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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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3 hours ago, WorriedNoodle said:


The best advert for going straight, in more ways than one!




I can't stand all this homo and hetero talk.

It's all Greek to me!

Edited by fangless
PS added.
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A smiling woman returned from the doctor’s to find her husband sprawled in a chair. 
“Why are you so happy?” he moaned, looking at her smiling face. 
“I’ve just been told by my doctor that I have the breasts of an 18-year-old.” 
“Really! and what did he say about your 50 year old <deleted>?” 
“We didn’t talk about you,” she replied. 

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A woman went to her vicar to seek advice on her forthcoming wedding.

This was to be her third husband and she was not sure how to tell him that she was still a virgin. 
“But how can that be?” exclaimed the vicar. “You’ve already had two husbands.” 
“That’s true, but my first husband was a psychiatrist and all he did was talk about it, my second husband was a gynaecologist and all he did was look at it.


But this time I’m sure it will be different.



This time I’m marrying a lawyer so I’m sure to get screwed.” 

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Two women are watching a love scene in a romantic film in the cinema when one turns to the other in surprise. 
“You’re not going to believe this, Mavis, but the man sitting next to me is masturbating.” 
“Dirty <deleted>, just ignore him,” she hisses. 

“I can’t, he’s using my hand.” 

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An 18-year-old boy says to his father, “Dad, I keep getting these terrible urges, what can I do about it?” 
“I think you’d better go and see my friend Bob, he’s a sex therapist, I’m sure he’ll be able to help. Pop round to his house this evening.” 
The boy does as his father suggests, but after 5 visits there’s no improvement. The sixth time he goes round the door is opened by Bob’s wife who tells him the therapist has been called away on urgent business. 
“Can I help at all?” she says. 
The boy tells her his problem and within moments she takes him by the hand, leads him upstairs and makes frenzied love to him. The next day he meets up with his father who asks him how the treatment is going. 
“It’s great now, dad,” smiles the boy.


“The therapist’s wife has got more brains between her legs than he has in his head.” 

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