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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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“Say, old chap, did I ever tell you about the time I was attacked by a Bengal tiger?”

“I dare say I’ve not heard that one.”

“I decided one summer to try my hand at taking down one of the royal beasts. I hired a guide from the local village and armed with my rifle we set out. Several hours into the hunt and deep in a mangrove swamp we stumbled upon fresh tracks. It was not more than a few minutes of tracking the great beast when we heard it: a low, guttural sound from behind. I quickly turned and as I readied my rifle, the tiger leapt from the shadows, teeth and claws bared, ‘Rrrraaaaaarrrrrr!!!!’ I sh@t my pants.”

“Of course I'm not surprised that you sh!t in your pants back then, old chap. You were attacked by a Bengal Tiger!”

“No, Not then. Just right now when I went, ‘Rrrraaaaaarrrrr!!!!!’”

Oh No!!!

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