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Trump charity to dissolve under deal with N.Y. attorney general


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This isn’t the only time Trump has been accused of shady charity activity,  "the New York State Attorney General brought suit against the Trump family and the Trump foundation, and these are serious violations."

list : https://readbloomjoy.com/2018/06/14/trump-foundation-family-sued-by-the-new-york-attorney-general/




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1 hour ago, quandow said:

You forgot the "Trump Presidency" scam.

Actually kinda hit upon it in the opening line! 


2 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Con Man In Chief...Shyster of the USA. 


Trump University

Trump Airlines

Trump Vodka

Trump Magazine

Trump Steaks

Trump Mortgage 

Trump Casinos


And now the charity scam. :bah:


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On 12/19/2018 at 10:48 AM, spidermike007 said:


???? TRUMP
???? TRUMP Jr.
???? TRUMP Organization
???? TRUMP Foundation
???? TRUMP Campaign
???? TRUMP NatSec Advisory Committee
???? TRUMP Shadow NatSec Advisors
???? TRUMP Transition
???? TRUMP Inaugural Committee
???? TRUMP Administration
???? TRUMP Allies (e.g., MBS, Russia)




In the time before Trump a POTUS had to be reliable and honest, at least.


Since 2016 The USA has changed fundamentally. Someone with the „quality" of a liar, extremist, moron, an endless insulter, inhumane charcter (the list goes on) has had a chance to sit in the White House..


The subject of this thread is only one example of of Trump's criminal behavior. In many, many other countries he would have spent a lot of his time behind bars. Nowadays it seems to be a qualification for the election of a Potus.


That the REP's supported him, not very surprising. But that the third power in every (real) democracy does not have the laws or the force/power to put him where he belongs to, that's annoying and a shame for the US political system.


Edited by puck2
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11 hours ago, Credo said:

I remember reading that the Foundation paid for some giant painting of him that was in Mar la Go.   If they confiscate it, I wonder what it's worth...or who would buy it?


Who would buy it?

C'mon dude, we all know the answer.

Why, The Man himself would.

He loves pics of himself everywhere.

Remember the framed false Times cover pic?

Not only is This Man rather a sicko, but a real weirdo to boot.

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5 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Smallest donation: $7 gift to the Boy Scouts in 1989 (rumored to be DJTJ's annual Boy Scout dues, although I doubt Jr. was in the Boy Scouts).


DJTJ's service was deferred - bone spurs don't you know.


He so wanted to serve, but was unable...

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


DJTJ is Donald J. Trump Jr. I doubt he wanted to serve in the military.


He's the clown on the left...


Yes, I agree. I was making (attempting) an ironic comment on the suggestion that the charity was used to pay "Junior's" Boy Scout subscriptions, but that he never "served".


A sort of family tradition...

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5 minutes ago, longtom said:

I am confused, not one post from a Trump defender?! Thought they could spin every fact.

Sent from my ASUS_X008D using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

The end is near. Time for them to jump ship and change their story. Just as Trump would do. ("That Trump, he was just somebody I might have heard of some time, he was a nothing in the movement. He is a sleazebag, a rat.....)

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On 12/19/2018 at 7:38 AM, GalaxyMan said:

I find it disgusting that he's being given a free pass on this. Dissolve the 'charity'? That's it? Where are the indictments for the criminality involved? Pisses me off. President Little Hands Grifter needs to be behind bars with his entire family.

It is an ongoing investigation, as well as tax investigations regarding his entire family and all business in New York State 

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On 12/19/2018 at 9:14 AM, helpisgood said:

So, it's really New York State's attorney general that is actually draining the swamp?


Oops, so are other prosecutors as well. 

Yup, and it looks like the NY AG will be pursuing criminal charges against Trump and family for this probable slush fund as well:


"Commingling of personal funds and charitable contributions is always known to be investigated in a criminal way"


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7 hours ago, Credo said:

Just to make the whole process of dispersing whatever is left of the foundation, I think they should just give it all to the Clinton Foundation.   That should get press coverage.

.....oh and I think someone would have a twitter storm.


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