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Robert De Niro: ‘Trump is a real racist, a white supremacist’

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idiots actors need be out of politic because not have brain understand all scene, have trump racist or not newermind, who care ? not important, only have important trump has all usa history only precident whyo build country economy better and bull up, snd made lot good work what obama and others not can do newer because not has smart, trump have smart and understand what need do economy work better and make country better many think.only actors and other loser idiots not understand thats, im not us citicen but i looking news and see trump build country wery good what all before precidents not understand or can do.if hillary has precident usa economy has drop under concurrent and million peoples has unemployed and homeless. better trump than all other idiots.

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idiots actors need be out of politic because not have brain understand all scene, have trump racist or not newermind, who care ? not important, only have important trump has all usa history only precident whyo build country economy better and bull up, snd made lot good work what obama and others not can do newer because not has smart, trump have smart and understand what need do economy work better and make country better many think.only actors and other loser idiots not understand thats, im not us citicen but i looking news and see trump build country wery good what all before precidents not understand or can do.if hillary has precident usa economy has drop under concurrent and million peoples has unemployed and homeless. better trump than all other idiots.
Great. Now we don't need to read Russia Today.

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  • Haha 1
19 hours ago, lust said:

This weiner is so washed up that the only way he stay in the light is to cause a ruckus about the president.

Someday, one of these group-thinking Hollywood weasels is going to be in dock accused of tax evasion or indecent assault or something worse.


  • Like 1
Someday, one of these group-thinking Hollywood weasels is going to be in dock accused of tax evasion or indecent assault or something worse.
Hollywood people are not above the law just as white house people are also not above the law even if they think they are. No need to worry about Deniro. Worry about Mueller and Schiff.

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De Niro would be a better president than the present guy. That is not his accomplishment though, as anyone with more than 1 brain-cell would be better :cheesy:

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, mshs said:

Someday, one of these group-thinking Hollywood weasels is going to be in dock accused of tax evasion or indecent assault or something worse.

That would be because Trump is a tax-paying role model.

On 1/8/2019 at 1:00 AM, Jingthing said:

You're probably right. However even though I think Individual-1 is a remarkably horrible person and it's tragic that he's president, I just don't see the upside of calling him personally a racist. I think it's better to focus on his lies, statements, policies, and actions which speak for themselves in a very negative way without using that label. Why? Too many white people get very defensive about that and assume we're also calling them all also racist that ever supported him. Of course many of them are but still I don't think it helps to encourage people to be defensive.  He needed white people to win and a key part of accelerating his downfall will also involve white people. It already has in the midterms.


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This is an insightful post and there is alot of truth to it.


Most Liberals are frothing at the mouth emotion these days and only capable of “reaction”. Your post is using intellect and thats how goals are achieved.


Its funny that Liberals were just fine with every black voter casting their vote for Obama because he was black, and openly said, “Obama is sure going to get the black vote”, which is completely racist...yet, a white voter with conservative politics votes for the conservative ticket and most Libs accuse all of those white voters of being racist. 



  • Like 1
On 1/7/2019 at 5:21 PM, Jingthing said:

We can't know what is in the illegitimate president's heart but we do know his history of tweets and speech. Those are pretty darned racist (birther movement) and certainly pandering to white nationalists and worse. 

And don't forget the blatant lies he's verbalized, even after his statements have been proven to be totally wrong / proven to be blatant and deliberate lies.



On 1/8/2019 at 1:55 PM, dpspike said:

Not sure what it is that makes movie stars think we should all just stop thinking for ourselves and listen to them. I guess they figure since they have all that money, then they must be smarter than us average folk. Firstly, I am an American. If you are not an American, why would you even have an opinion about Trump or care what Deniro has to say about him? Nothing better to occupy your time? Do you think Americans follow politics in your country? No, most don't. Personally, I don't care what Trump says about anything, racist or otherwise. I don't see the President's purpose as winning a popularity contest, and it definitely shouldn't be about some lofty altruistic moral principals. I care about whether he improves the economy and security of the US and protects the welfare of US CITIZENS. It's difficult for anyone to get an American visa, not only difficult for Latinos (Mexican or otherwise). I have been trying to get a visa for my Thai wife, and thus far have been unsuccessful. It should not be more easy for Latin Americans to get a visa just because they can easily travel to the US border. If they don't like the conditions at the US Immigration Detention stations, then they shouldn't bring their kids with them when they cross the border illegally. Definitely shouldn't bring them if they are sick. If you want to help people who live in poor countries in Latin America, then you can donate money to non-profit organizations that do charity work in those countries. Maybe they could learn to make their own country better, then they wouldn't need to go to the US. And the H1B visa has been abused by large companies and government funded institutions for decades to bring foreigners to the US to work for low wages in technical fields, which drives down the pay scale for US CITIZENS in those fields. As for Trump and racism, the whole world is racist. Everywhere I have ever been in this world, there have been loads of racist people (definitely including Thailand). In the US, there are blacks who hate whites, latinos who hate whites, whites who hate latinos, whites who hate blacks, and blacks who hate latinos, latinos who hate blacks, and asians who hate....   and so on. All that is not going to change because of anything Trump says or doesn't say. Get over it. Moreover, wanting to keep foreigners (without visa) out of the US is not racist. It's upholding the law. No way I could stay in Thailand without a visa. Does that make the Thai government racist? And I think there are very few politicians in Washington DC (Democrat or Republican) who would not be found guilty of something if a Special Prosecutor were appointed to look into everything they had ever done, including their taxes.


A voice of Reason.


You just saved me 20 minutes of typing.


The only problem is you are using logic against a bunch of Liberals that are only functioning on emotion (except JingThing above). Their only response will be to call you a racist...they quit hearing a word you said as soon as they read you are a Trump supporter.



  • Like 1

The narrow minded Yanks! It’s only “conservatives and Liberals” fact is many of the so called “conservatives realised they have been conned by the Psycho in the WH! Rest of them are either too stupid or don’t care thats he’s a crook and a spy !

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

2 minutes ago, GettingBye said:


A voice of Reason.


You just saved me 20 minutes of typing.


The only problem is you are using logic against a bunch of Liberals that are only functioning on emotion (except JingThing above). Their only response will be to call you a racist...they quit hearing a word you said as soon as they read you are a Trump supporter.




On 1/8/2019 at 1:55 PM, dpspike said:

Not sure what it is that makes movie stars think we should all just stop thinking for ourselves and listen to them. I guess they figure since they have all that money, then they must be smarter than us average folk. Firstly, I am an American. If you are not an American, why would you even have an opinion about Trump or care what Deniro has to say about him? Nothing better to occupy your time? Do you think Americans follow politics in your country? No, most don't. Personally, I don't care what Trump says about anything, racist or otherwise. I don't see the President's purpose as winning a popularity contest, and it definitely shouldn't be about some lofty altruistic moral principals. I care about whether he improves the economy and security of the US and protects the welfare of US CITIZENS. It's difficult for anyone to get an American visa, not only difficult for Latinos (Mexican or otherwise). I have been trying to get a visa for my Thai wife, and thus far have been unsuccessful. It should not be more easy for Latin Americans to get a visa just because they can easily travel to the US border. If they don't like the conditions at the US Immigration Detention stations, then they shouldn't bring their kids with them when they cross the border illegally. Definitely shouldn't bring them if they are sick. If you want to help people who live in poor countries in Latin America, then you can donate money to non-profit organizations that do charity work in those countries. Maybe they could learn to make their own country better, then they wouldn't need to go to the US. And the H1B visa has been abused by large companies and government funded institutions for decades to bring foreigners to the US to work for low wages in technical fields, which drives down the pay scale for US CITIZENS in those fields. As for Trump and racism, the whole world is racist. Everywhere I have ever been in this world, there have been loads of racist people (definitely including Thailand). In the US, there are blacks who hate whites, latinos who hate whites, whites who hate latinos, whites who hate blacks, and blacks who hate latinos, latinos who hate blacks, and asians who hate....   and so on. All that is not going to change because of anything Trump says or doesn't say. Get over it. Moreover, wanting to keep foreigners (without visa) out of the US is not racist. It's upholding the law. No way I could stay in Thailand without a visa. Does that make the Thai government racist? And I think there are very few politicians in Washington DC (Democrat or Republican) who would not be found guilty of something if a Special Prosecutor were appointed to look into everything they had ever done, including their taxes.



"...If you are not an American, why would you even have an opinion about Trump or care what Deniro has to say about him? Nothing better to occupy your time? Do you think Americans follow politics in your country? ..."


Whether I am an American or not and whether I chose to follow US politics is my choice and not your prerogative to suggest otherwise, and it's my right to have an opinion (unless you promote the idea of the thought police) about anything regardless of location or whatever.


I like to be well informed globally, that's my right, and how I occupy my time is up to me. By the way I don't try to tell you how to spend your time or what you should or should not focus on and neither should I.


My opinion is that trump (who you seem to be trying to protect, which is your your right) is dangerous. 



11 minutes ago, wreckingcountry said:

The narrow minded Yanks! It’s only “conservatives and Liberals” fact is many of the so called “conservatives realised they have been conned by the Psycho in the WH! Rest of them are either too stupid or don’t care thats he’s a crook and a spy !

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


First of all, you need to fix your own political theatre before criticizing others.


Secondly, you are right that the two-party system is worthless but the powers that be realized thats how they could stay in power.


Thirdly, you think the Clintons aren’t crooks? The Clinton Foundation went broke as soon as Hillary lost the election and the donations could no longer buy favors.

 All politicians are crooks in the US.


Fourthly, conservatives are still quite satisfied with Trump. What do you think? Conservatives are going to suddenly jump ship to support Bernie Sanders? Conservatives did not vote for the man in the Oval Office, they voted for their ideology. Thats the way it works in the US. We vote our values. 

A voice of Reason.
You just saved me 20 minutes of typing.
The only problem is you are using logic against a bunch of Liberals that are only functioning on emotion (except JingThing above). Their only response will be to call you a racist...they quit hearing a word you said as soon as they read you are a Trump supporter.
You're off base. I have no respect whatsoever for anyone that still supports Individual-1. They are hopeless cases if they haven't woken up by now. But many people that were conned by his lies and voted for him have already turned to reason as we saw in the midterms.

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're off base. I have no respect whatsoever for anyone that still supports Individual-1. They are hopeless cases if they haven't woken up by now. But many people that were conned by his lies and voted for him have already turned to reason as we saw in the midterms.

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The only thing I gave you credit for is not just being another knee-jerk reactionary ruled only by emotion.


I am pretty certain there is not a Conservative anywhere that cares a bit what you think of them and they watch in disbelief that Liberals actually lack the intellect to see that every single country in the world has laws of entry to prevent unregulated immigration. It does not make those Countries “racist”. It does not make Trump “racist” and it does not make those Americans who want immigrants to follow the law of the land “racist”.





  • Like 1

How many British on the forum support unregulated immigration?


How many British support open entry of all immigrants attempting to pass through the Eurotunnel?


Headlines say 37,000 attempted crossings were prevented in a single year. Does this make Brits a country of "racists"?

  • Like 1
The only thing I gave you credit for is not just being another knee-jerk reactionary ruled only by emotion.
I am pretty certain there is not a Conservative anywhere that cares a bit what you think of them and they watch in disbelief that Liberals actually lack the intellect to see that every single country in the world has laws of entry to prevent unregulated immigration. It does not make those Countries “racist”. It does not make Trump “racist” and it does not make those Americans who want immigrants to follow the law of the land “racist”.
Bizarre comment. You're pushing right wing propaganda that democrats support open borders. That is a total crock. Obama was very aggressive with deportations. We need comprehensive immigration reform not racist demagoguing by an American authoritarian destroying the country over his great ego wall.

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54 minutes ago, GettingBye said:

The only thing I gave you credit for is not just being another knee-jerk reactionary ruled only by emotion.

Fear, anger, greed, are emotions also!

1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Bizarre comment. You're pushing right wing propaganda that democrats support open borders. That is a total crock. Obama was very aggressive with deportations. We need comprehensive immigration reform not racist demagoguing by an American authoritarian destroying the country over his great ego wall.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


What planet do you live on?


Do you not follow the news?


Have you listened to the new darling of the Left, Ocasio-Cortez? 


Have you not heard the Left cry for the disbandment of ICE?


I hang out and work with Liberals in the US every day. All they talk about is open borders. 


Your above post is whacked. 


Comprehensive Immigration Reform...ooh that sounds really special... what does it mean? What are some examples and how do you intend to enforce it? The Dems have made it quite clear they don't want walls even though Obama built walls. Do you know there is a government shut down right now because Dems will only give $1 for new barriers along the border? 


BTW, Hispanics left the US in droves under Obama because there was no longer any work for them in the US. They left by choice to return home and be with their family rather than stay in the expensive US with no employment opportunities. The crowds of illegals standing outside of Home Depots ended not because of Obama enforcement efforts but because of the lack of jobs in a poor economy. 


BTW, why didn't Dems call Obama a racist for his "aggressive deportations" but insist Trump is for doing the same thing?






  • Thanks 1
1 minute ago, GettingBye said:

BTW, why didn't Dems call Obama a racist for his "aggressive deportations" but insist Trump is for doing the same thing?

Because individual ! is not doing the same thing 

2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Because individual ! is not doing the same thing 


Sorry but without specific verifiable examples your post means nothing.


Its just Liberal boogie-man talk.

  • Like 1

DeNiro disgraces himself and all Americans every time he opens his sewer gob.  He must really think he's mafioso at this point.  Perhaps they should be testing him for dementia or Alzheimers.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, GettingBye said:


Sorry but without specific verifiable examples your post means nothing.


Its just Liberal boogie-man talk.

you said doing the same thing and you did not provide " specific variable examples" (whatever the variable means)

But an example of "not the same" is:

a wall and not a wall are not the same. on one there is a wall and on the other there is no wall , see? not the same.

On 1/8/2019 at 7:47 AM, Boon Mee said:

Hollywood needs to stay out of Politics.

Oh no, got to disagree.  De Niro should speak as much as possible.  In his own words, DeNiro is a "MUTT."

2 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

DeNiro disgraces himself and all Americans every time he opens his sewer gob.  He must really think he's mafioso at this point.  Perhaps they should be testing him for dementia or Alzheimers.

Where trump makes as proud. LOL

2 minutes ago, TonyClifton said:

DeNiro disgraces himself and all Americans every time he opens his sewer gob.  He must really think he's mafioso at this point.  Perhaps they should be testing him for dementia or Alzheimers.

Sure test him. That's a health issue but while their at it please test Individual-1 as well. 

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Sure test him. That's a health issue but while their at it please test Individual-1 as well. 

and while at it give trumpers an IQ test, I am willing to bet big money it would be way below average,

  • Haha 1
12 minutes ago, GettingBye said:


What planet do you live on?


Do you not follow the news?


Have you listened to the new darling of the Left, Ocasio-Cortez? 


Have you not heard the Left cry for the disbandment of ICE?


I hang out and work with Liberals in the US every day. All they talk about is open borders. 


Your above post is whacked. 


Comprehensive Immigration Reform...ooh that sounds really special... what does it mean? What are some examples and how do you intend to enforce it? The Dems have made it quite clear they don't want walls even though Obama built walls. Do you know there is a government shut down right now because Dems will only give $1 for new barriers along the border? 


BTW, Hispanics left the US in droves under Obama because there was no longer any work for them in the US. They left by choice to return home and be with their family rather than stay in the expensive US with no employment opportunities. The crowds of illegals standing outside of Home Depots ended not because of Obama enforcement efforts but because of the lack of jobs in a poor economy. 


BTW, why didn't Dems call Obama a racist for his "aggressive deportations" but insist Trump is for doing the same thing?






You accuse liberals of being emotional and irrational and then you post as above. It's a black hole trying to have a reasonable debate with anyone that rationalizes Individual-1's behavior. Trying to act like he's a normal president and this is just about calm discussion about policies. I totally reject all the B.S. you posted above -- it's Fox news style crap. It's totally disingenuous. Suggesting one more extremist new congressman represents the democrat mainstream position is moronic and a big lie. Again -- if you are going to continue to LIE and try to sell that democrats are for open borders and unrestricted immigration, please don't bother replying to me any longer. It's a total waste of time for both of us, and readers. Indeed, it is like talking to a WALL. 

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