing it about a hundred on a good day would be more truthful.  One drone could take the lot out !



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8 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Ctomwell..Guy Fawkes..where's the good guys when you need them!!


Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Ctomwell supressed merriment and mirth throughout our emerald land and was an English equivalent of ISIS - when he died the people rejoiced and dug up his corpse. Guido Fawkes wanted to bring back Catholicism and all it's popery all to a free Protestant nation - he was given the right judgement for his day. God Save the Queen and frustrate all that would bring chaos and disorder to this our sceptred isle. 


Cromwell's body was exhumed from Westminster Abbey on 30 January 1661, the 12th anniversary of the execution of Charles I, and was subjected to a posthumous execution, as were the remains of Robert Blake, John Bradshaw, and Henry Ireton. (The body of Cromwell's daughter was allowed to remain buried in the Abbey.) His body was hanged in chains at Tyburn, London and then thrown into a pit. His head was cut off and displayed on a pole outside Westminster Hall until 1685. 

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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

They could play in front of that massive crowd marching from Sunderland.


You know full well that if a Brexit concert were to be held at Wembley (with or without The Who.....but Daltry would be a bonus) it would sell out.

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8 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


You know full well that if a Brexit concert were to be held at Wembley (with or without The Who.....but Daltry would be a bonus) it would sell out.

Don't feed them!


Back on topic:


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2 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


You know full well that if a Brexit concert were to be held at Wembley (with or without The Who.....but Daltry would be a bonus) it would sell out.

Dream on there will be no Brexit concert or indeed Brexit and then we can all get back to important issues such as getting the stocks in for this weekend or we shall run dry....note to self get off the internet and get the Archas in - Brexiteers having 'stole' my Heinekens.....

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15 hours ago, bomber said:

69 the day of brexit dropping to 64 after the vote,you tell porkies,and now seems you are ready to throw your toys out of your pram,never mind a crash out will see it below 64 ????   at what point did thailand become too expensive for you? 60,55,50,45 or 40 ????   i will be fine in portugal when the EU crashes i should be getting €2.00 for my mighty pound,happy days indeed ????  evidence is below Mr Britman



11 hours ago, vinny41 said:


It was yourself that 1st raised the subject about the EU crashing and if the pound is crashing down , you will get 1 euro for two of your mighty pounds however it is yourself that is suggesting that GBP will be strong and the strongest to date was on October 27th 2000

The strongest the pound has ever been against the euro is 1.7331.



Just a link for bomber who always gets his facts right, or is that wrong. Of course bomber can make up any figures that he likes but they are meaningless unless they are verifiable, as in my link and the chart below.


Forex rate from KBank from 01 to 30 June 2016. On 01 the rate was 51.5086, 






01 June 2016 / 30 June 2016

Date GBP/THB %
Thursday 30 June 2016 47.195402 -0.175%
Wednesday 29 June 2016 47.278013 +0.119%
Tuesday 28 June 2016 47.221954 +1.401%
Monday 27 June 2016 46.569544 -3.787%
Sunday 26 June 2016 48.402477 0.000%
Saturday 25 June 2016 48.402477 0.000%
Friday 24 June 2016 48.402477 -7.549%
Thursday 23 June 2016 52.354592 +1.230%
Wednesday 22 June 2016 51.718256 -0.353%
Tuesday 21 June 2016 51.901505 +0.707%
Monday 20 June 2016 51.537318 +2.246%
Sunday 19 June 2016 50.404977 0.000%
Saturday 18 June 2016 50.404977 0.000%
Friday 17 June 2016 50.404977 +0.967%
Thursday 16 June 2016 49.922184 -0.214%
Wednesday 15 June 2016 50.029056 +0.422%
Tuesday 14 June 2016 49.818818 -0.140%
Monday 13 June 2016 49.888700 -1.602%
Sunday 12 June 2016 50.700815 0.000%
Saturday 11 June 2016 50.700815 0.000%
Friday 10 June 2016 50.700815 -0.454%
Thursday 09 June 2016 50.931946 -0.607%
Wednesday 08 June 2016 51.242825 -0.205%
Tuesday 07 June 2016 51.348228 +0.983%
Monday 06 June 2016 50.848577 -1.059%
Sunday 05 June 2016 51.392896 0.000%
Saturday 04 June 2016 51.392896 0.000%
Friday 03 June 2016 51.392896 -0.212%
Thursday 02 June 2016 51.501907 -0.013%
Wednesday 01 June 2016 51.508571
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11 minutes ago, Jip99 said:



Your comments are redundant.


Brexit WILL happen and we could be out by 12th April if parliament continues to fail to come together. L


If is the important word here - Corbyn has implied he might go for revoke 'panic button'  when looking don the barrel of a no deal, SNP and Libs are a given a rump of tories assisted by the speaker and we are over the line. 


Brexit Betting Special Odds Implied Probability
Article 50 To Be Revoked 5/2 28.6%
Second EU Referendum 7/4 36.4%
No Deal Brexit 11/4 26.7%
Article 50 Extension Granted 1/4 80%
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5 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Brexit WILL happen and we could be out by 12th April

What date was that?

It seems that Brexit is in such a mess now that the EU has had to start to take control.........so much for "taking our country back" - back where?

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I suppose at this [point Brexiteers can sit back and congratulate themselves that Brexit was the "easiest thing in history"?


nearly half the country voted against Brexit (and by definition, mob rule).

Now it seems that even more are against it.

If Brexit still goes through then nearly half or more than half will oppose it - do Brexiteers seriously think that will be the end of it?

this is going to rumble on for years------

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It cannot be said enough that there will be NO HARD BREXIT - a big majority of MPs, a hugely compliant speaker and the EU simply do not want it and the work has begun of what happens next. May and her WA are now pretty much in the bin. 


A cross-party group of MPs is now considering how best to allow parliament to force May towards a softer Brexit or no Brexit at all. A new amendment has been laid for debate on Monday by Tory MP Sir Oliver Letwin and Labour MP Hilary Benn that would give parliament the chance to vote on ways forward.

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5 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Morning...2,138,983 signatures

An amazing number of remaniacs eager to join, in reality,

the failed unellected bankers superstate and 1000 years

of austerity.  Lemmings leaping off the white cliffs of Dover.

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