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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? (2018)


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Reminds me of when I was a seafaring idiot.  A friend of mine and I, both landlubbers, once cast off from the shores of the Shedd Aquarium into the frigid waters of Lake Michigan early June in a two man sailboat.  The kind that was little more than a large surfboard with a mast attached.  Off into the waters we went and just as soon we heard a whole lot of yelling coming from the shore.  We turned back to look and there was a group of young women holding up and waving our life vests in the air.  Ah well, we were young and confidant.  Unnecessary weight we concluded and continued to head out for the deep.


The seas were rough . . . rougher than we anticipated . . . and with us being fledgling sailors the wind and the waves seemed to carry us off, despite our will, into uncharted waters.  A boat motored close by us, laughing and lobbing taunts of Cracker Jack sailors at us.  They were good humoured enough to toss us a couple of cans of beer, though.


Adrift and on a course not of our choosing we ended up stuck in the mouth of DuSable Harbour.  For how long I can't remember but we eventually made our way to the barriers surrounding the harbour, bobbing up against the jagged rocks trying to find a way onto them.  We then heard a siren blowing and up pulls the Chicago Harbour police to pluck us out of the waters.  Apparently we had been holding up boat traffic into and out of the harbour long enough for calls to be made to the authorities.  Got back to land, knelt down, and kissed the ground.



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