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60 deaths a day still a stain on improved Thai road toll ranking


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4 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Put into a different perspective.

What if the 60 deaths a day were soldiers?

Each month 1,800 soldiers killed in traffic accidents.

Would the military be tolerant about such mortality, be complacent about solutions, decide that more study must be done to find solutions? If instead Thailand was in military hostilities with another nation and suffering 60 soldier deaths a day, would it delay and ponder solutions?

Now for almost five years the government is the military. But the deaths are largely civilian. Are civilians just collateral damage?


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12 minutes ago, JEDNKP said:

I have been told by more than 1 Thai that there is no need to wear a helmet after 5pm as there are no police out.   Unfortunately it's a true statement here in isaan where I live.   Most Thais don't regard a helmet as safety equipment that could possibly save their lives.   They regard them as a nuisance worn only to avoid a fine.   And I would need a slide rule to figure out how many times I have been driving in town or on a 2 lane country road when a motorcyclist has pulled out in front of me from a soi or side road without so much as a glance in my direction.   I can only assume that their thought process is whomever is on the road will see them and either swerve or brake to miss them.   The there's always the ones that fly past me at 100 km/hr with no helmet either on the right or left side wherever they can find a small opening.    And don't me started on driving at night and the frequency that you encounter a motorbike with no lights whatsoever.    I'm amazed the count is only 60 deaths a day.

It's higher than 60, they only count if died at the scene not later in hospital.

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6 hours ago, Lungstib said:

Considering that schools have been wasting their time teaching Mr Prayuths 12 commandments (and during this time thousands have died in road accidents) wouldn't it be better if the teachers concentrated on keeping their students alive. Its quite obvious that whats needed is a booklet, similar to The Highway Code in Britain, which explains simply and with diagrams where to position your vehicle and how to negotiate everyday situations. Every school should insist on all kids with m'bikes using helmets, no bike with more than 2 people and licensed riders only. Two hours every week given over to practical and theoretic lessons. Whats the point of school if its not going to teach useful lessons?

Unless there are other rules, since when did it become legal for school children to ride motorbikes ? 

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6 minutes ago, ubon farang said:

Spot on This guy can go Blah blah blah about the road deaths and how bad they but not once did he mention its the failure of the police not doing their job. Yesterday a police patrol car was driving alongside me. Quite clearly there was a sign NO U-TURN Two cars did a U-turn there and the cop did nothing, That is the bloody problem They have the laws but they don't enforce them and until they make the cops do their jobs instead of making money on the side they might as well talk till they are blue in the face and nothing will change, Get the big joke into the action or has that all stopped now since he got what he wanted?

Your post is spot on UF and I see it happening daily here where I live.


I did post somewhere about the very recent time that I was at some traffic lights and beside me were a few Thais without crash helmets, then a cop on a motorbike pulled up alongside them...............and did absolutely nothing.


Lack of proper law enforcement is the key problem in Thailand.

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1 hour ago, MuuKondiao said:

I have read this article and some of the comments by farangs and I have to say that all of you are wrong.

No offense intended - but no one of the corrupt thai government and none of the thais who are driving on the thai roads and none of the farangs have a clue about the problem or the solution. I lived in Thailand for a few years and and plan to be back there in January and I saw first hand the terrible driving situation and read the reports by various agencies about the death rate on the roads.

Still it makes no sense to me to calculate the death rate based on the nation's population. This important statistic should be the number of deaths per 100,000 miles driven. 

The usual comments from farangs that they should raise the fines and crack down on speeding are childish.

The average thai man does not have the discrectionery money to buy a damn helmut. So face that reality. If he were to work harder, go to the city even earlier in the day with his farm produce and his wife and kids he is not going to suddenly get extra money to afford to buy a decent helmut. And a helmet for the wife? That is not even a dream. The kids? They have to take their chances in the hard world. 

So grow up and face this reality.

Thai people are not going to learn to look down the road for vehicles moving onto the road from intersections and will not think ahead and cover their brakes and proceed with caution though they know that truck drivers on speed will run stop lights and stop signs all day and all night long and they will have to dodge around them or break suddenly or they will be killed and their children too. These same people will continue to ignore lane markings and ignore stop signs at intersections - or stop at the intersection and - seeing a vehicle moving at speed along the road - will then move SLOWLYYY out onto the f**n' road forcing that drive to go slam on his breaks and make emergency moves to avoid the collision, if he is sober and paying any attention to the traffic.

ANd young thai men are going to continue to chase you down at risk to their own lives and the lives of the passengers on the back of their little motor by's because you scowl at them or flip them off - because they will not tolerate the loss of face. That is their culture and it is not going to change.

No. This situation is not going to change just because you farangs complain about their harmful cultural traits.

What has to happen is that the schools teach the children about mechanics - how motor vehicles run and how they are made and why they need to check the gas level and oil level and the tire pressure and why it needs to be at the required pressure; require them to learn how to drive sanely - or they do not get to pass the course and do not get a drivers license. They need the police to go to the schools and actually show them actual films of people getting killed and crippled because thai drivers drive with no regard to the world around them, discuss with the brainless kids how the accidents happened and how they could have been avoided - if the drivers would obey the traffic rules and pay attention to dangers out there on the roads all the time.

Or else! Or else they do not qualify to drive. Or else they will be killed and crippled and get their friends and family killed  - just as their older siblings and parents were doing in the films they watched. 

Make them understand that opening their car doors without looking for people riding or driving on the roads or drinking their Mekhong whiskey before driving or huffing glue before riding or eating ya ba brought people to the hospitals. 

We had to go through this in farang-land. 

Don't tell me there is no money to pay for this massive educational effort - Thailand cannot afford the horrendous cost of human lives lost and ruined because of not not driving like civilized people drive in more civilized countries.  


Since when did not having a driving license stop any of the kids ( and adults ) from riding bikes and driving ? How many tens of thousands of kids ride motorbikes to school, most from the age of 10 or 11 ? Forget 2 on a bike, make it 4 or 5, saves petrol. And the police stop the traffic outside schools every day to let the kids ride in and out. Incidentally, a few years ago, PTT gave away thousands of crash helmets and you get a free crash helmet with every new bike purchased these days. Can't wear them though, might muck up the hair. What I originally found as unbelievable here in Thailand, I now find so amusing. 

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1 hour ago, MuuKondiao said:


Sorry, I cannot agree with you about the tourist thing. The crazy driving situation there did not stop me from moving to Thailand in 2009 and it is not going to keep me from there in 2019. 

This disgraceful slaughter is not making it to the youtube entries about reasons not to move to L.O.S. or the pros and cons - it is only me (I) who brings this up while commenting on the youtubers.

And the Tourist agency is not going to warn foreign visitors that driving in Thailand and walking across the streets is like going through a mine field.



I do not agree with your post.


Whatever the reasons for you coming to stay in Thailand-they are yours and yours alone.


The crazy Thai driving is much discussed as are their other antics.


The fact of the matter is that in 2015 25,000 was the accepted and unchallenged) figure.


Now it has mysteriously dropped.Can you indicate to me what Thai gov;t initiatives may have assisted in it's decline from 80 to 60 deaths a day?


Thought not.

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10 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

It would be helpful if one has eyes located in the back and sides of one's head as vehicles come at you from every direction.

Don't forget the top too - lots of stuff comes over the overhead roads

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3 hours ago, Daveyh said:

Blaming the roads, blaming everyone else but yourself is never gonna stop this carnage .. fact. People do say that the "U turns" here are deadly & yes, they are, but the common denominator here is the people that reside here & their mind set. The lack of awareness is frightening to most visiting europeans, but accepted as part of life here. Sadly, long term expats have also adopted these bad habits & also break every law in the book. The whole concept of safe driving here is a bad joke as it will never exist here. People drive/ride here as if they are not even aware that you exist when they are in/on vehicles, only a "nod" is acknowledged as "you can go first" at junctions........... about the only awareness I've seen on my 17+ years of driving here. The peak hours are in my opinion the most dangerous times, hence "U turns" are a "no, no" as people are all on an "urgent mission" & will not give way .... fact. During these peak times driving is at it's most stressful as motorbikes will drive straight at you & swerve at the last minute or "cut you up" by overtaking in conjested traffic, from the side, rear or front ........ either way it's really scary if you are not used to it. At night it becomes even worse as most motorcycles lights are either faulty, not switched on, or .......... with the "homemade platforms" lighting ceases to exist. Never the less they still drive on the roads ....... those that drive without lights apparently can see at night quite well, but they do not even think about the fact that we can not see them. Again the mindset here is "inbred" ........ it'll never change or improve. The onus is on the individual ........ defensive driving is the only method in my book. It really is important here to ask yourself "is my journey really necessary"? If it's not stay home or walk ( but be careful as you will still be at risk). The sunshine is guaranteed each day & it will shine again tomorrow. Stay safe & enjoy life here, it really is an amazing place for retirees ........... fact.

Speak for yourself about breaking the law, some of us have a bit more respect and sense. 

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3 hours ago, GarryP said:

Many young idiots will mature and become sensible citizens if given the chance so I believe they should be given that opportunity.  

Nothing between the ears as a youth means nothing between the ears as an adult. 

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10 hours ago, ezzra said:

If 60 death a day does not educate and wake people up, what will i wonder? tones or words and articles have been written and poured over the subject and yet, here we are, as long as people are in the frame of minds of the Mi Pen Rai attitude and "it's not going to happen to me" Thailand's roads will continue to be littered with dead and mangled bodies...

If you spend a years salary on an amulet, you’re golden ????

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1 hour ago, Artisi said:

Nothing between the ears as a youth means nothing between the ears as an adult. 

Didn't you never do stupid things when you were in your teens or twenties? Would you do those things now? 

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10 hours ago, mok199 said:

yes I was stopped on my scooter yesterday ,and the day before, at check stops in Pattaya ...I counted 12 officers ....

The RTP have no concept of mobile, traffic patrols. Their check-point mentality relies on lazy, fine collection theory.

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Sometimes, one has to doubt official figures. There is absolutely no reason to believe that Thailand does not still have the number one position in the world, for road fatalities. All figures can be officially fudged. 


The primary reason for the lack of traffic safety, is the toy police force. Nobody, and I mean nobody takes these guys seriously. There is absolutely nothing in the way of a deterrent here, and both the local governments, the central government and the police do not take traffic safety seriously. Not even one iota. The safety of the public means less than zero to the small men in charge here. Nothing. They show that on a daily basis.


They will not do a thing. Why? They do not care about the people one iota. Not the common people. Not the average pleb. No way. Never have cared, and may never care in the future. It is all about protecting the elite, the super wealthy, those that are connected, and those in power. The rest of the population? They do not matter. The ex-pat community does not matter. And the police will not get involved unless an accident has already occurred. There is no prevention. None. The idea of getting the police more involved, is an interesting one, and it would be an effective one. But, the issue is money. They are grossly underpaid, and until the government steps up, and spends the trillion baht on updating the police equipment, and paying each cop a living wage, it is not going to happen. Until then, they will just work the franchise. 



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11 hours ago, GarryP said:

And simply replacing all u-turns (from fast lane to fast) with underpasses or u-turn bridges (from slow lane to slow lane) on major roads, should reduce deaths/accidents substantially.     

It would also help if somebody teaches the thai how to make a U-turn without needing 2 lanes of the incoming road. They are just too lazy to spin the wheel fast and don't care if they end up at the next lane....


Even when coming out of a side street they sometimes need 2 lanes of the main road, have never learned to first make speed on the most left lane before merging on the 2nd.

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On 12/21/2018 at 6:56 AM, PatOngo said:

No mention of a total system failure. The carnage continues year after year and still they come up with hair brain schemes that don't work. I tend to think they view it as an annual cull and the authorities seem unwilling to make actual change for the better. TIT awww hawww!

Correct. It is merely an unemployment solution.

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I think it would also help if loads of Car and Truck drivers changed their attitude to people on Scooters and Bikes they seem to think the bigger the vehicle the more right of way they have, I do have a Fino which I only use day time, only yesterday I needed to nip out just down the road a number of times drivers just pull out of the soi, it's like they dont have to wait for a bike to pass, I should stop for them.

Yesterday also Im coming along the main road 2 lanes wide and the so called parking lane I could see a truck parked up in front of me, he just pulled out into road without indicating were I had to pull over into the outside lane, Cheers!

I do have a truck also I try and give way to the bike as it's more difficult for him to stop than me and I dont drive up their ass just incase they do come off

Edited by ChipButty
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21 hours ago, observer90210 said:

As long as the highly corrupt Thai Police do not enforce road laws, the death toll will continue. What a disgrace for such a lovely country.

the two are only tangentially related.

It will take a lot more than reform of the police - they also would b=need training and proper roads and signage within which to enforce - this then requires a ground up reform of police and a ground up reconstruction of the roads.

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A post containing generalization denigrating thai people has been removed.


11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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We all know the roads are not any better off, so I wonder how many unreported deaths happened this year? I don’t trust any government here let alone a junta to tell the truth about anything.


The WHO said in previous years that they suspect Thailand underreports by 30%. 

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20 hours ago, GarryP said:

Didn't you never do stupid things when you were in your teens or twenties? Would you do those things now? 

What we did what they do are different beats. I rode a bicycle and a skateboard, not a motorcycle at full speed, running red lights while looking at my phone with two of my idiot friends on the back, followed by going head on into oncoming traffic to pass another biker because I want to show everyone how big my face is.  


To say the drivers here are complete imbeciles would be too kind. And we have the data to prove it.

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Guys, I do not understand why you are discussing this. A large number of accidents on the roads - the result of irresponsibility.

In this country, a dog can kill a child (and this does happen sometimes), and the dog’s owner will have nothing but a fine of 500 baht. You cannot even kill a dog if this dog kills your child. In the worst case, the dog is sterilized and released on the street. Because very intelligent and very caring people think that if a vet cuts a dog's testicles, the dog will stop biting.

So, do you want people who are irresponsible to their children and to the next generations of the nation suddenly think about their behavior on the roads? Are you seriously? lol


150kmh in the city - this good. Ride to red light - this good. Loud music until the morning, when a newborn child is crying at a neighbor - no problem, neighbor's child is the problem of the neighbor, I want more music! An old woman without a license is driving in the right lane at a speed of 40kmh and does not give way for an emergency with flashlight and siren - no problem, fine her for 1,000 baht and give her the keys from a car as soon as possible, let her go to the home in the car! Do you think if she does not have a driver's license, will she kill someone on the road? When will kill - then we will talk! And now let her go home! Cars parked in three rows and blocked all the lanes? Red-white marked border? No problem! Let's Dance - tomorrow I will be shown on all the news channels!


Oh, I forgot ... After all, there really is a problem on the roads. Well, OK! Let me make a serious face and say that if you use a helmet, the number of accidents will be reduced by 90%. Profit! The remaining 10% are tourists without a driver's license. What to do with it - we will think later.

Edited by Thiboboid
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