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Extreme Brexit could be worse than financial crisis for UK: BoE


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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I believe they sell beef, when I were a lad all the UK's beef came from the Argentine, and it was really good.

The EU ended all the cheap beef imports though, and it became a luxury item.

Yes, I got a free holiday in 1964, I was home on leave in NE Scotland at the time of the Aberdeen typhoid outbreak from Argentinean corned beef. I couldn't return to my unit until after the incubation period.

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4 hours ago, yogi100 said:


The Independent is a pro EU publication that wants us to remain in the EU and you can bet your Mr Hawes who is a big wheel in the car manufacturing Industry is mainly concerned about his profits and those of his fellow business executives.


Meanwhile 17.4 million Brexiteers are more determined than ever that imported cheap labour from Eastern Europe will not threatened their livelihoods any more than it already has done.


If the politicians had not insisted on flooding the country with immigrants few of those 17.4 million people  would have been at all concerned about our being part of the EU.


Undemocratically imposed mass immigration has been a controversial subject for years and given rise to populism across the Western world and our wish to quit the EU are the results of that stupidity.


The trouble in France is because Jean Bloggs and his chums are sick of having to fork out the money required to fund the globalist policies of the EU.


So called 'right wing' or 'far right' organisations are appearing all over Europe again because of that same stupidity. 


It's the stupidity of the politicians that is causing this trouble not the 'racist' nor 'neo nazi' element that the 'elite' tell us are now prevalent among the European people.



you will find that mr big wheels job is to run a business and hopefully return a profit,same as i do myself,but it seems a large percentage of brexiteers seem to very much against this and are hell bent on destroying 200,000 car producing jobs in the UK,and cheap imported labour you moan about but they come here to work for the minimum wage OUR govt sets not the EU,as for the far right in europe they have always been active even in the 70s and 80s and you will find they are mainly not against the EU migrant worker but against the middle east and african refuges most of whom are fleeing wars started by the US with a lot of help from from the UK,just imagine the uproar in the UK if it were Germany or france who had helped start the chaos.your crusade against anyone making a profit will be rewarded when corbyn takes over as their will be very few businesses managing it as most will be closed or of already left the UK,job done

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5 hours ago, yogi100 said:


The Independent is a pro EU publication that wants us to remain in the EU and you can bet your Mr Hawes who is a big wheel in the car manufacturing Industry is mainly concerned about his profits and those of his fellow business executives.


Meanwhile 17.4 million Brexiteers are more determined than ever that imported cheap labour from Eastern Europe will not threatened their livelihoods any more than it already has done.


If the politicians had not insisted on flooding the country with immigrants few of those 17.4 million people  would have been at all concerned about our being part of the EU.


Undemocratically imposed mass immigration has been a controversial subject for years and given rise to populism across the Western world and our wish to quit the EU are the results of that stupidity.


The trouble in France is because Jean Bloggs and his chums are sick of having to fork out the money required to fund the globalist policies of the EU.


So called 'right wing' or 'far right' organisations are appearing all over Europe again because of that same stupidity. 


It's the stupidity of the politicians that is causing this trouble not the 'racist' nor 'neo nazi' element that the 'elite' tell us are now prevalent among the European people.



TM stood up and said austerity was over but omitted to mention she was referring to phase 1. The brexiteers are obviously looking forward to phase 2 and they don't mind sharing it with the whole of the UK, as long as they don't have to share it with foreigners.

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4 hours ago, evadgib said:

More trade arrangements inc one guaranteed to have the usual culprits reaching for their screen cleaner & heading to the zeroing range* before bothering to read it! ???? 




(*to prep for shooting the messenger!)

south africa is about donald ducked and has little to offer other than corruption,my partners farther who went to the grave 18 months ago was owed money by the corrupt president Zuma so it starts at the very top,so i know this crackpot nation wont offer anything.The second example you give is an agreement signed alongside germany and france,surely not i thought this was what brexit fans didnt want,so that doesnt make sense.Third example is even more bizzare an agreement to promote everything you folks have been fighting against for 3 years,  very very strange

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54 minutes ago, wilcopops said:

Unfortunately the world "outside is smaller and trees with the EU already -talk about parochial. Who the hell do you think will trade with UK in preference to EU? 

Iran is going to save the day ???? i will drink to that,now pass me my glass of chilean wine.

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35 minutes ago, sandyf said:

TM stood up and said austerity was over but omitted to mention she was referring to phase 1. The brexiteers are obviously looking forward to phase 2 and they don't mind sharing it with the whole of the UK, as long as they don't have to share it with foreigners.

most breiteers are looking forward to corbyn taking power,then they will see what a mess brexit created,they hate to see any businesses making a profit,they will love it then as their wont be many businesses left.Iran,SA and Chile will be booming though,maybe they will relocate for work there and become slaves,south africa is be very welcoming to white slaves these days.

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6 minutes ago, bomber said:

 but Iran,south africa and chile are not germany,france and holland,iam sorry ya replacing premier league trading partners with vauxhall conference standard,we are well aware trade will still go on 70-80% as normal for the first year or two even with a no deal but its the job loses that have already happened and the others that WILL come with a bad brexit that are the concern,and many will leave despite what the brxit fans say,you dont even hear Boris these days stating what he was when he was campaigning,its snowed for 2 days now in the UK so the next GDP figures will be effected as usual,that tells you how weak the UK is and how very little it will take to sent the country crashing,even more so as their is a world recession just revving up,brexit could not of come at a worse time,5th biggest economy but only the 9th biggest exporter means we under produce,i dont think you realise that,or in football terms we concede more than we score,do you get it now,if we were the 5th biggest exporter we would be Great Britain again,a bad brexit and we wont even be 9th position thats what you lot dont understand,i would think even losing only 2 of the big 4 car producers would see us drop a few places,perhaps you could tell us where the replacements would come from,please dont reply with an iranian trade deal or a deal to IMPORT more chilean wine


For the love of god please stop with the terrible football analogies. When you compare the UK's population size being the 9th largest exporter isn't bad and as for having the 5th largest (think it's 7th now) it really doesn't matter if it doesn't filter down to the population in terms of good jobs and improved services. 


Glad you mentioned the auto industry, how has the UK auto industry faired over the last 40 years within the EU? It's been decimated, now we produce vehicles for foreign manufacturers mainly for domestic consumption. 

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8 minutes ago, Chartist said:

 You think the world outside the EU is smaller? seriously? hate to burst your bubble but there are 7.7 billion people in the world the 544 million within the EU is a tiny proportion or the global population.

its also 21 miles away and the UK imports a lot from there,going elsewhere will incur more costs hence the BoE predicting inflation to rise with a no deal,how much is open to debate but they as iam myself would expect increases even more so with a weak pound which would be even weaker with a no-deal,this is not project fear but reality.

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4 minutes ago, Chartist said:


For the love of god please stop with the terrible football analogies. When you compare the UK's population size being the 9th largest exporter isn't bad and as for having the 5th largest (think it's 7th now) it really doesn't matter if it doesn't filter down to the population in terms of good jobs and improved services. 


Glad you mentioned the auto industry, how has the UK auto industry faired over the last 40 years within the EU? It's been decimated, now we produce vehicles for foreign manufacturers mainly for domestic consumption. 

the UK auto industry destroyed itself in the 70s and 80s with strikes,nothing to do with the EU,luckily the japs give it a second chance but they will move on soon after the brexit farce,then there will be none. Maybe comrade corbyn will get it going again building Lada's for export to iran and chile,Brits wont be able to afford a one

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1 minute ago, bomber said:

its also 21 miles away and the UK imports a lot from there,going elsewhere will incur more costs hence the BoE predicting inflation to rise with a no deal,how much is open to debate but they as iam myself would expect increases even more so with a weak pound which would be even weaker with a no-deal,this is not project fear but reality.


Yes the UK imports a lot from the EU i.e a massive trade deficit, you do realise that a long running trade deficit is incredibly bad and results in job loses and even the loss of entire industries. The weak £ is good for the manufacturing industry, inflation is pretty much at the BOE's target of 2% (currently 2.1%) and interest rates are low allowing plenty of room for corrective measures should inflation rise beyond the targeted rate.

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There ya go Bomber????


Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt will be in Romania today (1 February) for talks with the Romanian President and Prime Minister.

Jeremy Hunt will discuss areas of co-operation, including tackling modern slavery, hybrid threats, as well as Brexit and future relations.

It is the Foreign Secretary’s first official visit to Romania, where he will also host a discussion on media freedoms with local journalists.




Edited by evadgib
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50 minutes ago, bomber said:

you will find that mr big wheels job is to run a business and hopefully return a profit,same as i do myself,but it seems a large percentage of brexiteers seem to very much against this and are hell bent on destroying 200,000 car producing jobs in the UK,and cheap imported labour you moan about but they come here to work for the minimum wage OUR govt sets not the EU,as for the far right in europe they have always been active even in the 70s and 80s and you will find they are mainly not against the EU migrant worker but against the middle east and african refuges most of whom are fleeing wars started by the US with a lot of help from from the UK,just imagine the uproar in the UK if it were Germany or france who had helped start the chaos.your crusade against anyone making a profit will be rewarded when corbyn takes over as their will be very few businesses managing it as most will be closed or of already left the UK,job done


Under EU laws anyone who can get an EU passport can go where he wants to travel to within the EU.


Once there with his passport he can also demand housing, healthcare, employment and benefits.


It's up to the nation concerned whether or not they cede to these demands. The UK does.


Unemployment figures can be misleading. There are actually 8.6 million people of working age in the UK who are classed as economically inactive. The highest in living memory. Many of 'em are in receipt of some sort of benefit and that has to come from somewhere.


Crime is at the highest in living memory as are the rates of murder.


Homelessness is at an all time high and the number of people sleeping rough in England has increased by 73% in the last 3 years because there's no homes for these people. Most of 'em are our own indigenous folk.


There are now more soup kitchens operating in many of our cities than even before.


Even people classed as working are having to go to food banks to adequately feed their families.


Acid attacks are becoming common and are also at the highest rate the highest in living memory.


Grooming gangs are now sexually abusing our children in numbers never before known in living memory.


These things are what bothers us and they've come about because of mass immigration and how the effects of that immigration are ruining our livelihoods, our country and our lives. We care nothing about how much profit Mr Big or yourself are going to make. You have no concern for nor loyalty to your fellow Englishmen so don't expect any in return


There would never have been any Brexit had our politicians approached immigration in a sensible manner and had Merkel not said that she wanted the UK to take a share of the hordes of Muslims she was intent on flooding the EU with in 2015.


When we get out we can make our own rules and if we then get a strong enough govt we can also then start deporting those who commit crimes and are an unnecessary drain on our economy and then you might start making money again.


Till then you and you pal Mr Big are going to have to knuckle down and put up with the hard times many of the rest of us have been subjected to for the last 16 years because of the hordes of foreigners many with EU passports who have been flocking to our towns and cities in literally their millions.

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21 minutes ago, evadgib said:

There ya go Bomber????


Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt will be in Romania today (1 February) for talks with the Romanian President and Prime Minister.

Jeremy Hunt will discuss areas of co-operation, including tackling modern slavery, hybrid threats, as well as Brexit and future relations.

It is the Foreign Secretary’s first official visit to Romania, where he will also host a discussion on media freedoms with local journalists.




romania the poorest nation in europe and we go cap in hand,its a joke,modern slavery ???? not that again,anyway mays deal will go through parliment and things like this will just make MPs even more likely to stay in the SM and CU

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2 minutes ago, bomber said:

romania the poorest nation in europe and we go cap in hand,its a joke,modern slavery ???? not that again,anyway mays deal will go through parliment and things like this will just make MPs even more likely to stay in the SM and CU

As I thought; Easier than running a roach past a pike????

(Not that there was ever any doubt!)

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12 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Under EU laws anyone who can get an EU passport can go where he wants to travel to within the EU.


Once there with his passport he can also demand housing, healthcare, employment and benefits.


It's up to the nation concerned whether or not they cede to these demands. The UK does.


Unemployment figures can be misleading. There are actually 8.6 million people of working age in the UK who are classed as economically inactive. The highest in living memory. Many of 'em are in receipt of some sort of benefit and that has to come from somewhere.


Crime is at the highest in living memory as are the rates of murder.


Homelessness is at an all time high and the number of people sleeping rough in England has increased by 73% in the last 3 years because there's no homes for these people. Most of 'em are our own indigenous folk.


There are now more soup kitchens operating in many of our cities than even before.


Even people classed as working are having to go to food banks to adequately feed their families.


Acid attacks are becoming common and are also at the highest rate the highest in living memory.


Grooming gangs are now sexually abusing our children in numbers never before known in living memory.


These things are what bothers us and they've come about because of mass immigration and how the effects of that immigration are ruining our livelihoods, our country and our lives. We care nothing about how much profit Mr Big or yourself are going to make. You have no concern for nor loyalty to your fellow Englishmen so don't expect any in return


There would never have been any Brexit had our politicians approached immigration in a sensible manner and had Merkel not said that she wanted the UK to take a share of the hordes of Muslims she was intent on flooding the EU with in 2015.


When we get out we can make our own rules and if we then get a strong enough govt we can also then start deporting those who commit crimes and are an unnecessary drain on our economy and then you might start making money again.


Till then you and you pal Mr Big are going to have to knuckle down and put up with the hard times many of the rest of us have been subjected to for the last 16 years because of the hordes of foreigners many with EU passports who have been flocking to our towns and cities in literally their millions.

Anybody got a wheelbarrow?

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2 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Under EU laws anyone who can get an EU passport can go where he wants to travel to within the EU.


Once there with his passport he can also demand housing, healthcare, employment and benefits.


It's up to the nation concerned whether or not they cede to these demands. The UK does.


Unemployment figures can be misleading. There are actually 8.6 million people of working age in the UK who are classed as economically inactive. The highest in living memory. Many of 'em are in receipt of some sort of benefit and that has to come from somewhere.


Crime is at the highest in living memory as are the rates of murder.


Homelessness is at an all time high and the number of people sleeping rough in England has increased by 73% in the last 3 years because there's no homes for these people. Most of 'em are our own indigenous folk.


There are now more soup kitchens operating in many of our cities than even before.


Even people classed as working are having to go to food banks to adequately feed their families.


Acid attacks are becoming common and are also at the highest rate the highest in living memory.


Grooming gangs are now sexually abusing our children in numbers never before known in living memory.


These things are what bothers us and they've come about because of mass immigration and how the effects of that immigration are ruining our livelihoods, our country and our lives. We care nothing about how much profit Mr Big or yourself are going to make. You have no concern for nor loyalty to your fellow Englishmen so don't expect any in return


There would never have been any Brexit had our politicians approached immigration in a sensible manner and had Merkel not said that she wanted the UK to take a share of the hordes of Muslims she was intent on flooding the EU with in 2015.


When we get out we can make our own rules and if we then get a strong enough govt we can also then start deporting those who commit crimes and are an unnecessary drain on our economy and then you might start making money again.


Till then you and you pal Mr Big are going to have to knuckle down and put up with the hard times many of the rest of us have been subjected to for the last 16 years because of the hordes of foreigners many with EU passports who have been flocking to our towns and cities in literally their millions.

Crime in the UK is nowt to do with the EU,if coloured british gangs in south east london want to kill each other its not an EU problem,its up to them,get on with it for me,soup kitchens and homelessness you have stated on here before,if someone is homeless there is a good reason for it,quite often drugs,alcohol or crime,i have no sympathy at all,and again its not an EU issue,sorry but working people are not using food banks unless they have blown their money on drink,ciggies or drug's,in 50 years ive never seen a food bank or know anyone who has and wouldnt even know where to find one,and i live in an area with the highest unemployment rate in the UK,so that makes a mockery of your post's,ive come to the conclusion your a socialist/communist and against anybody that has done ok out of life,corbyn is coming you should be happy,its probably why you voted leave to get him in

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15 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Under EU laws anyone who can get an EU passport can go where he wants to travel to within the EU.


Once there with his passport he can also demand housing, healthcare, employment and benefits.


It's up to the nation concerned whether or not they cede to these demands. The UK does.


Unemployment figures can be misleading. There are actually 8.6 million people of working age in the UK who are classed as economically inactive. The highest in living memory. Many of 'em are in receipt of some sort of benefit and that has to come from somewhere.


Crime is at the highest in living memory as are the rates of murder.


Homelessness is at an all time high and the number of people sleeping rough in England has increased by 73% in the last 3 years because there's no homes for these people. Most of 'em are our own indigenous folk.


There are now more soup kitchens operating in many of our cities than even before.


Even people classed as working are having to go to food banks to adequately feed their families.


Acid attacks are becoming common and are also at the highest rate the highest in living memory.


Grooming gangs are now sexually abusing our children in numbers never before known in living memory.


These things are what bothers us and they've come about because of mass immigration and how the effects of that immigration are ruining our livelihoods, our country and our lives. We care nothing about how much profit Mr Big or yourself are going to make. You have no concern for nor loyalty to your fellow Englishmen so don't expect any in return


There would never have been any Brexit had our politicians approached immigration in a sensible manner and had Merkel not said that she wanted the UK to take a share of the hordes of Muslims she was intent on flooding the EU with in 2015.


When we get out we can make our own rules and if we then get a strong enough govt we can also then start deporting those who commit crimes and are an unnecessary drain on our economy and then you might start making money again.


Till then you and you pal Mr Big are going to have to knuckle down and put up with the hard times many of the rest of us have been subjected to for the last 16 years because of the hordes of foreigners many with EU passports who have been flocking to our towns and cities in literally their millions.

Sorry i dont have to knuckle down and put up with the hard time's,ive stated on here a few times already i will be out of the UK altogether in 12-18 months,ive done my work and have enough to retire at 51 in that horrible place in the sun in the EU that you despise,iam not sure what Mr Bigs plans are,maybe you can point him in the right direction or the nearest soup kitchen????

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35 minutes ago, yogi100 said:


Under EU laws anyone who can get an EU passport can go where he wants to travel to within the EU.


Once there with his passport he can also demand housing, healthcare, employment and benefits.


It's up to the nation concerned whether or not they cede to these demands. The UK does.


Unemployment figures can be misleading. There are actually 8.6 million people of working age in the UK who are classed as economically inactive. The highest in living memory. Many of 'em are in receipt of some sort of benefit and that has to come from somewhere.


Crime is at the highest in living memory as are the rates of murder.


Homelessness is at an all time high and the number of people sleeping rough in England has increased by 73% in the last 3 years because there's no homes for these people. Most of 'em are our own indigenous folk.


There are now more soup kitchens operating in many of our cities than even before.


Even people classed as working are having to go to food banks to adequately feed their families.


Acid attacks are becoming common and are also at the highest rate the highest in living memory.


Grooming gangs are now sexually abusing our children in numbers never before known in living memory.


These things are what bothers us and they've come about because of mass immigration and how the effects of that immigration are ruining our livelihoods, our country and our lives. We care nothing about how much profit Mr Big or yourself are going to make. You have no concern for nor loyalty to your fellow Englishmen so don't expect any in return


There would never have been any Brexit had our politicians approached immigration in a sensible manner and had Merkel not said that she wanted the UK to take a share of the hordes of Muslims she was intent on flooding the EU with in 2015.


When we get out we can make our own rules and if we then get a strong enough govt we can also then start deporting those who commit crimes and are an unnecessary drain on our economy and then you might start making money again.


Till then you and you pal Mr Big are going to have to knuckle down and put up with the hard times many of the rest of us have been subjected to for the last 16 years because of the hordes of foreigners many with EU passports who have been flocking to our towns and cities in literally their millions.

Anyone not knowing the difference between UKIP and Leavemeansleave cira 2019 has just found it ????


Back to the Pike:


Edited by evadgib
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45 minutes ago, Loiner said:

You still haven’t got it have you, still in falling sky mode? UK trade with the EU will not stop after Brexit. Maybe some reductions in imports to balance the books. It’s all up to us.
New trade deals with the whole world are additional. They can be made directly by the UK at whatever tariffs we decide, not the block EU.

New trade deals? Until now, the only ‘deals’ signed are those that continue - after Brexit - the application of the current FTA’s between the EU and certain third countries, applying the same tariffs, the same Rules of Origin, covering the same products etc. etc. That’s progress for you?

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32 minutes ago, bomber said:

you state the weak pound is good for industry but after brexit the £ dropped 15-20% but the trade gap actually widened so that puts that rubbish to bed,in the meantime inflation rose so brits had less money in their pockets,it has steadied since though,you also say low interest rates allow plenty of room for corrective measures,thats rubbish as rates are 0.5% and when recessions have come in the past rates were usually 4-15% and the powers that be reduced them to stimulate growth,at 0.5% there is barely anything to play with,why do you think the fed hiked the rates up in recent years at least they have the means to tinker with now,the UK does not,it will be interesting to see when the recession comes and rates drop to zero and the pound drops to less than a euro and nears parity with the dollar if they hike rates up to strenghten the pound,if not then inflation is going to soar but so will peoples mortgages,also this when household debt is about the highest in europe,the future for the UK looks very grim indeed


I stated that a weak £ was good for the manufacturing sector which has been proven by increased manufacturing PMI, I didn't say that the weak pound has improved the trade deficit, that will take time. 


I also stated that low interest rates give the BOE plenty of room for manoeuvre to control inflation as raising interest rates is a standard measure to lower inflation. 


Forgive me for not taking your prediction of a recession seriously you see remainers have predicted a recession every single day since the referendum. One will come eventually but it won't be down to Brexit.

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4 minutes ago, Chartist said:


I stated that a weak £ was good for the manufacturing sector which has been proven by increased manufacturing PMI, I didn't say that the weak pound has improved the trade deficit, that will take time. 


I also stated that low interest rates give the BOE plenty of room for manoeuvre to control inflation as raising interest rates is a standard measure to lower inflation. 


Forgive me for not taking your prediction of a recession seriously you see remainers have predicted a recession every single day since the referendum. One will come eventually but it won't be down to Brexit.

Sorry but the latest manufactoring figures showed output had fallen...please check them..you are wrong...bearing in mind this iz with a very weak pound, it doesnt bode well for brexit or the upcoming world recession

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6 minutes ago, bomber said:

Sorry but the latest manufactoring figures showed output had fallen...please check them..you are wrong...bearing in mind this iz with a very weak pound, it doesnt bode well for brexit or the upcoming world recession


I imagine that we will come through it........ we always do.

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6 minutes ago, bomber said:

Sorry but the latest manufactoring figures showed output had fallen...please check them..you are wrong...bearing in mind this iz with a very weak pound, it doesnt bode well for brexit or the upcoming world recession


Stating that it's fallen from last month doesn't prove me wrong it's higher than it was on 23rd June 2016

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12 minutes ago, bomber said:

Sorry but the latest manufactoring figures showed output had fallen...please check them..you are wrong...bearing in mind this iz with a very weak pound, it doesnt bode well for brexit or the upcoming world recession


What are you basing this forecast for an 'upcoming world recession' on and have you got a timeline for it? Could make an absolute fortune if you could actually predict a recession

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