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Corbyn: Labour bid to force general election matter of 'when, not if'


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20 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Is it time for the UK to move to proportional representation? It has it's faults but it has it's advantages too. Seems to work for Germany.

The problem is that there has already been a referendum on proportional representation - and for some reason (that escapes me), it was rejected.

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37 minutes ago, oilinki said:

So, what will happen in UK politics in 2019?


While currently the Tories are occupied and pretty much lead by the extreme right wingers and Labour is lead by extreme left winger Corbyn, there is very little room for the moderate minded, thinking people. 


In 2019 there will be a new centrist party created, which attracts possibly 20% of current MP's, on both sides. While the start is not a lot, that still means that there will be general elections as current government has lost the confidence of the parliament. 


During the elections, there are more MP's turning in to the new centrist party. They'll gain 30% support. 


This means that the next government is going include the centrists, not matter what. Torys are not going to form a government with Labour, so the centrists are going to be in the government and pretty much dictate the rules of the future.


After that, will the UK re-apply to EU membership (losing many of it's previous extra benefits)? Perhaps? Perhaps UK will wait a couple of years and see how things turn out before deciding to either apply or stay outside of EU.


dream on,

may get votes but not MPs

major redesign of electoral system is needed for smth like you describe to happen


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34 minutes ago, Spidey said:

Is it time for the UK to move to proportional representation? It has it's faults but it has it's advantages too. Seems to work for Germany.

yes it is

it is overdue


UK ain't gonna hack it in a modern world if you cant construct parliaments

reflecting the political wishes of the voters


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4 minutes ago, Spidey said:

I actually enjoy my regular TVF holidays for the same reason as @dick dasterdly. Probably going on a permanent holiday soon.

Avoid commenting on moderation, and you should be ok as long - as you're not obviously abusive to another member.


Keep the insults 'general' - and as far as I can see it's not a problem.

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3 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Avoid commenting on moderation, and you should be ok as long - as you're not obviously abusive to another member.


Keep the insults 'general' - and as far as I can see it's not a problem.

It's the first one that gets me every time. I just can't help myself. Must learn to bite my tongue.

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8 minutes ago, vogie said:

It's a great idea, one which I'm totally in favour. But seeing that FPTP seems to favour the largest parties, I can't see Labour or the Tories voting for prop rep. It would certainly change the face of British Politics though.

The SNP might reply that they contested far, far less seats.





that is the problem with changes to electoral schemes,

short sighted losers agree - short sighted winners disagree 



if smth like that should happen in UK,

say 20 constituencies filling up 200-300 MP positions (say every 4 or 5 years and no snap crap in between)

there is no way you would make it 100% first time around

the schemes must be fine tuned / changed some based on experiences

and then you will meet the short sighted winner/looser syndrome again


the only way this could happen I think would be if

voters in UK went on strike

simply refused to vote or refused to vote Labour or Tory

until electoral schemes are changed


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26 minutes ago, vogie said:

It's a great idea, one which I'm totally in favour. But seeing that FPTP seems to favour the largest parties, I can't see Labour or the Tories voting for prop rep. It would certainly change the face of British Politics though.




would have been interesting to see the geographical distribution re these columns


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37 minutes ago, vogie said:

It's a great idea, one which I'm totally in favour. But seeing that FPTP seems to favour the largest parties, I can't see Labour or the Tories voting for prop rep. It would certainly change the face of British Politics though.



If one would add party coalitions to the proportional representation, the new centrist party, liberal democrats and greens would probably get a lot more votes as people wouldn't need to vote strategically either Tories or Labour - to get the politics at least partly the way they want politics to go towards. 


This would also force both two large parties to renew themselves and their politics.





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13 minutes ago, vogie said:

 interesting indeed (weren't Shetland and Orkneys calculated or are they totally libdem?)


I think that one of several measures that can be used for estimating the need for changes

is to look at average number of votes behind a MP (labour tory snp libdem "ukip")

and then look at how many votes are wasted in each constituency (labour tory snp libdem ukip)

wasted = votes cast not being rewarded with a MP


simple measures like these can often indicate the degree of rottenness in the state of D

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53 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

yes it is

it is overdue


UK ain't gonna hack it in a modern world if you cant construct parliaments

reflecting the political wishes of the voters



would like to add something


this  thread or another Brexit thread,

this user "owl sees it all" made a comment;


Let us all pull together and make Britain Great once more


good luck with that, probably a sound/honest objective


but in my view,

it ain't gonna happen unless you have a parliament where the composition reflects

the wishes  of the voters

and you have a sovereign parliament - not on short leash held by cabinet


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17 minutes ago, evadgib said:

In the 21st C it would also make sense to implement 'votes for life' regardless of geographic location tied to our NI numbers, and for the millions living abroad (that are no less British for doing so) to have a voice in Parliament.

If "Americans abroad" can vote and Brits in the EU can vote, why can't we?

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On 12/28/2018 at 11:02 AM, sungod said:

Cant help thinking a Loony Left Labour government will be far more damaging to the economy than Brexit ????


How people continue to vote for a failed ideology called Socialism again and again in modern Britain is bizarre.


Socialism has failed time and time again, the latest victims being the Venezuelan people, yet millions of British people still think the Labour party is the party of the working class Lol.


Oh but Venezuela failed because it wasn't the right sort of Socialism or its the US's fault the Lefty Libtards will scream out, never Socialisms fault. 


I can only think its not Socialism that Labour supporters vote for but they vote against the Tories and hatred of the rich.


Politicians on both sides of the house have not served the peoples decision to leave the European Union in a respectable fashion, they are an international disgrace. 

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12 minutes ago, buddy said:


How people continue to vote for a failed ideology called Socialism again and again in modern Britain is bizarre.


Socialism has failed time and time again, the latest victims being the Venezuelan people, yet millions of British people still think the Labour party is the party of the working class Lol.


Oh but Venezuela failed because it wasn't the right sort of Socialism or its the US's fault the Lefty Libtards will scream out, never Socialisms fault. 


I can only think its not Socialism that Labour supporters vote for but they vote against the Tories and hatred of the rich.


Politicians on both sides of the house have not served the peoples decision to leave the European Union in a respectable fashion, they are an international disgrace. 


fully agree with your last paragraph, but not only international - also national


(don't offer much for your first 4 paragraphs though)



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23 minutes ago, buddy said:


How people continue to vote for a failed ideology called Socialism again and again in modern Britain is bizarre.


Socialism has failed time and time again, the latest victims being the Venezuelan people, yet millions of British people still think the Labour party is the party of the working class Lol.


Oh but Venezuela failed because it wasn't the right sort of Socialism or its the US's fault the Lefty Libtards will scream out, never Socialisms fault. 


I can only think its not Socialism that Labour supporters vote for but they vote against the Tories and hatred of the rich.


Politicians on both sides of the house have not served the peoples decision to leave the European Union in a respectable fashion, they are an international disgrace. 

Socialism works rather well in Nordic countries, would you agree? It simply means that the wealth of the nation is shared rather fairly between it's people. There are no super rich and no super poor people. 


Socialism is an ideology where a country acts as one large village. One person or a family needs help, others help the family until it can do things on it's own.


Functional socialism is a trampoline. It allows people to try to do things, they wouldn't dear to try otherwise (this also means capitalism, doing your own business). If things go well, that's good or all the people (as we pay high taxes). If things doesn't go too well.. well, then we'll have to help the guy in need.


Venezuela doesn't have functional socialism. It has authoritarian dictatorship, quite like Russia. 


You can think many functions in your country, which are based on socialism. The police force, the fire department, NHS. 


Military is more of communism. Brothers in arms. One for all, all for one. Unity of the community. That's probably the purest society there is, but it always comes with authoritarian leaders and hierarchy. 

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