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Does anyone know of a good hotel in Trat?? Not the island's but Trat The Town.....................Thank You

Hi there,

I know Trat pretty well although my last visit was over a year ago.

As far as I know there are no decent hotels in the town.

About 5 km outside town there is the Suan Poo resort which is not to bad although expensive.

Not far from the covered market are a few guesthouses ru by expats, but I never stayed there so

no review possible.

Hope you find what you're looking for.



If you can help it do not stay overnight there, it's a horrible place.

I wouldn't call it horrible, there is a hotel right next to the night market - Trat Hotel I think it's called...

as onzestan said, there are quite a few guest houses around town, mostly by the river but they are mostly cheap and cheerful

Its a hole of a town. I got stuck there four days... was terrible, sorry but thats the truth.

However when I got to the Islands was nice after all!

Thank you all, heading too trat this week and will give you a update on what I find.

Its a hole of a town. I got stuck there four days... was terrible, sorry but thats the truth.

However when I got to the Islands was nice after all!

Thank you all, heading too trat this week and will give you a update on what I find.

Hi Retiredusn,

Further to my earlier reply here are some details about Suan Poo Resort :

Suan Poo Resort

199 Tambon Nongkansong., Muang, Trat 23000

Phone(1): 039-512-400 / Fax : 66-039-512-400

Rooms : 15

This place used to bee a shrimpfarm, then extended into woderfull seafood restaurant and since 3 or 4 years they also have accomodation including a nice swimming pool.

Go and have a look you"ll love the scenery.



p.s. i'm not affiliated to the resort but I love the place for it's wonderfull seafood.


My wife's family is from Trat and we are frequently there. If we, or our friends, want to stay in a hotel in the city of Trat, we choose the "Lao Yaa Resort", a bit outside downtown Trat, on the main road to Chantaburi. It is opposite the Toyota and Nissan car dealer, on the side leading towards the city of Trat.

It is a "resort", which means it has bungalows, for 2 up to 10 people. It's reasonably clean and comfortable and certainly way better than the down-town hotel "Trat Hotel", although this has recently been renovated. I haven't been inside, though.

I hope I am not too late with this advice.

Does anyone know of a good hotel in Trat?? Not the island's but Trat The Town.....................Thank You

Just wondring why if you live in Chantaburi you would want a hotel in Trat but I guess its none of my business. If you know the area you will know the hotels in Chantaburi are far superior to anything in Trat (Built for westerners). Trat Hotel is horrible and the rooms face the markets which begain unloading seafood at 2AM. Pop Guest is OK but there are many snakes around there as the klong borders the mangrove swamp and Im talking King Cobras a meter long. One poped up under our table and sent me and the family scattering one evening, exciting though. Try S.A. Hotel as its the only place in town thats just a basic hotel and normaly clean and quiet, Its nothing to brag about though.

As far as those slagging off on Trat I would suggest you dont know much about the place. The food there is outstanding if you know where to look. There are soft shell crabs, tiger shrimp, and all the fresh fish one could ever want from 3 kilo grouper to sea bass. They are in no way set up for tourists but it is a beutiful and very exotic place if you know how to enjoy Thailand, have your own transpertation, and speak the language.

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