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When Are You Planning To Move To Thailand


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Amid all this talk of leaving there are still many, myself included, who have plans or are making plans to move to Thailand.

So I was just wondering, if you are planning to move to Thailand, when (in date terms) do you hope to make the move? (I say in date terms because, for example, the answer 'when I retire' has such a wide interpretation.

And secondly, how, if at all, have the current changes in Thailand effected your plans?

To kick this off.

Planned Move Date.

Our plan is currently to move back to Thailand in Late 2009, early 2010. It seems a long time off but my current project is expected to complete around that late 2009, slippages might make that 2010.

How Changes in Thailand have effected our plan.

I can't say that the changes in Thailand have effected our plan, since we don't plan to move back over for another three years we really can wait and see. But the changes in Thailand have effected the way we are preparing for our move.

We've bought our land and while we've done some basic preparation work, planting trees, fencing, surveys, lease etc. We are not going to move any more capital over to Thailand until we have seen how things pan out. Our planned gradual investment and development has been put on hold and we'll leave it until the last minute to decide/invest any more.

So how about the rest of you who are currently outside of Thailand planning someday to move over.

Edited by GuestHouse
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We too have a plan to move in the next 2-4 years. I don't see the new rules having any effect as the visa regs for women married to thai men is/has always been different (due to thai law the man being head of house etc) We are just at the moment trying to increase our capital in the UK with developing property as we plan to keep at least one place here for any future eventualities & I want to have as minimal a mortgage as possible. We have been looking at buying some land in Thailand & have a couple of 50+ rai plots in mind but as things in the NE sell slow we aren't rushing.

The main issue is deciding what we will both actually do back in Thailand & I have already put roads in to retrain or at least get qualified & some real experience teaching behind me in the next few years here in the UK (Issan isn't exactly the financial hub of thailand & as I am an investment banker will need to change career path completely) I cant live anywhere without working as I would go mad, so as teaching is about my only option, want to do it as well as possible. :o

Hubby has ideas of fish farming & has already got things moving in that direction too but for now we are concentrating on the property side of things here & will make more firm plans in another 2 years.

Like you our money will stay outside of thailand & will move over what we need once we have final plans in place.

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short answer: ASAP

long answer:

I'm currently 1 1/2 years away from my diploma, but because i had a stipendium i have to work for that company for about 5 years, but hope i can leave after 2 years...! Then i wil try to make a bit of financial stability and maybe an MBA! for about 3 years... This is now about 6 years! so the fastest i will move to thailand is 2012/13! It would be great if i can make it sooner!

I just hope i could get a job when i'm there!

But in the meantime i will visit as much as possible!

Well i visited thailand only once but from the day i left don muang i felt like i came home! So it was kinda hard to leave the country and go home....now i'm doing anything possible to come back asap!

I heard that it is hard to get a job as an electrical engineer, because they want thai ppl in this industry.... hope i find something....

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I live here. I earn a decent crust and am not at a disadvantage salary wise vis a vis being in OZ. Not expatriated ( I work for myself now), but hard slog and working for the right companies in the past building up a good resume means that I can ask for an internationally competitive salary/rate now. Plus, I do what very few Thai's or foreigners can do here.

Will be here for the forseable future..though will have to see what we think of the schooling options for the little one (and hopefully 'ones') in about 4 or 5 years time. I imagine, short of missing meat pies and chicko rolls, we'll be here for a while until the education side of things for the kiddies becomes an isssue.

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Will be there just as soon as I get shot of my flat here in the U.K!

Put it on the market 3rd. week of November, second viewers wanted it so bad they offered my full asking price within days, solicitor briefed within 24 hours........

Felt safe to come over for Christmas & New Year, returned last week in January to.....Zilch!!!!

Solicitor had done nothing, sat on it for the whole time, 'holiday time and all old chap!'

At least I have no worries about a place when I get there, all taken care of, thanks to my marvellous Thai family. :o

well it will be when I get there!

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I plan on moving to our house in BKK around 2010-2012, depending on money saved. I see the war continuing for a while, so I will plenty of work opportunities to build up the nest egg.

Eventually we will build a retirement home on our land in Issan, hopefully by @2015 :o

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we catch the plane on 21st APRIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



5 years in the planning,then 3 mnts ago hubby has heart attatck :D so the plans have changed somewhat,but we are still going and are going to sit on the balcony or in the bar and just plan the rest off our lives. :D

reading some of the previous posts ----dont wait too long you never know what is round the corner

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April 2! Booked the flight this morning.

Finished work at the end of January (retired), and currently tying up the loose ends here. First 6 months will be spent getting internet and SatTV, some upgrades to the Issan palace, buying a vehicle, reading and relaxing. After that................who knows!

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i lived here for 15 yrs. theres been ups and downs of course. but overall going strong. dont let the current visa "regulations" discourage u from moving here. here in thailand there is always a way to get things sorted out as long as ur not doing anything illegal.

Edited by oooooo
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April 2! Booked the flight this morning.

Finished work at the end of January (retired), and currently tying up the loose ends here. First 6 months will be spent getting internet and SatTV, some upgrades to the Issan palace, buying a vehicle, reading and relaxing. After that................who knows!

Nice one JS. I'll think about you and your shenanigans over there often WHILE I'M BANGED UP IN HOSPITAL! SH*T!

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After several years of planning we have tickets that bring us to LOS July 18th. It has been

somewhat discouraging to see the plunging of the USD against the TBH in the last few months.

I suppose the threat of Civil War in the South will result in the TBH going to 25/USD, as everything

that seems to happen in the LOS is economicallyt counterintuitive.

Planning on living in Chiang Mai and don't expect too much adversity from whatever is

happening in the south, but would certainly like to see it sorted out. Given the position of

the parties involved it looks like it will go on probably long after we're gone, just as it seems

it will continue everywhere else in the World. So we might as well be in the LOS where we

can avaoid, as much as we like, the daily discussion of what is happening everywhere else

in the world.

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Unless I win the lottery my planned move date will be somewhere between 2020-2030. Working rotation I'm coming over every 1-1/2 to 2 months for a couple of weeks of liquid holiday and I kinda like this routine so I don't mind to continue working for a while longer.

Current changes don't really bother me as long as it remains legal to drink sangsom.

I'm not limited to Thailand either; if for whatever reason in future I could not settle permanent here I wouldn't mind shifting from country to country and live like an eternal visitor :o

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So I was just wondering, if you are planning to move to Thailand, when (in date terms) do you hope to make the move?

Lived there already for 5 years and have no immediate plans to move back. Will be there next year for a holiday though.

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For us, "Thai wife and I" August 2008. We have a choice, come now, today, and I will have to come back and work for six months for three years, or grin and bear it and work for the next year and 1/2 straight. Sweet wife says lets just get it over with so we may do that. Just for some season I am getting tired of work and looking forward to ER.

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