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Worst Joke Ever 2024

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A man went into a bar and ordered a gin and tonic. When it was placed before him, he exclaimed, "My goodness, an ice cube with a hole in it, that's new." 
"No it isn't," commented a sullen looking man sitting next to him. "I married one." 

"What on earth is that?" said the woman to the waiter. 
"It's pressed tongue, Madam." 
"Good gracious! I could never eat anything that came out of an animal's mouth. Bring me a boiled egg please." 

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A couple had a whirlwind romance and were married less than six months after they met. On their honeymoon night, she confessed to him that one of her previous lovers had been his old golfing partner. 
"Let's not bring up the past," he said, "all that matters now is that we're together." 
For the next hour, they made mad passionate love and when they finally finished he picked up the phone. 
"What are you doing?" she asked. 
"All that exercise, has made me hungry" he replied. "I'm going to order some steaks and a bottle of bubbly -- it is our wedding night after all." 
"Oh, but your ex golfing partner would have made love to me again." 
Not to be thought second best, the new husband began again and gave it all his worth for the next 45 minutes, after which he laid back on the bed totally exhausted. Again, he tried to ring room service but again she asked for more. At the end of another 30 minutes, he picked up the phone before his wife could speak, saying dejectedly. "Don't worry, it's not room service, I'm just ringing my ex golfing partner to find out what the par for this course is." 

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Two penniless alcoholics are desperately seeking some way to get more booze when one of them comes up with a great idea. "Listen, mate, with our last 20p we'll buy a sausage and I'll stick it in your flies. Trust me, it can't fail." So they do as Sid suggests and then go into a bar and order 2 doubles which they soon put away. When the barman asks for the money Sid gets down on his knees and sucks the sausage sticking out of his mate's trousers. 
"Ugh, you filthy b*ggers, get out of my bar," yells the barman, "and don't let me ever see you in here again." 
The two men successfully repeat the trick all afternoon until they are so sozzled they can't stand up. 
"Bloody hell," croaks Sid, "what a day...my knees ain't half sore from kneeling down so often." 
"That's nothing," replies his mate. "I lost the sausage after the second pub." 

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