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Senior U.S. senator says he will ask Trump to rethink Syria pullout


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2 hours ago, mikebike said:

I have no issue with the US pulling out of Syria. As long as they don't abandon the Kurds if the Turks get agro.

Kurds have already swapped sides and enlisted the help of Assad's troops to replace US.


All Trump has done in pulling US troops out is handed Syria over to Assad, Russia and Iran.


Way to go!

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4 minutes ago, pmarlin said:

News is out of date. Graham now supports Trump for the pullout after the meeting.


It looks to be as clear as mud. Some suggestion of a slowdown in the Trump withdrawal. But everything pretty fuzzy right now.






He added later: "I think we're in a pause situation where we are reevaluating what's the best way to achieve the President's objective of having people pay more and do more."
Speaking to CNN's Dana Bash after his appearance in the White House driveway, Graham said he didn't mean to suggest that Trump is pausing troop withdrawal altogether. "He has not reversed his decision" to withdraw troops from Syria, Graham said. "The pause is to assess the effects of the conditions on the ground."
Graham said that during the President's surprise trip to Iraq last week, commanders on the ground informed Trump that ISIS is not "completely destroyed," which he said was an "eye-opening" experience for the commander in chief.


Ohhhh Boyyyyyy.......  AFAICT, Trump's only interested in listening to two voices -- his own mainly, and perhaps Sean Hannity's.
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1 hour ago, racket said:


Nice history reminder, but tell me once again: how many Iraqis were involved in the WTC attack? Was Saddam Hussain an ally of the US before he was our enemy?... or did we just save Kuwait because they were our Plan B should Iraq not supply the US with oil, or simply doing Saudi Arabia a favor because their were scared of Saddam?...


Here's a history reminder of the Iraq war: It was pushed by war liberal and zionist media that had nothing to do with WMD or 9/11. It was 100% funded by Saudi Arabia's bond purchases which also was a supporter of prepping that war along with their ally Israel (who is really just interested of destabilizing the region for their own good). Oh were they also the same people who said they would rebuild it in 3 months with the help of oil money?


Yeah, I think I need a good history lesson... but whatever let's just be naive.


Osama Bin Laden is dead, and it's time to declare victory and come home. If the Middle East is so much of a concern to you, then by all means go there and fight your battle instead of asking others to die for your own cause. 


Thank you.


PS. Middle East wars have so far racked up 5 trillion dollars in debt.


This post demonstrates a better understanding of middle eastern affair, even if not mentioning Iran.... the major terror player in the region, according to the US, ergo sanctions, and the need, according to the US and it’s best buddy, Saudis Arabia.... 


that said, your posts are insultingly dismissive of other players, including my own country, which too, has bled in the desert, largely in support of the coalition against terror, at the behest of the USA, our Ally


and now trump has had a hissy fit, and has unilaterally decided to withdraw, without even consulting his allies, in a self serving act of aggrandizement, which abandons his allies... abandons his allies, like a coward would... it’s despicable... totally disgusting... totally irresponsible towards both his own country and his allies


your inclusion of Kurds in the equation, in the manner you did, is also disgusting... the Kurdish situation had no relevance to the US led coalitions involvement in the Middle East... it was a post incident justification, not a cause. In stating this, you insult the forums intelligence


naivety? OBL is dead... well yeah... but the cause he supported and proliferated is not dead, and Isis is not defeated, only an idiot would put that out there.... an idiot like trump, perhaps... you talk of naivety, and float the idea that isreal should deal with the Middle East question, which displays an alarming amount of ignorance to geo political affairs... and the value of allies, whilst ignoring the honor of maintaining an oath. An oath to an ally.


The US has a long history of this.... it was up to GB and the commonwealth to tackle Germany, both in WW1 & 2.... yet France, on who’s behalf the commonwealth entered those wars, was a US ally, helping with the US “win” in your revolutionary war, but were where y’all when France needed you... hiding... making money... and you talk of the cost of this conflict... boo hoo.... World War Two made America great... y’all profited most handsomely from that, as you do in this conflict, and all others, by supplying arms


normally I try not to be too emotional in posting... but sometimes posters so disgust me that it’s hard to divorce emotion from posts... this is one such occasion... be dismissive of your own countries sacrifice... dismissive of the honor earned by many of your soldiers... but don’t be dismissive of others.


declare victory... or rather, run away when the jobs half done... coward.... those who have sacrificed would be disgusted.



Edited by farcanell
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4 hours ago, Briggsy said:

Would you like to put a figure on the number of U.S. military losing their lives in Syria? I bet you won't.


(Darn these pesky fact-checkers, eh?)




5 servicemen killed
A U.S. pilot was killed on 30 November 2014, when his F-16 fighter aircraft crashed in Jordan following a combat mission against the Islamic State jihadist group.[202] Also, a U.S. special forces member died due to a bomb explosion while supporting Kurdish-led forces during the Wrath of Euphrates offensive against ISIL-held Raqqa.[203] Two other service members died due to non-combat causes in northern Syria in 2017.[204] A US servicemen died on 30 March 2018 by an IED explosion in Majib.[201]


5 us servicemen in 4 years and how many does the USA lose every year in training accidents?

Edited by billd766
added extra text
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1 hour ago, racket said:

I don't need a liberal or zionist media to tell me that perpetual war is needed as a justification war in Syria. Even if you did your research, let's just face it that ISIS was indeed created by the deep state CIA and Mossad as a way for America to continue their presence in the Middle East. Well, ISIS are now 99% gone, but there are hundreds of other groups just as them, but is it really Americas job to eradicate them all? Besides, ISIS is just a full interpretation of Islam so you can't really defeat an ideology if you don't address the core issue.


Here's a "live" update map of the situation in Syria:



People voted for Trump because he promised to finish off ISIS and pullback U.S. troops. Where were you guys complaining when Obama said he would leave Iraq?..

Whenever I read things like "...liberal or zionist media..." or "...deep state CIA and Mossad..." I really start paying attention.:coffee1:

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Talk with Graham and he is on the turn again!


Support waning?

"Right-wing columnist Ann Coulter - author of In Trump We Trust - recently predicted he will not be re-elected.

"Without a wall, he will only be remembered as a small cartoon figure who briefly inflamed and amused the rabble," she wrote." ????

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1 hour ago, farcanell said:

World War Two made America great... y’all profited most handsomely from that, as you do in this conflict, and all others, by supplying arms

Also stole the patent for the jet engine after the Brits had given them the plans for it to aid the war effort.


Fair weather friends to whom mammon is God.

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4 hours ago, racket said:

I don't need a liberal or zionist media to tell me that perpetual war is needed as a justification war in Syria. Even if you did your research, let's just face it that ISIS was indeed created by the deep state CIA and Mossad as a way for America to continue their presence in the Middle East. Well, ISIS are now 99% gone, but there are hundreds of other groups just as them, but is it really Americas job to eradicate them all? Besides, ISIS is just a full interpretation of Islam so you can't really defeat an ideology if you don't address the core issue.


Here's a "live" update map of the situation in Syria:



People voted for Trump because he promised to finish off ISIS and pullback U.S. troops. Where were you guys complaining when Obama said he would leave Iraq?..

Actually, Obama didn't have a choice about leaving Iraq. The best deal the Bush and Cheney could get stipulated the withdrawal of all American troops from Iraq by Dec 31, 2011. The Shiite majority in Iraq  overwhelmingly didn't want the US in Iraq anymore.

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4 hours ago, Spidey said:

Kurds have already swapped sides and enlisted the help of Assad's troops to replace US.


All Trump has done in pulling US troops out is handed Syria over to Assad, Russia and Iran.


Way to go!

That's Trump idea of coherent policies! On the one hand to get into soft conflict with Iran to allegedly block its expansion in this region, and on the other hand to leave open doors for Iran in Syria!


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5 hours ago, racket said:

I don't need a liberal or zionist media to tell me that perpetual war is needed as a justification war in Syria. Even if you did your research, let's just face it that ISIS was indeed created by the deep state CIA and Mossad as a way for America to continue their presence in the Middle East. Well, ISIS are now 99% gone, but there are hundreds of other groups just as them, but is it really Americas job to eradicate them all? Besides, ISIS is just a full interpretation of Islam so you can't really defeat an ideology if you don't address the core issue.


Here's a "live" update map of the situation in Syria:



People voted for Trump because he promised to finish off ISIS and pullback U.S. troops. Where were you guys complaining when Obama said he would leave Iraq?..

The war in Irak has been based on "fake news" as you mentioned, and has not been conducted to get rid of WDMs or to fight Islamic terrorism (in one of the few clerical Arab countries at that time, lol!). Instead, it has been caused by a bunch of conservative guys for other different reasons: internal politics, oil, interests of other countries in the region, etc...

However, I completely diverge from your explanation on ISIS. While its rise has been caused by US policy, it has been an unintentional consequence of incompetence. The disastrous post-war decisions made by Bush, Cheney et al. to create a State based on religion and to sideline the Sunnis althought they were the most competent people (in particular in the army) led to the creation of Sunni resistance and rebellion. It culminated with the creation and expansion of ISIL/ISIS.

When one totally messes up things, it is expected that one cleans up the mess.

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Enough of this crap.

Another country suffered long enough of planned disaster including all this mess in Europe. 

As usual now... who will fix all this mess? 

What us achieved and what disaster was created for Syria and Europe. 

Now is easy to go home... 

At least is better this way. ????

On 12/31/2018 at 12:24 PM, farcanell said:

The United States kills far more of its soldiers in training, than actually die in service... far more.


so, if you want to introduce a wee amount of logic into it, and stick with the concept that America has lost too many lives (oh... that’s four lives lost in Syria, btw), then, logically, stop training soldiers, as again, that’s when they are dying in real numbers (about 80 last year... 20 times that lost in Syria... damn)


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4 hours ago, gigman said:

Enough of this crap.

Another country suffered long enough of planned disaster including all this mess in Europe. 

As usual now... who will fix all this mess? 

What us achieved and what disaster was created for Syria and Europe. 

Now is easy to go home... 

At least is better this way. ????


And now in English, if you please.

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