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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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What do you get when you cross a bunny and a Rottweiler?
 a Rottweiler ....and a small pile of fur.


Patient:  Doctor I think I 'm coming down with amnesia
Doctor: My tests prove you're right, from now on you'll need to pay in advance. 

(*Rodney Dangerfield*)


I hate people who take drugs.  The DEA is number one on my list.                 Drug Enforcement Administration


Policeman: I'm very sorry, sir, but it looks like your wife got hit by a bus.
Roger:  I’m aware of that, but Karen is great with the kids and has a wonderful personality.


"Left my wife this morning"......Oh no, Roger, why did you two split up?” 
“She’s a liar and a cheat! She said she was at her sister’s all night .”
So? Maybe she was.”
No freakin way man,. ...."I was with her sister all night ”


Found My wife hanging from a rope in the attic.
There was a note saying,  Roger "I really can't stand your criticsm any longer!"
I desperately cut the rope and administered CPR. Thankfully I could bring her back to life. 
As she lay in my arms I could see her eyes slowly open and I said, "Come on, honey that's not how you spell criticism."

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A mother travelled across the country to watch her only son get married and graduate from the air force on the exact same day. "Thank you for coming," the son said. "It means so much." "Of course I'd be here," the mother replied.

"It's not every day a mom watches her son get his wings and have them clipped all in one day."

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