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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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11 hours ago, nontabury said:

It would be nice if all those remoaners,or at the least those that are British, and complaining about jobs that MAY disappear after Brexit, Where to buy British goods were possible. And therefore secure their fellow citizens employment. Will they do it,No Way.

Preferring to stab in the back,like the selfish people they are

Another example of Brexit banality?

BTW where (or were?) does this patriot spend his money?

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1 hour ago, rixalex said:


Cast your mind back to the amount of noise that was being made prior to the referendum in 2016 by those in favour of leaving the EU. Now multiply that noise by ten. That's what it will be like once you have shafted 17.4 million people.

I totally believe in the land of the easiest deal in history and 350m for the NHS per week, where technology for invisible border checks exists and people can have a cake and eat it, everything is possible. 

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4 hours ago, Loiner said:

Some of these Remainers assume that if/possibly when, they overturn the will of half the electorate, then it will be ‘job done’ for them. They’ll be able to regroup into their chattering classes and we’ll all be friends again, chuckling together about all that silliness.
I think not. Nigel Farage said that a slim margin of a winning Remain vote would be “unfinished business”. I forecast a complete change in the political scene in the UK, regardless of the next stage of Brexit in any form. The current status quo will be overturned and a populist movement emerge, impacting the whole sorry parliament.
Should the UK be forced into an unacceptable deal like May’s capitulation, moves will be made to rescind all the legal agreements with EU. I’m sure there are already plans afoot for a succeeding government to wipe the slate clean of her EU appeasement. If at that time we are not actually an EU member, then unravelling of the treaties will be declared unilaterally.

Hard Brexiteers dreaming away.

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20 hours ago, nontabury said:

It would be nice if all those remoaners,or at the least those that are British, and complaining about jobs that MAY disappear after Brexit, Where to buy British goods were possible. And therefore secure their fellow citizens employment. Will they do it,No Way.

Preferring to stab in the back,like the selfish people they are

Buy British! "I'm Backing Britain" 1967. Now who said the Brexiteers were living in the past?

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On 2/28/2019 at 12:50 PM, Loiner said:

You shouldn’t have admitted watching that, seriously. Do you watch the rest of the reality crap too and think it’s entertainment? That possibly supports your Remainerism and belief of their propaganda. You’ve been remainwashed into a cult.
It also concurs with my suspicions about your poor reasoning capabilities and tendency for drama.

Spot the drama queen.

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It seems Brexiteers think, that once it has happened everything will be OK.


If it doesn't happen it will take takes to repair the damage Brexit has already done.....

If Brexit occurs it would takes DECADES to put things right.

But rest assured damage limitation would start on day one.....


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1 hour ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Here are the US’ negotiating objectives for a US-UK trade deal. Have fun with that. 



Yes, going to be fun, surely. As expected it has ‘America first’ all over it. Good luck to the UK negotiators - well, if they can find any with some level of experience in trade negotiations.

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5 minutes ago, damascase said:

Yes, going to be fun, surely. As expected it has ‘America first’ all over it. Good luck to the UK negotiators - well, if they can find any with some level of experience in trade negotiations.

I’m sure it will be the easiest deal in history. After all, the people voted for it. And if everything fails, they can still whine on TV about the other side being bullies and intransigent.

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On 2/27/2019 at 8:07 PM, melvinmelvin said:

thats a weird one sandyf, kinda deep

the people acting in a way not in the national interest?


who is the nation for? the people or someone else?



The original reference, which was hijacked and taken out of context, was regarding the Chinese. Mao led the people to believe that sparrows were a pest and should be eradicated and the people chased the sparrows until they died of exhaustion. The virtual elimination of the sparrow population created a food shortage and resulted in an estimated 45 million Chinese dying from starvation, the outcome was certainly not what the people expected and became a national embarrassment.

It was merely a reference to the fact that people can be their own worst enemy rather than trying to put brexit in the same league. In fact the reduction in plastic waste and obesity can be seen as some sort of brexit benefit.

How those that are already struggling will cope is another matter.




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Post after post reveals the appalling lack of knowledge of Brexiteers on this thread....almost every reference has to be explained from the ground up. 

It is a sad truth though that the deeper the ignorance, the more susceptible to manipulation and all the more resistant to reason.

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Wonderful Brexit-world 

“(...) open Britain's door to genetically modified crops, animal feed with antibiotics and chlorine-washed chicken products that are banned in the European Union but common in the United States.”


Taking back control 

“The US document also warns Britain that it will take "appropriate action" if the country negotiates a trade deal with a "non-market country" — which experts said is a reference to China.”


The easiest deals in history 

“Experts say the tough line taken by the United States reflects the reduced bargaining power the United Kingdom will have once it leaves the European Union. It will negotiate as a country of 66 million, while the European Union represents a bloc with 500 million citizens. Other countries also know that the United Kingdom will be highly motivated to replace free trade deals it lost because of Brexit.”


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