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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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4 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

aright, your right.  The EU is an ideology, and as such will

not accept criticism or reason.  They have ignored the fact

that the unrest in Europe is a symptom of a collapsing empire.

A large enough rising of the people must take the opportunity

to seize the central banks for the people.

BoE must be the prime target here..

They are the main cause of all inequality.

But brexit is far more of an ideology too.


and one that is not surviving very well after it's first contact with reality !


reality must be wrong !

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46 minutes ago, billd766 said:

I got so fed up with samran and his boring texts that I put him on to my ignore list today.

Sorry I was such a bore. I’ll let you get back to talking about your bananas. 

Edited by samran
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24 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Full marks for a vivid imagination. Now use it to consider the possibility that the Remainer PM and her Remainer fellow negotiators are in cahoots with their EU opposite numbers to keep us in servitude to the sclerotic, failed European superstate.


It is always good to weigh 2 alternatives. Everything about the EU is shitty. Although the UK actively participated and formed the EU over 40 years what is the EU today.


Analog, you buy a dog together. The dog poops into the room. Now suddenly it is no longer the common dog.


Given. The constant moaning and crying is destructive  So where is the most intelligent alternative in our globalized world, giving the inhabitants a better and meaningful life?


Brexit? Since over 2 years I have not heard / read a single, comprehensible concept / plan. So far, Brexit is a meatless idea without concrete content.


On the contrary. Many people are affected by the idiotic idea. Few, very few may be have an advantage, but the majority will have to deal with significant deterioration.


What advantage does every inhabitant of the UK have personally, quite specifically from Brexit?


And please no phrases like, we get back the control or our sovereignty.






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27 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

You have a warped view of reality. Brexit is about escaping an organisation with a globalist ideology inimical to the 17.4 million Brits who  voted Leave.


They are fighting to stop their country turned into cheap labour pool stocked with a constant flow of poor, uneducated and unskilled immigrants from countries with cultures and values demonstrably incompatible with their own.


If that isn't a worthy cause, then I don't know what is.







"They are fighting to stop their country turned into cheap labour pool stocked with a constant flow of poor, uneducated and unskilled immigrants".


I agree.  Great for employers - far less 'great' for the poorest paid brits. who see their wages kept at the lowest possible level, as there are always eu immigrants from poor countries who are happy to take these jobs - as they pay far more than they could get in their home countries.

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Jees there's a lot of David Icke spent too much time on the internet rather than cushioning their nests Rothschilds hating conspiracists venting their bloated impotency on the web rather than positioning themselves on the right side of the trade. Like myself I admire Jacob Rees-Mogg for shilling for his position - good luck to him he is wealthy and will remain wealthy. What I find disturbing is there are so many national-masochists who will suffer the most lauding his  championing of national sovereignty whilst moving his hedge funds to Ireland or like John  Redwood warning his investors that the UK faces a prolonged period of financial insecurity - these are the same noble folk who were slaughtered in the tens of thousands in the Somme and the like. Sadly for Thailand expats on a budget, the combo of Thai immigration rules and a falling pound is going to push you back to the UK.  You will find yourself, elderly, impoverished and with little rights to housing, healthcare, and pensions and yet you keep on cheering your own downfalls. Keep it up I am long on Baht and short on sterling. There is no fool like an old fool wrapped in the flag of the country they left behind. Good luck in your dotage with your 'stick it to the man revolution' where you are the one to suffer for your ignorance. You cared not one jot for the million UK expats who had retired to the EU and now find themselves stranded and scared as their retirement is in jeopardy from their pensions, property and healthcare.  Thai flag waving expats will find little sympathy back home when you return. But if Leave means Leave makes you happy in the meantime who am I to pee on your parade. 


The rich man in his castle, The poor man at his gate, God made them, high or lowly, And ordered their estate

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19 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

It is always good to weigh 2 alternatives. Everything about the EU is shitty. Although the UK actively participated and formed the EU over 40 years what is the EU today.


Analog, you buy a dog together. The dog poops into the room. Now suddenly it is no longer the common dog.


Given. The constant moaning and crying is destructive  So where is the most intelligent alternative in our globalized world, giving the inhabitants a better and meaningful life?


Brexit? Since over 2 years I have not heard / read a single, comprehensible concept / plan. So far, Brexit is a meatless idea without concrete content.


On the contrary. Many people are affected by the idiotic idea. Few, very few may be have an advantage, but the majority will have to deal with significant deterioration.


What advantage does every inhabitant of the UK have personally, quite specifically from Brexit?


And please no phrases like, we get back the control or our sovereignty.






The poorest paid MAY stand a chance of being paid a livable wage.


It's been obvious for more than a few years that this is no longer the case - since the govt. started 'topping' up those on a wage (for those with families) that was nowhere near enough to live on in the uk.


i.e. The govt. subsidising wealthy companies to pay as little as possible....

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4 hours ago, aright said:

Of course they aren't...…..it's a question of religion.

The UK has a surplus and unemployment is it's lowest in 40 odd years. The Government has reduced the deficit considerably and our banks recently passed rigid stress testing.

Many countries in the EU are either in or moving toward recession.

The EU is collapsing under public debt.

The Euro has a serious survival problem.

Water levels in the Rhine are at an all time low.????

Germany and France being run by the most over rated politician of recent times and a Pound Shop Napoleon

And Remainers want to stay in; it's a strange strategy. 


The biggest worry for the EU now is for the UK to stay in the Union and bring the Brexit fight to the May European elections.

UK has a surplus of what?  i really hope you dont mean money.  only italy is in recession and the eastern countries are going very well,i cannot see how the UK staying in is going worry the EU,its them who arent budging our PM is begging them to change,and who is the over rated leader of france and germany? a transsexual possibly,overrated politicians are the likes of bojo and corbyn,the euro is surviving very nicely unlike the collapsed quid

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6 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Not exceptional but the 3rd largest contributor to the EU.

i thought we were no1 after reading this forum,so 5th biggest world economy and only 3rd largest contributor means we are not getting screwed.

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4 hours ago, talahtnut said:

aright, your right.  The EU is an ideology, and as such will

not accept criticism or reason.  They have ignored the fact

that the unrest in Europe is a symptom of a collapsing empire.

A large enough rising of the people must take the opportunity

to seize the central banks for the people.

BoE must be the prime target here..

They are the main cause of all inequality.

have you been drinking? you want europeans to rise up and take over the BoE ???????? I think they will be shocked when they find very little there,better of going elsewhere the UK is bankrupt try those rich german banks as thats where the UKs £39 billion is stored if you believe some on here.   

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10 hours ago, luckyluke said:

Being 70, I am not really interested anymore.


Rather selfish, I hope, and sure many Europeans of my age and even younger hope as well, Brexit doesn't affect us personally.


Negative comments about the British or the Europeans will always appear on a forum.


The majority of the Europeans, idem the British, have no hard feeling against each other.


Each party know that the others are different in many aspects.


But if things may turn bad, it is a great possibility that the Europeans will blame all the British without distinction ( Leavers/Remainers) for it.


As there is the a great possibility that the U.K. blame the E.U. for everything.



being 50 iam not to interested either,the EU hasnt done me any harm and the EU sunshine and cheap food and drink await,good look to those who choose to remain in the UK as they are going to need it.

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44 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

"They are fighting to stop their country turned into cheap labour pool stocked with a constant flow of poor, uneducated and unskilled immigrants".


I agree.  Great for employers - far less 'great' for the poorest paid brits. who see their wages kept at the lowest possible level, as there are always eu immigrants from poor countries who are happy to take these jobs - as they pay far more than they could get in their home countries.

the minimum wage has rose well above inflation for many years now,this is what has been encouraging the immigrants to come here,anyway after brexit there wont be to0 many jobs around so many will return to the booming economies of eastern europe.

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11 minutes ago, bomber said:

being 50 iam not to interested either,the EU hasnt done me any harm and the EU sunshine and cheap food and drink await,good look to those who choose to remain in the UK as they are going to need it.

If you are going to work in Europe, cheap food and drink

is all you will afford..  if you actually find employment.

Good look to you.

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1 hour ago, bomber said:

UK has a surplus of what?  i really hope you dont mean money.  only italy is in recession and the eastern countries are going very well,i cannot see how the UK staying in is going worry the EU,its them who arent budging our PM is begging them to change,and who is the over rated leader of france and germany? a transsexual possibly,overrated politicians are the likes of bojo and Corbyn the euro is surviving very nicely unlike the collapsed quid

UK net borrowing has fallen from £150 billion in 2010 to £40 billion in 2018. You can't reduce this level of borrowing without extra money...…..the so called surplus.

Last month the Treasury recorded the biggest January surplus since records began.....£14.9 billion


Germany is on the brink of recession after a shock plunge in Industrial output. Production in Europe's financial powerhouse dropped by 1.9% in November and by minus 4.6% year on year.....the biggest drop since the 2008 crisis. In November Germanys exports fell by minus 0.4%. 


The rest of Europe is begging them to change. Have you seen the latest election results. I assume you feel centrist parties are going to sweep the board in May.


Bojo and Corbyn aren't heads of state.


Ask the countries of the Southern med how good the Euro is ? 










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2 hours ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

Jees there's a lot of David Icke spent too much time on the internet rather than cushioning their nests Rothschilds hating conspiracists venting their bloated impotency on the web rather than positioning themselves on the right side of the trade. Like myself I admire Jacob Rees-Mogg for shilling for his position - good luck to him he is wealthy and will remain wealthy. What I find disturbing is there are so many national-masochists who will suffer the most lauding his  championing of national sovereignty whilst moving his hedge funds to Ireland or like John  Redwood warning his investors that the UK faces a prolonged period of financial insecurity - these are the same noble folk who were slaughtered in the tens of thousands in the Somme and the like. Sadly for Thailand expats on a budget, the combo of Thai immigration rules and a falling pound is going to push you back to the UK.  You will find yourself, elderly, impoverished and with little rights to housing, healthcare, and pensions and yet you keep on cheering your own downfalls. Keep it up I am long on Baht and short on sterling. There is no fool like an old fool wrapped in the flag of the country they left behind. Good luck in your dotage with your 'stick it to the man revolution' where you are the one to suffer for your ignorance. You cared not one jot for the million UK expats who had retired to the EU and now find themselves stranded and scared as their retirement is in jeopardy from their pensions, property and healthcare.  Thai flag waving expats will find little sympathy back home when you return. But if Leave means Leave makes you happy in the meantime who am I to pee on your parade. 


The rich man in his castle, The poor man at his gate, God made them, high or lowly, And ordered their estate

But, but I thought the UK was awash with money? Look at how the wasters and the feckless live like kings there...


You are completely correct. Any Briton now falling on hard Brexit times and deciding to return in order to take advantage of our ridiculously generous welfare state, may find themselves in for something of a shock...

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1 hour ago, aright said:

UK net borrowing has fallen from £150 billion in 2010 to £40 billion in 2018. You can't reduce this level of borrowing without extra money...…..the so called surplus.

Last month the Treasury recorded the biggest January surplus since records began.....£14.9 billion


Germany is on the brink of recession after a shock plunge in Industrial output. Production in Europe's financial powerhouse dropped by 1.9% in November and by minus 4.6% year on year.....the biggest drop since the 2008 crisis. In November Germanys exports fell by minus 0.4%. 


The rest of Europe is begging them to change. Have you seen the latest election results. I assume you feel centrist parties are going to sweep the board in May.


Bojo and Corbyn aren't heads of state.


Ask the countries of the Southern med how good the Euro is ? 










begging them to change what? germanys huge exports will be hit with the trade war/china slowdown/VW scandal also the big exporters will always feel the slowdown first,ive asked my partner is the euro good or bad for portugal and she says its no different and changing wouldnt make any difference,i dont quite see why you brexiteers keep on going on about the euro when its quite strong and very stable or maybe you want it to collapse so inflation rises and makes life harder for europeans,as for borrowing the UKs is still worse than germanys and i would guess household debt a lot worse,again i say britons will never have a better lifestyle than the frech,germans.dutch.belgians etc even if if all your brexit dreams came true,which they wont 

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46 minutes ago, baboon said:

But, but I thought the UK was awash with money? Look at how the wasters and the feckless live like kings there...


You are completely correct. Any Briton now falling on hard Brexit times and deciding to return in order to take advantage of our ridiculously generous welfare state, may find themselves in for something of a shock...

i doubt many will be rushing to return,although thailand will be losing a lot due to 40bt/pound,i wonder how they get on with the local brexiteers down spoonies who played their part in them having to return????  god forbid they are in the que before them to see a doctor.

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On 2/19/2019 at 5:35 PM, CG1 Blue said:

But that's the thing - they don't get it because they're American and not British. I'm pretty sure the Americans wouldn't take kindly to being dictated to by a bunch of bureaucrats in Canada, and having FOM for all North and South Americans. 

You have missed the point.

The USA is a UNION........ the clue is in the name.

A comparison to Brexit would be if a small number of states (similar to say England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales) were to leave the Union.

Well of course that DID happen in America in 1861, and it resulted in civil war.....oh, and the "rebellious" states were brought back in line. 

The result was a much stronger Union.

Edited by wilcopops
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4 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

It is always good to weigh 2 alternatives. Everything about the EU is shitty. Although the UK actively participated and formed the EU over 40 years what is the EU today.


Analog, you buy a dog together. The dog poops into the room. Now suddenly it is no longer the common dog.


Given. The constant moaning and crying is destructive  So where is the most intelligent alternative in our globalized world, giving the inhabitants a better and meaningful life?


Brexit? Since over 2 years I have not heard / read a single, comprehensible concept / plan. So far, Brexit is a meatless idea without concrete content.


On the contrary. Many people are affected by the idiotic idea. Few, very few may be have an advantage, but the majority will have to deal with significant deterioration.


What advantage does every inhabitant of the UK have personally, quite specifically from Brexit?


And please no phrases like, we get back the control or our sovereignty.






'Stop complaining about Brexit - the economic benefits will be huge'. 


Don't take Brexit campaigners' word for it. This was the headline on a lead article in the Guardian just before the Tories their lefty readers so despise fielded their negotiating team for the first time.


"While there has been much hand-wringing and angst about the upcoming negotiations, they pale into insignificance beside the manifest economic benefits that will flow from Brexit. . . " the Guardian article began.


It went on to detail a host of post-Brexit gains, and even suggested a how they could be implemented once the deed was done.



The Independent was sanguine about Britain's post-Brexit prospects. . . .  



. . . as were a number of specialist investment outfits, including this one, with bullet-points on the perks of pulling out:  



Obviously, lots more reassuring pro-Leave stuff out there for anyone interested enough to fire up their search engine.


Edited by Krataiboy
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25 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:


If so by facts, stats and reassuring words from the Guardian...….

……….Then there's the Independent:


In another topic I have been accused of being a leftie, PC, Guardian and Independent reading Remainer and quotes I have produced from both sources have been dismissed because "both papers contain nothing on this subject except Remainer propaganda!"


Yet here you are using quotes from both papers to support Brexit!


Perhaps you should get together with Laughing Gravy, Loiner, nauseus, Nontabury and others and decide whether these papers are reliable sources or not.


Or are they, like for example the BBC, reliable when they are a source of pro Brexit opinion or facts, but biased left wing rubbish when a source of the same for Remain?

Edited by 7by7
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