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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

And where did he get drunk ?

Dahn spooneys with a quid worth 39 Bhat in his pocket

BINGO,spoonies the life support machine for brexit and its followers,no wonder mr spoonie himself loves brexit,38 billion saved to hand out to his benefit scrounging customers,i loved the video posted on here a while back when the reporter asked him which EU law annoyed him the most,he just couldnt think of a one,never seen anyone so stumped in my life by such a simple question after he'd spent so long moaning about EU law,worse than anything even may or corbyn come out with,a complete nkobhead.

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6 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Get off your high horse Grouse, and check out who funds

the fullfact.org  Not a pretty 'sight'.

Enlighten me








Nothing is perfect but I tend to believe full-fact do a decent job, are reputable and do a generally good job. However, I am happy to read any information that tends to disprove my view.



Edited by Grouse
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5 hours ago, vogie said:

Yes it is terrible, it is all too easy now for people to hide behind a computer and say what they want, I doubt very much if these people would say the same face to face. We have it here on ThaiVisa where some people name call and again would they do it face to face.


"What kind of country has the U.K. Become?"

Do you just think that this is just a UK problem, I havn't checked but I should imagine where ever you find computers there will be certain amount of 'keyboard warriors', very brave till confronted.



I have only heard about Brits acting in such an extreme way.

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41 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Enlighten me








Nothing is perfect but I tend to believe full-fact do a decent job, are reputable and do a generally good job. However, I am happy to read any information that tends to disprove my view.




Dig a little deeper, and this interesting little non-profit company, headed by Tory Party donor and AnneFreud Centre Chairman Michael Samuel, becomes very interesting indeed. Particularly to those who are concerned about proper investigative journalism, and truth.

It is surprising anyone would believe anything from the UK gov.

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6 minutes ago, talahtnut said:


Dig a little deeper, and this interesting little non-profit company, headed by Tory Party donor and AnneFreud Centre Chairman Michael Samuel, becomes very interesting indeed. Particularly to those who are concerned about proper investigative journalism, and truth.

It is surprising anyone would believe anything from the UK gov.

Seriously, give me some info. Always happy to learn.

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20 hours ago, aright said:

It has been obvious for some time that TM's plan is not going to work out so down the pub last night Cornflake came up with a new proposal.

We stay as a member of the EU for the next forty odd years and during this time the EU will pay us £55 billion per annum but to be fair we will give some of it back to them on condition they spend it where we tell them to. We will initiate all legislation affecting the EU but member states can have no input to the legislation and can only vote yes or no. After forty more years we will have another referendum.

It was generally agreed after Kneecap had done the count there was nothing not to like about this plan. The plan is familiar territory for the EU so we would not anticipate any problem with 27 member states signing up to it.






I would suggest the government quietly scraps Brexit but doesn't publish it - lets face it they're great at misinforming the public and the average Brexiteer will be completely unaware that it hasn't happened

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3 minutes ago, vogie said:

But that is just not so, hate crime categorised by country shows the UK in the bottom half of a list of 133 countries. The UK comes in at 77, well below many of our european neighbours.

You seem to want to find fault with everything in relation to the UK, I'm sure you would understand that the citizens of the UK who indeed respect their country would find this a little tedious.



As so often, you misunderstand me.


I thought we were discussing cyber abuse, cyber bullying?


I don't think the actual threat level in the U.K. Is particularly high.


I have been trying to find data but most of it relates to children. Playground bullying is always nasty and the internet has exacerbated this.


I suspect the U.K. Goes in for this but I know support is there.


As far as adult peer to peer threatening abuse is concerned I just don't know. I do think there has been a steep rise over the past three years.


BTW, I tease people mercilessly both on line and in the pub. I do not do ad hominem attacks and I certainly would not directly insult anyone. If I felt I had actually hurt anyone with a smart Alec comment, I would be mortified. (Brexit is still a moronic idea ????).

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Boris with a hair cut!


That's the high point!


The oaf talks such tripe. Even the Indians are laughing at him!


BTW, the EU ARE trying to encourage greater efficiency of household appliances. Good idea both in terms of energy consumption and power demand. You want more suck then develop better magnets and better motor and pump designs. We don't need 3kW vacuum cleaners of ANY brand. 


Is Hoover still on business?

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12 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I bet you one enamel potty that the majority of all the people on benefits in the UK voted remain. 

I'll raise that, one used china piss pot.  Your call Bomber.

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29 minutes ago, nauseus said:

I told you Boris is grooming himself for the big day!

those indians look bored to death,iam sure they really wanted to know about a dyson hoover,but i wonder if boris told them that Mr dyson decided the UK wasnt the place for him to do business after brexit,somehow i doubt it,the man is utter clown even by UK MP standards

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8 minutes ago, nontabury said:


  He probably thinks the everyone of those 17,410,000 who Democratically voted to leave the E.U. are on benefits, while none of those who voted to remain as colonist of the E.U. are on benefits.


my guess is 80-90% of benefit scroungers who voted would of voted leave,never researched any figures i will let you do that.

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2 minutes ago, nontabury said:


 As usual you guess, and as we all know, you have never researched, to find the facts.

 So I’ll help you out. This is fact-



but we wont leave,the democratically elected govt you voted for will do their duty,you will be back to dreaming of winning the lottery.????   no good asking me to respect the result you need to get on your bike and get to London with a placard and stand outside parliament you only have a few weeks left to make sure your dream comes true ????

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