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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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2 hours ago, Henryford said:

Let us know when it gets to 17.4 million. You do know half the signatures are coming from OUTSIDE the UK.

I might as well chuck you a bone to chew on before someone else posts it.



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4 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

You should read the legislation before writing nonsense. 

I think that Henry was referring to the practical difficulty of actually withdrawing, as we can all see now.

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Rather like Nigel's pathetic miniscule march the much vaunted Brexit civil disobedience that has been promised has turned out to be another damp squib so far. There is fighting talk about blocking oil refineries where if they try that they will find the full force of plod feeling their collar. This ain't no miner's strike or French gilet jaume whatever the protagonists may think.



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Look up the KitKat tapes, from a recent meeting behind

closed doors, at the LSE, and under Charterhouse Rules.

This explains how the government regards the people.

To be sure,  there is no such thing as government conspiracy.

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More reports of the go-slow protests fizzling out. If Brexiteers really want to alienate a fed up British public then these sorts of actions will infuriate those trying to go about their already difficult daily business.



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7 minutes ago, tebee said:

The only thing funnier than that is the actual thing itself. Latest photo...


You can imagine the brainstorming in Leave Means Leave HQ it would start with thousands at Sunderland - the site of the Jarrow March and snowball as they triumphantly stride through England's pleasant land. Aided and abetted by their provisional wing The Go Slow Mob they would have brought Britain to it's knees and forced the elites to sit up and take notice. Nigel will be cheered by millions at the march end in London and the Lion will once again Roar !



Edited by beautifulthailand99
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5 minutes ago, vogie said:

I'll think you might find that most remainers go to work, and can't get the time off like remainers to act like oafs outside the HoC, shouting obscenities at leave MPs being interviewed by the media.




Good on him he's self-funded and gave up his job and he's harming no-one - a great British eccentric whose heart is in the right place. Whereas Farage is an opportunist politician who conceived a scheme that was undeliverable. He persuaded members of the public to make sacrifices to further it and recruited millionaires to bankroll it. And when it failed he simply walked away. The MarchToLeave is just a 14-day metaphor for Brexit 

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