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Ex Wife Back In The States Is Looking For Me

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Hi all you all !

Just got a nasty surprise yesterday, seems my ex-wife back in the states is trying to locate me.

Why is that a problem you may ask ? I think she is after my cash.

We got divorced few years ago,no assets or kids, we were both going through some crazy times, I was zoned out on xanax, diazepam, codeine, getting anxiety, depression , panic attacks. She had issues as well which I won’t get into here on a public forum, We went our separate ways and even became kinda friends after. Money wasn’t an issue because we didn’t have any.

Anyway I was watching TV one day in my apartment and I saw this free-toll no for a claims lawyer.for no win- no fee litigation cases.

I decided to give him a call as I had previously received a nasty shrapnel wound which busted my head open pretty good, ( I had to have a steel plate put in ).

Doc said Jesus was with me although he may have deserted me later as I fought with the demons during my road to recovery. :bah:

My lawyer said we had a good case due to my prescription drug dependency after the accident. :D anyway to make along story short,

We hit pay-dirt and Uncle Sam paid out big time, never even went to trial.

I went back to states 6 months ago and got it all sorted out but think my ex wife may want a slice of the action.

Don’t want to contact a lawyer yet as they start billing by the hour as soon as you call them. :D

Any of you with experience in this think she is entitled to some of the cash as the accident happened before the marriage and I got the money after the divorce. Most of the cash is tied up in offshore funds :D

I don't mind giving her some cash but she is a member of a religious cult so I think she may give them the money. :o They don't believe in Jesus so I don't have much time for them.

Thanks in advance for advice :bah::D

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Yours must be a very interesting case, because generally, one may not sue the US government, except in very narrow and specific cases. One thing you might consider, to lessen the liklihood of your ex finding you, is to adopt a different posting name than your own (if it is yours). A simple google search of your name will pinpoint you as being here (if you are here). Anyway, nice post. yours are always worth the price of admission.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Yours must be a very interesting case, because generally, one may not sue the US government, except in very narrow and specific cases. One thing you might consider, to lessen the liklihood of your ex finding you, is to adopt a different posting name than your own (if it is yours). A simple google search of your name will pinpoint you as being here (if you are here). Anyway, nice post. yours are always worth the price of admission.

i guess if you consider getting your head busted open with a piece of shrapnel interesting, it was quiet painful let me tell you :D

I can't go into the details because I signed a confidentiality agreement but the head protection I was wearing was defective plus the doc overprescribed my medication. ( turns out it was standard practice, which is part of on-going investigation) my lawyer had a h**d-on about the case, he is still chasing something :o

Thanks for advise on my using name on the forum, guess I should have known better :D

I don't think my ex will find me as her cult prohibits internet surfing. :o If you ask me they are a bunch of crazies but each to their own I guess :bah:

It is a small world that we live in now :bah: and it seems it is harder for Jesus to find us :D go figure that :D

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I can't go into the details because I signed a confidentiality agreement but the head protection I was wearing was defective plus the doc overprescribed my medication. ( turns out it was standard practice, which is part of on-going investigation) my lawyer had a h**d-on about the case, he is still chasing something :o

Shrapnel and the US government? I KNOW from my time in service you can't sue the military OR military doctors. I vote troll.

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I can't go into the details because I signed a confidentiality agreement but the head protection I was wearing was defective plus the doc overprescribed my medication. ( turns out it was standard practice, which is part of on-going investigation) my lawyer had a h**d-on about the case, he is still chasing something :o

Shrapnel and the US government? I KNOW from my time in service you can't sue the military OR military doctors. I vote troll.

Actually, you can now, but it's a really, really difficult process. It only covers avery narrow range of things, including negligence. It was part of a Tort Reform act passed not too long ago I believe.

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Troll or not. If it's on the level, You're in Thailand....she's half a world away in the US. She won't find you unless you want to be found

...What's the problem?

The problems is that unless you came into Thailand on false documentation or snuck over the border, you can almost always be found.

The vast majority of people who are not findable in Thailand are no longer living here; emphasis on both "living" and "here". Of the remainder -- those actually in-country and still breathing -- very few have the resources to remain completely untraceable. To stay hidden you have to significantly outspend those who are looking for you.

For the rest who can't afford to buy that sort of cover, to find them is just a matter of persistence and funding. Straight cash "rewards", trading favors and even indirect threats work well with both the man on the street and those in what we should simply call "responsible positions".

No real advice to the OP other than to keep cool, avoid direct contact with the woman and let the lawyers sort it out. There are practical and sometimes even honorable reasons to avoid a process server, especially to keep the clock from starting on a legal process while your side does discovery.

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Troll or not. If it's on the level, You're in Thailand....she's half a world away in the US. She won't find you unless you want to be found

...What's the problem?

All she has to do is type "Jeffery Stanthorpe" (if thats your name) on yahoo or google search and everything you have posted on Thai visa will pop up.

I think it would be quite easy to find you.

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Hi all you all !

Just got a nasty surprise yesterday, seems my ex-wife back in the states is trying to locate me.....

Wow, and going on what part of the world you are in, what does this actually have to do with Thailand ???

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I can't go into the details because I signed a confidentiality agreement but the head protection I was wearing was defective plus the doc overprescribed my medication. ( turns out it was standard practice, which is part of on-going investigation) my lawyer had a h**d-on about the case, he is still chasing something :o

Shrapnel and the US government? I KNOW from my time in service you can't sue the military OR military doctors. I vote troll.

Actually, you can now, but it's a really, really difficult process. It only covers avery narrow range of things, including negligence. It was part of a Tort Reform act passed not too long ago I believe.

Lannarebirth is correct, I think.

Somewhere around 1985, there was a class action lawsuit against the US Government concerning radioactive fallout in Southern Utah and Norther Arizona from the above ground nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site.

While the civilian "downwinders" were able to join the lawsuit, the military servicemen who participated in these tests by observing from trenches a few miles from ground-zero were not allowed due to the fact that they were active military at the time. Hopefully with the legislation referenced by Lannarebirth they can finally get some type of compensation.

Other things you CAN'T do are patent an invention if it is developed for the US Government, you can't copyright anything developed for the US Government. What this means is that even though Lockheed developed the F-117A and the Stealth Technology, these inventions are owned by the US Government since they funded the R&D. Most of these developments eventually make it into the private sector like GPS and Mag-Lev technology, some stay in the Black for a Looooong time.

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...unless you came into Thailand on false documentation or snuck over the border...

He is not in Thailand. Boo is right on target on his whereabouts. I can vouch for that. My crystal ball has GPS built into it, and Boo obviously keeps hers polished well, too.

So, if it is for the entertainment value, by all means keep stringing the OP along.



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Troll or not. If it's on the level, You're in Thailand....she's half a world away in the US. She won't find you unless you want to be found

...What's the problem?

All she has to do is type "Jeffery Stanthorpe" (if thats your name) on yahoo or google search and everything you have posted on Thai visa will pop up.

I think it would be quite easy to find you.

Just done it..... First two matches are his posts on Thaivisa!!... Yank Balcony Jumper and Pikey Chav

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