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There are some miserable pricks on here but that's what happens when you get old and impotent and hit the bar stools.. Lots of frustration I imagine.

However they usually bash thais at every opportunity. Russians, Chinese and Indians have a reputation that precedes them and that reputation is very well deserved.

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk

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People excuse themselves as honest, truthful, if brutal.........

Reality is, the positives are taken for granted, thus tend to dwell too much on the negatives


Seems to be on the decline though, most people having the resilience and patience to remain connected to Thai visa actually appear to enjoy Thailand

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Troll post removed.


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Lots of banter to ignore on this forum for sure.

Lots of good conversations and info also.

You must develop a thick skin to survive here. Don't take anything personally.

I was often quite offended at first, but quickly learned how to enjoy what I am interested in and to just ignore negativity and trolls (while occasionally calling them out for giggles). Some simply lack social skills. Or maybe just having a bad day.

You will see the patterns soon enough.


Remember: those who chose to use the power of the word for malevolent purpose say little about others but a whole lot about themselves. They tend to shout first. Often their comments get removed eventually.


There are lots of amazing nice helpful people on here also. They might take a minute to weigh in.

Wait for it.

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